Fu Heng didn't understand what was going on.

Zhou AI was also surprised.

Who is this man?

How can you beat people well?

But... The visitor didn't pay any attention to Fu Heng. He just walked in and smashed Fu Heng's nose.


Fu Heng was hit dizzy in an instant, and the blood in his nose gushed out.

"What are you doing, killing, killing!! Who is this, chairman Lin? Hold on to him Fu Heng screamed.

But no matter how he yelled, it didn't help.

Lin Yang just sat at his desk, looking at the scene without expression.

As for Zhou AI, he has been confused for a long time, and the whole person is at a loss.

The big man kicked Fu Heng in the abdomen again.


Fu Heng tightly covered his abdomen, and constantly vomited acid in his stomach, and almost vomited out the dinner overnight.

The big man again swung his fist and hit Fu Heng.






a dull noise came out.

Accompanied by Fu Heng's miserable cry.

"Chairman Lin..." Zhou AI's eyes showed an anxious color and called out to Lin Yang.


Finally, Lin Yang called out.

The big man stopped at once.

Zhou AI was relieved.

According to this fight, Fu Heng is afraid that he will not be killed alive.

"Chairman Lin, help me..." Fu Heng held his head, his face was blue and his mouth was not clear.

"What's your name?" Lin Yang ignored Fu Heng, staring at the big man coldly asked.

"Boss Lin, my name is puma." The man was busy.

Boss Lin?

Both were shocked.

Feeling this person is Lin Yang looking for?

"Are you following Gong Xiyun?" Lin Yang asked.

"Yes, I'm sister Yun's bodyguard!"

"Hum, is Gong Xiyun surrounded by a group of rice buckets? You call it beating? Didn't you eat? " Lin Yang said coldly, then walked over and stepped on Fu Heng's palm directly.


The sound of bone cracking was extremely clear.


The shrill scream suddenly resounded through the sky.

The people of the Medical Association were all stunned, but they didn't say anything.

Because they have received the news ahead of time.

As for the office, Zhou AI and the man named puma are cool.

They didn't know that the miracle doctor who hung the pot to help the world had such a ferocious side.

Now, Biao Yang raised his cold feet and asked, "cold eyes?"

Puma son was in a cold sweat. He nodded his head wildly and said, "yes, it will...

" good. Let's start, whether it's alive or not. " Lin Yang did his desk again and lit a cigarette to enjoy it.

"Chairman Lin, you..."

Fu Heng raised his head tremblingly and called out in panic.

But the next second, a foot has been severely kicked in his back.


Fu Heng vomited a mouthful of blood directly, and he felt that his spine would be broken by the puma.

Puma son also has a kind of learning, will Fu Heng's other hand crushed.


Fu Heng's mouth made a killing pig's cry, and he was about to faint with pain.

Puma son kicked a few more feet, his hands to trample, Fu Heng is finally lying on the ground, no movement.

"Boss Lin, he seems to have fainted." Asked puma.

"When the pain reaches a certain level, it is impossible to faint in the past, unless the brain stops working, which is commonly known as a vegetative person." Lin Yang light way, then turn head to look at Zhou AI: "have adrenaline?"

"Yes..." Zhou AI nodded tremblingly.

"Give him a shot."


"forget it, I'll do it."

Lin Yang shook his head, took out a silver needle from his pocket, walked past, and gently pricked it on Fu Heng's pork which was full of lard.


In an instant, Fu Heng trembled like an electric shock. He opened his eyes suddenly and screamed again.

How amazing!

Zhou AI was stunned.

"Tell me, what is the relationship between Shanghu Huajia and you? Did the Chinese family instruct you to do this? " Lin Yang grabs Fu Heng's head and asks hoarsely.

"Surnamed Lin, you can't die easily. If you move me, the Hua family will not let you go, I promise..." Fu Heng blurted out and spat a mouthful of blood on Lin Yang's suit.Lin Yang didn't get angry, but took the paper towel from the table, wiped it a little, and then opened the back window.

"Bring him here."

"Yes." Puma son picked up Fu Heng and walked towards the window.

"What are you going to do? This is the tenth floor! You are crazy? Stop it! Stop it Fu Heng's shrill cry.

"Drop it."

Lin Yang light road.


Puma son is also a tendon, directly pushed Fu Heng to the window.

If you fall at this height, you will die.

Is chairman Lin crazy?

Zhou AI shivered and forgot to stop.

As for Fu Heng, he didn't dare to have any hesitation any longer. He cried out bitterly, "Chairman Lin! Stop it! Stop it! As long as you stop, I will say anything you want to ask me! I say it all

"Put him down."

Lin Yang light road.

"Yes, boss Lin." Puma lost Fu Heng to the ground.

Fu Heng fell on the ground like mud and groaned. His body kept shaking, as if he were crazy.

"Go ahead." Lin Yang light road.

Fu Heng opened his mouth and seemed to be hesitating.

"There is only one chance, but you didn't take it well. No wonder I did!" Lin Yang light way, raise one's hand again.

Puma son immediately wanted to catch Fu Heng again.

"Slow! Slow down! I said! I said! I have a long relationship with the Huhua family. I'm just a distant relative of the housekeeper of the Huhua family... "Fu Heng's voice is not clear and his voice is trembling.

"Your distant relatives told you to do it?"

"Yes, it was my distant relative who asked me. Someone in the Hua family also made a million yuan in my account..."

"just for one million yuan, would you like to kill a person? Not enough? " Lin Yang's eyes sink.

Breaking into the emergency room... This is killing people!

Lin Yang doesn't believe Fu Heng is stupid enough to kill people for such a little money.

"It has something to do with... Shanghu Huajia... There are people in Jiangcheng who can guarantee my promotion... And let me transfer to Shanghai..." Fu Heng trembled.

"That's the point!"

Lin Yang nodded: "I want you to tell all the Chinese people in Jiangcheng!"

"I said... I'm going to say..."

Fu Heng called out all the names, including where he was and what his position was...

after a few minutes, Lin Yang nodded with satisfaction.

"Take him down and tell Gong Xiyun that she can arrange a car to send the man away." Lin Yang light road.

"Where are you going to take me?" Fu hengzhen said.

"Shanghai Huajia!"

Lin Yang said quietly.

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