Luo Qian recalled for a while, then said today's matter.

It turns out that someone came to sell some wild ginseng to luoqian this morning. The price was very low. After checking the goods, luoqian found that they were real wild ginseng, so he bought them.

The problem is with these wild ginseng.

Xiaodong found that the location of the fire was exactly where luoqian stored wild ginseng.

Whether it's a flaming bottle or a wild ginseng that can spontaneously ignite with its hands and feet, it explains a little bit.

Some people want the life of Luo Qian or Su Yan.

Lin Yang's arrival was an accident.

Lin Yang has a cold look in his eyes. Knowing that things have become more and more wrong, he immediately called Gong Xiyun.

When Gong Xiyun learned about the incident, he immediately sent all his subordinates to search for the man who sold wild ginseng. Finally, he found a man in the slum of the village in the city.

And that person is not behind the scenes, it is just taking money to run errands for others.

Gong Xiyun followed the clues of the man and began to pursue them layer by layer. Eventually, he found the gray area of Shanghai, but the clues were broken in Shanghai.

There's no need to check again.

When he learned that the mastermind behind the scenes was from Shanghai, Lin Yang already understood who wrote it.

"It seems that the Huhua family is more vicious than I imagined, and I can't wait!"

Su Qianyang and his wife's surprise, I'll take a rest to them

"Go back? Where else can I go back? " Luo Qian was bitter and astringent.

This hospital is all she has.

Can she go back to Luo's?

"Xiaoqian, we can go to our company first, where we can live." Su Yan said.

"This... Ok..." Luo Qian nodded.

Xiao Dong runs to arrange the car.

Lin Yang looked at the other end of the eye, and then approached luoqian and said in a low voice: "luoqian, Xiaoyan's company is not safe. I'm afraid those people will find Xiaoyan's company and continue to persecute you. In this way, I have a house. You can take them to live there first."

Finish saying, Lin Yang will a channeling key to Luo Qian's palm.

Luo Qian a Leng, looked at the key in the hand, puzzling asked: "which key is this?"

"Century pride."

"You bought a house there?" Luo Qian covered his mouth and was surprised.

The house there is famous for its high price. Since the opening of the market, the house price has been high. Now the house there can't be bought with money. You have to find a relationship. Who can live there if you are not a person with a reputation?

"Take them there."

Lin Yang whispered, then turned out of the crowd.

Luo Qian also want to say what, looked at the key in the hand, slightly sighed, then walked toward Su Yan.

Xiao Dong arranges an ambulance. Su Yan's injury is not optimistic. She can't move around. She can only go home to recuperate. Zhang Qingyu and Su Guang are OK.

The ambulance drove all the way to century pride.

Su Guang and Zhang Qingyu feel something wrong.

"Xiaoqian, where are you taking us Zhang Qingyu couldn't help asking.

"Lin Yang said that Xiaoyan's company is not safe and worried that we will be killed. Let's go somewhere else."

"Isn't it good for us to go to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine?" Su Guang said.

"Still going to the hospital? Aren't you afraid we'll be kicked out again Zhang Qingyu glared at Su Guangdao.

Su Guang grimaced: "who do you think we have offended? Br > "who can't wait for the hospital to burn down?"? I think nine out of ten are from Guangliu! " Zhang Qingyu's face was very unnatural.

"Canton willow?"

Su Guang's face was extremely pale.

Su Yan on the stretcher is also a Leng, look a dark, did not speak.

Now it seems that only Guangliu is the most likely.

But when the ambulance into the century, Zhang Qingyu's face confusion is more and more strong.

"Xiaoqian, are you... Are you going to arrange us here? Do you know where this is? This is the passion of the century Zhang Qingyu is a little shivering.

She would like to stay here for a night in my dream!

After all, this is the most luxurious residential area in Jiangcheng. Which one is not the top figure in Jiangcheng?

"I know..." Luo Qian squeezed out a smile.

"Xiaoqian, do you have a room here?" Su Yan asked weakly.

"Have... Right..." Luo Qian some of the bottom gas is insufficient.

"When were you so rich?" Su Yan is greatly surprised, and Xiaodong is also confused.

At this time, the driver in front suddenly called out: "Miss, which building are you?"

"Ah? I... I'll see! "Luo Qian returned to God, quickly took out the key, swept the house number hanging on the eye.

However, just a glance, luoqian silly eye.

"Xiaoqian, what's the matter with you?" Su Yan asked more and more confused.

"No... nothing... Shifu, just drive to the center."

"Central? Central area? I'm afraid I can't get in the car... "The driver frowned.

"You go to be..." Luo Qian swallowed saliva way secretly.

The driver hesitated, or turned the steering wheel and headed for the central area.

However, the car did not drive long before it was stopped by several security guards.

People poke out the window to see that the security guards here are all veterans with high quality.

"Sir, if you are the host here, please show your house key. If you are a guest here, please call the host." A security guard stepped forward.

The driver looked at Luo Qian immediately.

Luo Qian hesitated, took out the key and handed it to the security guard.

Seeing this, the security guard's face changed suddenly. He hastily gave a gift to Luo Qian, and then retreated to one side.

It's really frightening for the security guards.

What did Luo Qian show the security guard? His reaction was so big?

The ambulance stopped on the outskirts of the central area.

Because the road ahead is full of steps and green, it is difficult for cars to drive in.

However, luoqian and Xiaodong take a wheelchair and hold Su Yan up. Zhang Qingyu and Su Guang walk inside with crutches.

At the moment, several people, like Grandma Liu, enter the Grand View Garden and look all the way. They have to express their feelings and exclamations every step of the way...

the villas and greening here are really original. Even the ground under your feet is not ordinary stone, so it is very particular.

"This place is wonderful..." Xiaodong sighed.

"If I can live in this life, I think my life is perfect..." Zhang Qingyu could not help but say.

Luo Qian wry smile, the heart is more and more jump fierce.

However, just before a few people had officially entered the central area, a sneer came from the side.

"You? Isn't this Miss Su Yan? How did you get in here? Don't you know this is not the place for you poor people to stay? "

As soon as the words fell, they all looked at the sound source with angry faces.

But a group of well-dressed men and women came along.

Su Yan, who was sitting in a wheelchair, saw these people, and his face turned white in an instant , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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