This is the fist that sank the aircraft carrier!

So... Caught by the old man?

"No way..."

"He... How can he catch it?"

"This old man... Who? Isn't that terrible? "

The members of the photography team who had just landed all opened their mouths and looked at the old man.

But I see the old man making efforts again.

There seems to be a force rushing out of his palm.


Lin Yang was thrown away on the spot, just like a bullet, and hit the hillside straight behind.

All of a sudden, the whole huge hillside was broken and sunken.

Lin Yang immediately got up, but the old man had killed him again.

"I don't know! Cut

The old man drank deeply and cut it with a knife.

Lin Yang breathing tight, immediately close move side flash, breathtaking to avoid the blow.

The hand knife carries the frightening vigorous Qi and cuts the mountain into two directly.

Lin Yang took advantage of the other side has not yet received the move, gap open, immediately a backhand blow on the old man's chest.

However, as his fist approached, he realized that he had been deceived.

The breath of the old man ran out like a big hand, directly grasping his whole body, and the knife also swept along with the situation, five fingers firmly grasped Lin Yang's shoulder.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Yang was locked up and wanted to escape.

The old man cleaved his other hand to Lin Yang's neck.

This time, we must separate Lin Yang's body!

"It's a draw!"

The righteous fire cries low.

It's impossible to evade such an attack on Lin Yang!

But Lin Yang didn't dodge. In the face of this terrible blow, his eyes were cold suddenly. He aimed at the old man's heart, suddenly concentrated all his strength on his fist and killed him fiercely.


The old man had some accidents!

Is Lin Yang trying to break the net?

He hesitated, wondering whether to resist.

But it was his hesitation that gave Lin Yang a chance!


Lin Yang hit the old man on the chest with his fist.

The old man's body immediately trembled wildly, his Qi and blood gushed, and he almost wanted to vomit blood.

But even if the blow hit, it could not contain the old man's killing move.


The hand knife heavily splits on Lin Yang's neck. The whole person flies out and falls on the right side of the road. The whole road shakes and breaks. Lin Yang rolls several tens of meters along the road before stopping.

When all the people cast their eyes at him, they were frightened.

But now Lin Yang's neck has been completely crooked, and his face is almost parallel to his shoulder.

There is no doubt that his neck is completely broken.

According to the normal speaking, this is already dead can't die again!

In the eyes of Yihuo and Shuibu, the victory is divided, and there is no doubt that Doctor Lin will die!

But the old man didn't think so!

He covered his chest, his breath was not smooth, and his eyes were fixed on Lin Yang's body.

For a while, he suddenly realized something, and his old face gradually solidified.

But see that end of Lin Yang suddenly moved.

Just about to celebrate, Shuibu and Yihuo smile suddenly stiff.

"No, it's impossible, isn't it?" Shuibu's eyes were round and murmured.

"He's not dead yet? Teacher, how can this happen? Is that guy... Immortal? " Righteousness fire startled, lose voice to tremble a way.

"He's not immortal, he's just a powerful doctor!"

The old man said with no expression: "although his neck is broken, he uses a silver needle to fix the key ahead of time. Although his neck is broken, it is not enough to kill him. He can recover quickly! Don't forget that he is the world-renowned Doctor Lin! "

When they heard the sound, they gasped.

"The teacher... How to kill this man?" Shuibu asked subconsciously.

"His heart and brain must be smashed completely!" The old man said, "and I have to make a quick decision! Because when I fight with this person, I will be consumed and injured in constant fighting. No matter how much he has been consumed and how many injuries he has suffered, he will be able to recover with his medical skills. If the fighting drags on, it will only do me harm! "

"I see..."

"Teacher, we help you!"

Shuibu and Yihuo said immediately.

"Help me? Hum, what do you think of me? To deal with a little Doctor Lin, you don't have to interfere. Just watch it for me! "

The old man hummed and moved.


Another example is the lightning rushing to Linyang.

Just as Lin Yang stood up, he broke his neck and killed the old man.

He swung his arms to defend against the counterattack.

But the old man's attack at the moment is too fierce, and all of them are killing moves. Lin Yang had a fight with the enemy, but the bones of both hands and feet were broken, so he stepped back and almost fell to the ground“ It's over The old man seized the opportunity, murmured and punched away. This time, he aimed directly at Lin Yang's heart! He's going to make this man's internal organs into powder!! The punch! Lin Yang definitely can't escape!! But... He still did not choose to avoid, but staring at the old man's forehead with wide eyes, and also waved his arms in the past“ What? " The old man breathes tight and his pupils dilate. This is the situation where you die and I die again! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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