Southerners fled like headless flies.

The whole scene is boiling and chaotic.

And this time Lin Yang is also thoroughly moved.

He grabbed the silver needle on the ground and threw it at the crowd.

The silver needle is as beautiful as the stars, and as beautiful as the scattered flowers.

Few could resist his silver needle.

When the silver needle in the arm, those people also stopped running.

They can only sit on the ground with their eyes vacant, and swing their arms gently, as if their souls were lost.

Their lives are completely over when they are put to death.

Qin baisong and Hong Jiale look at each other stupidly. They are speechless.

"After today, the field of Chinese medicine in China will be shocked." Liu Rushi, with a bitter smile on her face, said helplessly.

"This man is a madman! He's absolutely crazy! Absolutely Next to the southbound shivering said.


At this time, a sad voice sounded.

Talented Doctor Wang Gang was abolished!

Then came Feng Xiaohong and Yan Xiaoyue...

all the talented doctors failed to escape the end of being abandoned.

As for the ordinary members of the southern faction, let alone the fact that Lin Yang's speed was so fast that he directly chased him out. In the blink of an eye, the whole southern faction was silent.

About a quarter of an hour later, Lin Yang finally stopped.

Qin baisong and Hong Jiale all chase out, but Lin Yang stands quietly on the street in the distance, quietly looking at the countless members of the southern faction.

He destroyed the whole southern faction!

Whether it is offending him, or those innocent people!

He didn't let it go!

Qin baisong was staring at him, and his heart was shaking wildly.

He didn't understand why Lin Yang did it.

After all, in his opinion, these are doctors who can help the dying!

Lin Yang's actions are far more than revenge...

"you will be punished, you will be punished!" Xiong Changbai trembled all over, pointing to Lin Yang excitedly and roaring.

"You waste so many people, the energy behind them will retaliate against you recklessly, Dr. Lin! No matter who you are, no matter what the energy behind you! You will be destroyed by them, blasted to pieces, and dead

The roar came again.

It comes from Zhang Xiaoyan and Bixian.

Lin Yang completely destroyed their future, destroyed the whole southern faction, and destroyed their countless efforts.

But... Lin Yang turned a blind eye to the vicious words of others and turned a deaf ear to them.


Qin baisong and Hong Jiale came quickly.

Both of them are worried.

They believe that Lin Yang's life will not be peaceful!

There are too many southern factions involved. Has Lin Yang considered how to face the Revenge of the southern faction?

Qin baisong sighed fiercely, and his head was already thinking about countermeasures.

But at this time, Lin Yang suddenly opened his mouth.

"Do you really think so? Do you really think that the energy behind you will vent your anger on me for you? "

The voice dropped, and many people were quiet.

"What do you mean?" Xiong Changbai asked angrily.

"I can tell you that the energy behind you not only won't stand out for you, but also ask you to come and beg me, kowtow to me, apologize and make amends to me! And you... Will do the same! " Lin Yang light road.

How absurd is this?

Now they would like to have Linyang chopped up, eat his flesh raw, drink his blood, and break his bones.

Make an apology to him? Kowtow to make amends?

Isn't this a fantasy?

"You can dream your spring and autumn dream!"

"I wish I could kill your family!"

"Are you full of shit in your head?"

"If I kowtow to you and make amends, I'll give you a handstand poop!"

Angry shouts and swearing.

Lin Yang was instantly immersed in the accusation.

At this moment, let alone these people, even Qin baisong and Hong Jiale felt that it was too much.

But at this time, Lin Yang suddenly opened his mouth again.

"What if I said I could cure the burning silence?"

The voice came out, and the boiling scene was silent for a moment.

People widened their eyes and looked at Lin Yang strangely.

"You... What do you say?"

"Can you cure the burning silence?"

"This... It's impossible! Even the vice president of the Dragon hand can't cure the burning silence. How can you cure it

The members of the southerners were shaking and shouting.

"So the Dragon hand is not as good as a man, and he lost to me. I may not be able to do what he can not do!" Lin Yang road.As soon as people heard it, they were stunned.

Yes, it seems that Longshou's medical skills are not as good as Lin Yang's, otherwise, how could he be defeated?

What can't be done by a dragon hand may not be impossible...

"well, how do you treat it Someone came forward in a hurry.

"Can such things be said nonsense?"

"What do you do if you cheat us?"

"I don't need to prove to you that you can find other ways to solve the burning silence. You can go to the northern sect, the ancient school and the hermit school. But I think no one in the world can cure you except me!"

Lin Yang said faintly, and then raised his hand.

A silver needle flew out and stuck it in the arm of the questioner.

For an instant, his arms stopped shaking.

The man shivered, looked at his arms in disbelief, and then said with ecstasy: "am I recovered? I'm back

People around him also stare at the big eyes, such as seeing miracles.

"No, you didn't recover. It takes a lot of steps for you to recover."

Lin Yang shook his head.

Sure enough, but a minute later, the man's arms trembled again, still the effect of burning silence.

But even if it is only a minute, it makes everyone see the hope.

I saw that the questioner rushed over madly, directly hugged Lin Yang's thigh, and cried eagerly: "Doctor Lin, please help me, please help me. I know I'm wrong. As long as you are willing to save me, I will do anything you want me to do!"

Seeing this scene, the crowd finally couldn't bear it. They all rushed over and apologized to Lin Yang.

"Doctor Lin! Help me

"We know it's wrong."

"Please be merciful and save us once."

"We will do whatever you want us to do. Please."


begging is endless.

Everyone can't help it, even the talented doctors.

Liu Rushi, Nanxing and others are staring at it.

Qin baisong opened his mouth wide.

Hong Jiale has been stupid for a long time.

Who could have thought that Lin Yang was right about everything?

The only one who asked for help was Lin Li.

That man is bear Changbai.

He is waiting for Xiong Changbai's reply.

Xiong Changbai's old face is also sad and painful.

Finally, he slowly bowed down and bowed his head. Hoarse and sad, he said: "Dr. Lin, I was eight years old and studied medicine. I have never stopped. I can't let go of traditional Chinese Medicine..."

the president of southern school finally lowered his arrogant head. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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