The old man on the top of the mountain looks ugly, but his voice and momentum can make Lin Yang feel the pressure.

But he didn't flinch. He stepped a little and jumped to the top of the mountain.

Yihuo and Shuibu look at each other with a smile, and their eyes show banter.

Lin Yang stands in front of the tea table.

The old man was in no hurry to make tea for Linyang.

"Sit down. You're welcome."

Lin Yang nodded and sat down with his knees crossed.

The old man's technique was very skillful. After a while, a pot of fragrant tea was made.

"It's said that the state of dragon is the birthplace of tea ceremony. I think you should also have a lot of opinions on tea! In this way, I will give you three cups of tea and ask you three questions. If your answers are convincing and satisfactory, I will let you leave here alive. If your answers are disappointing, I will leave your life here. " The old man took a sip of tea and said calmly.

"You asked Lin Yang is not worried, straight said.

"What is martial arts?" The old man asked in a low voice.

Lin Yang was silent for a moment and shook his head: "everyone's Tao is different, so is martial arts. The answer I said may not be the answer you think, so this question is meaningless."

The old man smiles, nods his head and says, "what is right or wrong?"

"What most people think is feasible is right; what most people think is not, is wrong."

"In your opinion, there is no justice in the world?"

"Maybe there is, maybe not. Isn't the so-called right and wrong come from people's mouths? The question is still meaningless! " Lin yangdan road.

"It's interesting."

The old man squinted at Lin Yang for a while, nodded slightly and said, "in that case, the last question, I hope you can answer it well."

Lin Yang did not speak, and the old man continued to speak.

"In combination with your answers to the previous two questions, should this so-called martial orthodoxy belong to our Cherry Blossom kingdom?"

This words a, Lin Yang's brow wrinkled.

The emotional old man is a trap for him.

"You said that there is no standard answer to martial arts. Ten thousand people have ten thousand kinds of martial arts. You said that there are no so-called right and wrong in the world. Right and wrong are from your own mouth. According to what you said, the cherry blossom Kingdom thinks our martial arts is the world's orthodoxy, and it's not wrong. Since we are right, why do you come here to harass us? How about invading my border? " The old man said with a smile.

Ginger is still hot!

In a few words, Lin Yang's teacher is unknown.

If Lin Yang denies it, he will hit himself in the face. If he admits it, he will even hit himself in the face. He also admits that the other party is a military orthodoxy!

"So the world still depends on fists."

Lin Yang said calmly: "when both sides feel that they are right, the most straightforward way from ancient times to the present is to judge by force. What's more, the orthodoxy of the martial arts of the Dragon kingdom is not expressed by mouth, but forged by the ancestors of the Dragon kingdom with great wisdom and force. Even if I admit it, the Dragon kingdom will not admit it, Those who are truly supreme will scorn to laugh even more. "

"So I have to subdue you with force?"

The old man drank all the tea in his hand.

"I think you'd better use this method!" Lin yangdan road.

"Ha ha..." the old man laughed and squinted at Lin Yang: "young people are really young! I'll give you one last chance. If you go back and leave here now, there will be a way to live. If you don't go, I will plant five flags on the Hai'an defense line, tear you into five pieces, stab your corpse on the flag, and let the world see the next stage after your arrogance! "

With that, the old man stood up slowly.

Lin Yang didn't say a word and didn't go to see the old man. He was still drinking tea on his own.

The following fire and water divination look up and feel the scene a little strange.

For a long time.

Lin Yang was silent.

The old man seemed to have known Lin Yang's decision and nodded slightly.

All of a sudden!


The coffee table in front of me burst suddenly.

The tea cup in Lin Yang's hand was also directly fried into powder.

His brow sank and he jerked his hand up in front of him.


An old and silent hand appeared in front of Lin Yang as if by magic. The terrible old hand attacked Lin Yang's tianlinggai.

The speed is fantastic!

Enough to exceed the speed of sound.

If Lin Yang didn't catch it in time, I'm afraid that his own tianlinggai would be taken down by this dry hand.

But Lin Yang's hand has not yet grasped the old man's wrist.


A strange force burst out from the old man's wrist.

Caught off guard, Lin Yang flew out and fell off the top of the mountain.

"Now that you have made a choice, I can only destroy you!"

With that, the old man suddenly snapped his fingers. Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong... The ground split directly, and a lot of terrible breath came out. Before Lin Yang landed, he was shocked by these terrible breath, and his body was about to be torn. However, without waiting for his reaction, the old man launched another offensive. He thrust his hand into the ground and tore off the whole mountain. Then he held the huge mountain and smashed it at Lin Yang. It's like a meteorite impact! Boom!! When the boulder falls, Lin Yang is directly crushed on the ground by the mountain. If ordinary people have been crushed into meat sauce, even if they don't die, they will be broken and not human“ Is that how you die? "“ Oh, that's too boring! These wastes dare to come to our Sakura empire! How ridiculous Yi Huo and Shui Bu couldn't help laughing. The photography team still shooting in the distance was stunned and looked at the mountain in shock“ It's impossible... It's impossible... Dr. Lin lost? "“ He's not going to die! No way Several people couldn't believe it, and their loss of control attracted the attention of people here“ Who are those guys? " Shuibu frowned“ They seem to have spoken Chinese just now. I'm afraid they're not spies sent by the Dragon kingdom. I'll catch them! " The righteousness fire hums a way, the body shape moves and then wants to rush. But just as he jumped off the fence. Bang!! The huge stone that suppressed Linyang burst suddenly. Yihuo was shocked and quickly retreated. But see the stones splashed, dust, that hazy dust, a figure suddenly darted out, carrying all over the sky murderous, straight to the old man“ Be careful, teacher The righteous fire cries out. Shuibu looked quickly. But Lin Yang smashed it with a fist, carrying endless magic power to the old man's head. He once smashed the aircraft carrier! I'm afraid this blow will break the old man into pieces! But after the fist went, the old man raised his hand and grabbed forward. Pop! The clear sound wafted to all directions. People are shocked to see it! The old man stood still. And his hand, actually steady grasp Lin Yang's fist, so caught , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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