When Lin Yang pulled the silver needle from the arm of the Dragon hand, the Dragon hand had fallen to the ground.

He's still angry.

But at this time, he was like a vegetable. He couldn't hear people's cry, and he couldn't feel his own existence. He could only breathe, and only deserved to breathe.

Lin Yang loosed the needle in his hand and looked at the silver needles all over the ground and the astonishing members of the southern faction.

"Do you have any hidden masters? Let's call it out if you have any! " Lin Yang began to shout.

A group of backbone trembled, but no one spoke.

Someone's going to slip away.

However, Lin Yang reacted at this time, but anyone who wanted to escape from the gate would be held by his silver needle, and the next second another silver needle would come to tie him in his arm and put him in a burning silence.

Seeing this scene, people are sweating and dare not run away.

Lin Yang then turned around and went to the nearby Wen Ren Zhao Jiang.

Without the protection of the dragon's hand, I heard that the river was scared to crack.

"What do you want to do?" Wen Renzhao Jiang shudder asked.

"You forced Xiaoning to commit suicide?" Lin Yang said without expression.

"I... I didn't know she would be so extreme..." Wen Renzhao was swinging her legs.

Lin Shiyang's family is no longer scaring him.

No need.

Because a person who even dares to abolish his dragon hand... How can he be frightened by his family? What's more, this man's medical skills are above the dragon's hand, and the energy behind him... How terrible?

"It doesn't matter if you don't know. You just have to understand that I'm extreme!"

Lin Yang said faintly, and then a needle waved away.


The silver needle was pricked on the arm of Zhao Jiang.

In an instant, his arms trembled.


Hearing people roar out according to the river, his eyes are full of resentment: "you abandoned me? How dare you abolish me? "

He is the seed of the southern school!

He is a talented doctor in China!

Today, it was directly abandoned by Linyang!

How can he endure the disappearance of all his efforts over the years? How could he accept it?

"Asshole! I'll fight with you

Hearing the man roaring at the river, he rushed directly to Linyang.

But as soon as he approached, Lin Yang directly slapped him.


Smell person Zhao river is like a whipped top like, in situ rotation, then heavily fell on the ground, the person is dizzy, spit out a mouth of blood with teeth.


he raised his head and wanted to talk. Lin Yang kicked him on the chin.


Smell person according to river jaw burst, neck is thrown backward, fell again on the ground.

I saw Lin Yang a few vigorous steps past, a will smell people Zhao Jiang from the ground to pull up, is to carry the palm fierce fan.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa...

the crisp clapping sound was particularly loud and clear in the meeting hall.

A moment later, I heard that Zhaojiang was in a coma. As for the teeth in his mouth, he had been knocked out by Lin Yang.

Lin Yang released his hand and heard that he fell on the ground like mud.

But he stepped on it again.


The cry of the ghost of the past.

All his limbs have been trampled by Lin Yang.

"I wanted to kill you, but I'm a law-abiding citizen, so I'll spare you a dog's life."

Lin Yang said faintly.

But in this case, there is no difference between listening to the river and abandoning it.

He fainted again in severe pain.

Lin Yang turned and looked at the rest of the southern faction.

All of them retreated sharply and looked at the devil like man with trembling eyes.

"Dr. Lin, your revenge has been avenged. Should you stop?" Zhang Xiaoyan said with a trembling voice.

"Let us go, i... we're innocent..." said Joe Mason.

"No, you are not innocent." Lin Yang shook his head: "from the moment you stand on the side of the Dragon hand, you have been my enemy. I will never be soft on the enemy, so you are not innocent!"

With that, Lin Yang raised the silver needle again and waved the needle at these people.


There was only a scream.

The hands of the backbones trembled.

They were all put to death.

"My hand..."


The shrill shouts were heard all the time.

But Lin Yang has not stopped, continue to urge the application of silver needles.

And this time, he's dealing with ordinary southerners."What are you doing?"

"We, you, too?"

"We didn't do it at all!"

"Stop it

There was a constant scream.

People fled like crazy.

But if anyone wants to escape, Lin Yang will deal with him first.

For a moment, the whole conference hall screamed and howled continuously. Everyone seemed to have Parkinson's disease, and their arms were shaking wildly.

It's not a hell, but it's more like hell.

Hong Jiale, Qin baisong and some guests looked at the scene foolishly. All of them were frightened by Lin Yang's ferocious behavior.

Who would have thought that Lin Yang was so crazy...

"stop it

Just then, there was an angry cry at the gate.

Lin Yang stopped and looked at it faintly.

But there rushed out an old man with white robes and grey hair.

The old man dressed up very simple, a pair of fairyland appearance, like what hermit expert.

But this man has been seen by many.

He is Xiong Changbai, President of Nanpai academy!


"The dean is here. We are saved!"


People are excited to shout, have rushed to that.

Xiong Changbai comforted them a few words. Then he came over and looked at Lin Yang coldly and said, "Doctor Lin! What are you doing? Do you really want to abolish all of us from the southern faction


Lin Yang light road.

"Crazy! I think you are completely crazy! Do you know what the consequences are? " Bear Changbai denounced.

His medical skill is not as good as dragon hand, so he can't do it. At this time, he can only rely on his mouth.

But Lin Yang is not a mouth person at all.

He stepped forward to bear Changbai, the silver needle in his hand flickered like the fangs of a demon.

"Bear Changbai! Can't you see through it at this time? I must exterminate the southern school and abolish all the members of the Southern School of traditional Chinese medicine, or I will die without a burial place! Because only if you fall down, the relationship behind your southern faction will collapse, and it will no longer pose a threat to me. So it is almost impossible for you to persuade me to stop, unless you can kill me

"What do you say?"

Bear Changbai takes a breath.


But a silver needle came.

Xiong Changbai quickly turned to hide.

But... Late!

The speed of the silver needle is so fast that it seems to surpass the sound.

When bear Changbai turned around, his arm had been punctured with a silver needle.

"Run! Run! Everybody, run! Get out of the south! Get out of the south! " Bear Changbai shouts.

The members of the southern faction immediately fled like a madman.

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