In the center of the villa group in the south of Shanghai, there is a manor which covers an area of several times more than the usual villa area.

At the moment, several people in white coats entered the manor.

At the gate of the manor stands a well-known lady with rich makeup, gold and silver.

The lady was staring at the visitor with a dignified face and said nothing.

"Mrs. Hua."

Several doctors came to say hello.

"Manchen is in it. Go and have a look." Hua Mu said coldly.

The doctors went in at once.

But only half an hour later, they backed out.

"What? You can't cure it? " Huamu cold channel.

"Huashao's situation is more serious than expected. Our suggestion is to go to m immediately and seek the help of the Medical Association of M. they have the leading medical equipment in the world, and they may have a chance to find them." A doctor wearing glasses said with cold sweat.

"I see. You go back." Hua Mu hums coldly.

Several people sighed and left the manor.

Hua's mother's eyes are full of disappointment. Over the past few days, more than a dozen famous doctors and experts have come, but their opinions are either to find some legendary old Chinese medicine or to go to m for treatment.

The Chinese family is already using their relationship to contact the people of the Medical Association, but the international medical organizations can't treat you if you want to. It will take a long time.

Hua manchen's current condition can't wait to go to m for treatment. A senior expert said that if we don't deal with the tissues and organs that have stopped working in his lower body as soon as possible, they will gradually become necrotic. Once that time comes, I'm afraid Hua Tuo may not be able to cure huamanchen well in the world.

What to do?

The Chinese family can't be the queen!

Mother Hua's painful thoughts, her fists were also tightly clenched, and her face was very cold and angry.

"Alu!" Hua Mu drinks low.

"Madame!" A middle-aged man dressed as a servant trotted over.

"What's the matter with Jiangcheng? Is that bitch dead? " Hua Mu asked ferociously.

"Madame, Ma Hai of Yanghua group has given his hand. He has saved people and arranged to be in a clinic. At present, Su Yan's family are all in the clinic for treatment." The man named ALU.

"Mahai? Yanghua? Is this mob trying to get along with us? Good! Good! In that case, don't blame our Chinese family! " Hua's mother clenched her teeth and said, "go, ask some people to repair Mahai for me, and then give Yanghua some color to see, let them have long eyes! You let asso deal with it. "

"Yes, ma'am."

"In addition, send someone to burn the clinic where Su Yan lives." Hua Mu said again.

Alu was slightly stunned, then turned and bowed his head and said: "madam, the clinic is said to be run by Luo Beiming's granddaughter, which is also the assets of the Luo family. This is...

" whose assets do I care? I don't invite luobeiming that smelly old man to see a doctor, just burn it for me! Better burn that little bitch and her family to death Hua Mu said angrily.

Alu hesitated, slightly nodded his head and said, "madam, this matter can only be called on the people on the way to do it."

"Ten million, is that enough?" When Alu finished speaking, his mother glared at him and asked.

"Enough." Alu was busy.

"Then do it! I want to see this man's body in the news! " Mother angrily rebuked.

Alu immediately turned and left.

At this time, a servant of the manor came in in in a hurry.

"Here we are, Madame! coming! People are coming from Tianxing province

"Tianxing province? Is that the one? " Hua's mother was a little stunned, then she was so happy that she ran to the gate.

But there was a taxi parked outside the gate, and all of them came down.

The old dress is simple, with a shabby bag in his hand, and the young one is clean and tidy. His appearance is very energetic, but his expression is arrogant.

He helped the old man towards the manor.

But when she saw her mother go out in a hurry, she said happily, "are you Mr. Kou Guan, the living Bodhisattva of Tianxing province? Hello, Hello

"Are you Mrs. Hua? Hello, the old man was passing by Shanghai. When he heard that something had happened to the Hua family, he came to have a look. Is your young master OK? " Kou Guan asked with a smile.

"It's terrible." Mrs. Hua sighed: "we have invited many experts and professors to come to see us, but they are helpless. I hope Mr. Kou can bring a little hope to my son."

"What do you mean? What does it mean to bring a glimmer of hope to your son? The arrival of my master means that your son is saved! Yes? Is it that I despise my master? " The young man next to him said angrily.

"Southbound! Shut up Kou Guan immediately turned his head to drink.

"Master, I'm telling the truth." Southbound shrugged road.

Kou Guan glared at him fiercely, then said with a slight apology: "Mrs. Hua, the bad guy doesn't understand etiquette. Please forgive me.""It's OK. It's OK. He's right. Mr. Kou is here. My son must be saved. Mr. Kou, why don't you have a cup of tea first? I'll get the kitchen ready right away. " Hua's mother said with a smile.

Obviously she's not good at it, so it's hard to laugh.

Kou Guan waved his hand: "Mrs. Hua, the patient is big. Let's go to see Mr. Hua first."

"Good, good! This way

Hua's mother was in a hurry.

The party came to the largest room on the second floor of the villa.

There was a big bed in the room. On the bed lay a pale and thin young man. The man seemed to be asleep at the moment, but the pain on his face was very obvious. There were several therapeutic instruments beside him. At the other end was a shelf. The tube protruding from the mouth of the hanging bottle on the shelf went into the man's lower body. The scene was quite cautious.

This is the morning in bed.

In order to treat huamanchen, now the Hua family has used almost all the energy that can be used, but there is still no effect...

"Mrs. Hua." A nurse came up and bowed slightly.

What's the matter, young master Asked Mrs. Hua.

"The young master is asleep, but he still refuses to eat." The nurse said helplessly.

Hua Mu frowned and looked at Kou Guan.

Kou Guan made a silent gesture, then went over, opened the old package, took out some traditional Chinese medicine equipment from it, and began to diagnose huamanchen.

He first pulse, and then with a silver needle, everything is in order.

Kou Guan's expression is very serious.

But a moment later, his serious look gradually evolved into surprise, and after a moment, he was shocked.

"This... This is?"

"Mr. Kou, what's going on with my son?" Hua's mother asked.

"Who, on earth, has hurt him like this?" Kou Guan stares at Hua Mu and asks.

Hua's mother was stunned slightly, then gritted her teeth and said, "it's a man named Lin Yang!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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