See this group of people come, Luo Qian's manner is not good-looking.

She subconsciously looked at Su Yan in the wheelchair. Sure enough, Su Yanjiao's body was shaking gently, her face was white, her hands were holding the armrest of the wheelchair, and her eyes were filled with anger and fear.

"Oh, Miss Su, what's the matter with you? A broken leg? You're in a wheelchair? "

It is obvious that Su's face is full of sarcasm.

"Chang Wanyue! What can I do for you Su Yan asked.

"Well, we are old classmates. Why are you so indifferent?" The woman who called Chang Wanyue chuckled.

"Old classmates? In the past, Wanxi had already broken up with you! Get out of here! Roll as far as you can! " Next to the luoqian air rush.

"Ha ha, Luo Qian, are you still so sharp? It's a pity that you are no longer the eldest lady of Luo family. I've heard about you. Why? Without the support of the Luo family, do you dare to pretend in front of me? What are you? " Often Wanyue sneered, staring at Luo Qian's eyes also has a thick venom.

"You..." Luo Qian was impatient.

"Xiaoyan, it hurts me to see you look like this, but you chose it by yourself. You would rather marry a trash than me! If you follow me, why not? " At the back, a man with a pale face and a comb on his back stepped forward.

"Marry a scum like you? I'd rather not marry Su Yan hums coldly.

"Scum? Xiaoyan, it's just a misunderstanding! "

"Is it a misunderstanding to prescribe medicine to Xiaoyan? If I didn't catch up in time, you would have succeeded in Xiaoyan! " Luo Qian breath way.

"Oh, cheap woman, what pure? It's your pleasure to see you, but I have to thank you. If it wasn't for your lack of brain, I couldn't have been with brother! " Chang Wanyue sneered.

"You... Pooh! On this scum, we Xiaoyan will also like it? You're the kind of bitches who will be attracted to you. You're a good match, a dog man and a woman Luo Qian scolded directly.

She doesn't look like Su Yan. She just says what she has to say.

However, her words, can be said to be completely angered Chang Wanyue.

"Luo Qian, what do you say? Tell me again Chang Wanyue squints her eyes.

"Xiaoyan, Xiaoqian, what's going on? Who are they? " Su Guang asked in confusion.

"It's just a group of scum. This man used to be in our school. He has been chasing Xiaoyan since he went to school, but Xiaoyan was not interested in him, so he refused him. How could he know that he asked this woman to ask Xiaoyan out secretly and wanted to prescribe medicine against Xiaoyan. Fortunately, I knew that this woman was not a good thing, and some classmates saw her ask Xiaoyan to have dinner in a hotel I suspected there was a problem, so I ran to the hotel to find Xiaoyan. Fortunately, when I found Xiaoyan, she didn't have an attack. I took Xiaoyan by force. Who knows man Fu Xi wanted to stop us. If my Luo family didn't pass by the hotel, I'm afraid we would have suffered an accident. " Luo Qian Qi's gnashing teeth road.

"What? And this ridiculous thing? "

Su Guangguang was shocked.

Zhang Qingyu was angry and stomped her feet. She glared at the man Fu Xi and said, "young man, how can you do this?"

"Are you su Yan's parents? Oh, you two, my name is man Fuxi. My martial arts school is owned by my family. You say that your daughter's marriage to me is no better than marrying that trash? " Man Fu Xi sneered.

"You... Young man, you don't know how to behave!" Su Guang said angrily.

"With your attitude, I'd rather let my daughter marry Lin Yang, that trash, than marry you!" Zhang Qingyu denounced angrily.

If Lin Yang is here, I'm afraid he will have to be moved to tears on the spot?

"Oh, my daughter, is it the same virtue to be a mother? You are a real family! " Chang Wanyue squints and laughs.

"Stinky girl, what are you talking about?" Zhang Qingyu denounced angrily.

"Old woman, do you think I'm afraid of you? I'll bring your crutches here if you want to believe it or not Chang Wanyue said angrily.

"You... You..." Zhang Qingyu was red.

How could she bear to be taught by a younger generation?


At this time, Manfu Xi suddenly opened his mouth.

"Sorry? Excuse me? Do you want to apologize to all of you? How funny you are Luo Qian hummed.

"I don't beat a woman, but it doesn't mean I won't let a woman jump on my face!" Man Fu Xi squinted: "if you don't apologize, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Young man, what do you want to do? I advise you not to mess around, or I will call the police! " Su Guang immediately took out his mobile phone and said nervously.

"Don't worry. I'm not good enough to deal with you. I'm also a martial arts practitioner when I open a martial arts school. You don't want face, but I want face." Man Fu Xi chuckled.

"What do you want?"

"Ah Qiang, go and call the manager of century pride." Man Fu Xi said with a light smile.As soon as the words fell, people were stunned.

The man named ah Qiang ran down immediately.

Not long after, a middle-aged man in a white shirt and glasses with a big belly ran over.

"Man Shao, Miss Chang, why are you here?"

The man saw two people, immediately stunned, quickly bowed.

"Xiaoqian, who is the man Fu Xi and Chang Wanyue Seeing that the ambitious managers of this century are so respectful to them, Zhang Qingyu feels wrong.

"Auntie, have you never heard of Manshi martial arts school?" Luo Qian looks at Zhang Qingyu unexpectedly.

"This name is a little familiar..." Zhang Qingyu thought about the next way.

"That's one of the largest martial arts schools in China. There are Manshi martial arts schools in every province. The headquarters of this martial arts school is in Yanjing, but the disciples can be said to be all over the country." Luoqian road.


Zhang Qingyu was white with fear.

She thought the other side was just a child of an ordinary martial arts school family. She never thought that the other side would have a great future...

"in addition, Chang Wanyue's family is also good, at least better than ours. But don't worry, auntie, how dare they take us in broad daylight? If he dares to do it, I will call the police immediately! " Luoqian air scour channel.

"Hands are the lowest means. If you want to get rid of you, how can you do that?"

Chang Wanyue sneered and then called out to the manager, "manager, go to check if there is a head of household called Su Yan in our villa area?"

"Yes, Miss Chang!"

The manager immediately took out his mobile phone to make a phone call.

And a few people listen, facial expression changes instantly, also immediately understand Chang Wanyue's intention.

After a moment, the manager shook his head: "there is no head of household called Su Yan."

"Then check if there is a head of household called luoqian!" Chang Wanyue squints and laughs.


The manager pulled out his cell phone again.

The breath of several people here is frozen...

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