So far, the academy has been completely under the control of Lin Yang and has completely yielded to him.

This is something that no one expected.

Qin baisong knew that Lin Yang wanted to retaliate against the southern faction, but he never thought that Lin Yang would retaliate with such a tragic and terrible means.

This is so thorough.

Who wants to get such a big head from the south.

So, will teachers treat these people?

If it is so cured, then why should he be so thankless to abolish these people?

If not treated, these people will fight for their lives and revenge their teachers.

So what's the point of what you've done before?

Qin baisong looks at Lin Yang in confusion.

However, Lin Yang glanced at the people at the scene and did not answer their begging. After a moment, he said faintly: "from today on, there is no Southern Academy in China, and there is no southern school organization. I will set up a new organization of traditional Chinese medicine, temporarily named Xuanyi school. Anyone who wants to treat burning silence can only get my treatment by entering Xuanyi school! ???

"I am willing to join Xuanyi school! Doctor Lin, I'd like to join Xuanyi school! Please let me in

"Doctor Lin, please take me! I'm willing to be a doctor

"Dr. Lin, please let me join the sect."


people immediately vied with each other and yelled, and everyone looked like they wanted to see through.

"Don't worry! And don't mistakenly think that the Xuanyi school can enter if they want to. " Lin Yang light road.

"Do you need high medical skills to enter?"

A gifted doctor asked, shaking.


Lin Yang shook his head and said faintly, "I don't want your medical skills. Even if you are just an apprentice of traditional Chinese medicine, it doesn't matter."

"What is the test?" Feng Xiaohong over there asked.

Lin Yang closed his eyes for a moment, then slowly spit out two words.

"Medical ethics!"

People were stunned by this remark.

A lot of people don't understand.

But Lin Yang knows that the southern school is not weak in medical skills, but what they lack is medical ethics!

"I will transfer the address of Xuanyi school to Jiangcheng. Qin baisong, I will allocate 1 billion yuan from Yanghua group to establish a new academy. You are the president. You are responsible for the assessment. If you pass the examination, I will arrange treatment. Within one month, I will cure all the members."

With that, Lin Yang turned and walked out.

People were both happy and worried, but at this time they couldn't control so much. They bowed to Lin Yang and called, "Doctor Lin, walk slowly!"

Lin Yang nodded.

But as if he realized something, he said to Xiong Changbai, who was still in a daze over there, "I am the same. As long as you pass the medical ethics of dragon hand, I will accept you and treat you. But remember, you must pass the medical ethics, and those without medical ethics are not worthy of medical treatment."

Bear Changbai's old face was white, mumbled his lower lip and nodded gently.

There was silence in the south.

"The pattern of traditional Chinese medicine in China will be broken."

Liu Rushi took a breath and whispered to herself.

"Did this guy... Just take the southerners?" Southbound's face was full of consternation.

Now Linyang has broken and integrated the southern faction, which means that the huge energy behind the southern faction, which has been operating for hundreds of years, has been transferred to Linyang.

What does southerners rely on to maintain their energy?

It's their unique skill.

No matter who they are, no matter what position they are in, they are bound to live, die, die and seek help from the southern faction.

But now that the southerners have lost the means to solve their diseases, why should they work for them?

This is the reality.

At present, the Xuanyi school is almost the predecessor of the southern school. Why don't those who have mastered the huge energy put all their chips on the Xuanyi school?

And Xuanyi school is no longer equal to the southern school!

Because the southerners don't have Dr. Lin!

There is no one who subverts the whole southern faction by his own efforts.

No matter who they are, they will worship the strong. So do many doctors in the southern school.

Dr. Lin's miraculous skill and terrible needling skill have already convinced them deeply.

When he came out of the Academy of southern school, Qin baisong was still in a trance.

But now the burden on his shoulders is very heavy, so he did not go back with Lin Yang, but returned to Jiangcheng first.

I believe that the first thing he should do now is not to deal with the affairs of Xuanyi school, but to have a good grasp of the current mood.


When Linyang was about to return to Jiangcheng by himself, Hong Jiale caught up with him.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Yang glanced at Hong Jiale.He had a good feeling for this young Chinese doctor. Maybe his medical skills were not the best, but he was the bravest and most upright.

He can't make everyone like it, but he can make everyone appreciate it.

"Teacher, can I really be your student?" Hong Jiale is still in a trance.

This is the famous doctor Lin. he has become his teacher somehow.

"You are already." Lin Yang said with a faint smile: "when the Xuanyi school is completed, go there to report."

"Yes... Yes..." Hong Jiale was so excited that her smile could not be restrained for a long time.

Hong Jiale left in a hurry, her legs were soft.

Lin Yang walks to the car left by Qin baisong and plans to drive back to Jiangcheng.

But as soon as the door opened, it was smelling a fragrant wind.

He noticed that there was a man sitting in the car.

A beautiful girl in a Hanfu.

"Miss Liu, it doesn't seem that your car is this one?"

Lin Yang quietly lit the fire path.

"Where did Dr. Lin learn from?" Liu Rushi, gentle as water, asked with a pleasant voice.

"Miss Liu cares about this?" Lin Yang turns on the air conditioner.

"Dr. Lin's appearance is so surprising. I always thought that you had used all your strength to fight against the king of Korean medicine. Now it seems that you may not have 10% of your strength." Liu Rushi said with a smile.

"How much strength do you think I've used today?" Lin Yang asked.

"80% Liu Rushi stares at Lin Yang Dao.

Lin Yang laughed and did not speak.

"How much did you use?" Liu Rushi knew she was wrong.

"Ten percent." Lin Yang said quietly.

Liu Rushi's beautiful face did not change, but her heart was beating wildly.

Ten percent?

Is it just one achievement that killed the south?

Are you kidding?

She looked at Lin Yang again, and wanted to see the meaning of a joke from his deep eyes.

But... His eyes were very indifferent.

Liu Rushi took a deep breath again. She didn't know whether she believed it or not. Her smile gradually faded. She opened her mouth carefully: "who are you? Do you know the Lin family in Yanjing , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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