A minute later, the manager put down his mobile phone again and shook his head at Chang Wanyue: "there is no householder named luoqian."

"Then I see!"

Chang Wanyue said with a smile, "I'll tell you, how can these poor people appear here? I think you must have sneaked in to see what is the scene of the legendary century heroism? OK? Does it look good here? Is it better than your old houses? "

"You this son of a bitch..." Luo Qian was angry and couldn't say a word.

At this time, man Fu Xi pointed to Luo Qian and Su Yan and said, "manager Li, these people are not residents here, but they are here. I suspect they are here to steal. Please call the police immediately! Arrest them

"Oh? Is there such a thing? "

Manager Li frowned and immediately called out, "security, security! Come here! Catch them and call the police immediately

Several security guards in the distance trotted over immediately.

"What are you doing? Why are we thieves? Believe what he says? " Zhang Qingyu is in a hurry.

"You're not residents here, but you're not thieves. What are you? Don't you know it's clearly stipulated here that non residents are not allowed to enter? " Said the manager coldly.

All the people who can live in the central district are big people. Shiji Haoqing can't afford to offend them. Moreover, Shiji Haoqing's boss has said that we must ensure the order and environment of the central district. Any intruder should report to the police first. Of course, the alarm does not mean the end, because the boss of century Haoqing has already regarded the residents in the central district as his friends and offended his friends, It doesn't always come to a good end.

These people are dressed in ordinary clothes, which looks like a big man? Naturally, the manager chose to believe in manfuchi.

The security guard rushed up and started to arrest people.

"Wait a minute!"

Luo Qian shouts in a hurry.

"If you have anything to say, go to the police station." Chang Wanyue sneered.

"Say what? We are friends of the residents here. With the key here, why do you arrest me? " Luo Qian quickly took out the key that Lin Yang gave.

The manager swept at will, first a Zheng, then several steps forward, staring at the key in Luo Qian's hand.

"What... What? 001 key? "

The manager's mouth was shaking.

"What is that?"

Beside Chang Wanyue, several people are confused.

She doesn't have a house here, but manfuxi has the strength to buy a house here. However, the house in the central area is not allowed loans and must pay in full. Therefore, man Fuxi wants to come and have a look. Is it worth buying here.

In fact, he doesn't live in Jiangcheng. The reason why he wants to buy a house here is that his father asked him to make friends with some high-ranking officials here, so as to broaden his relationship.

Man's martial arts school is a huge clan, and Manchu Fuxi is only one of them. If his father wants to fight for more discourse power within the clan, he must rely on external relations.

People were puzzled to see the manager in such a state of disrespect.

The manager took a deep breath and asked respectfully, "who are you from Mr. Lin?"

"I... we are his friends." Luo Qian secretly looked at the eye Su Yan several people, whispered.

"Mr. Lin? Who is it? " Su Yan looks at Luo Qian curiously.

Luo Qian faltered, lowered his voice and said: "is... Is Lin Dong."

"What? Is it him? "

Su Yan was shocked.

Zhang Qingyu and Su Guang were also greatly surprised, and then Zhang Qingyu was ecstatic.

"I said how Xiaoqian brought us here, feeling is that Lin Dong bought a house here?"

"He is the only one who has the strength."

Su Guang and his wife said excitedly.

Luo Qian looked at two people in the eyes and sighed secretly.

She knew that Lin Yang didn't want to expose her identity to the suguang family, otherwise they would not be kept in the dark. But she was also selfish. As long as Lin Yang doesn't reveal his identity and puts all the credit on Lin Dong, Su Yan's heart will be more inclined to Lin Dong, and she may divorce Lin Yang.

However, Luo Qian knows that he is only deceiving himself.

Su Yan is not a fool. Judging from the current situation, Lin Yang's identity will be exposed soon.

"So you are Mr. Lin's friends. I'm sorry, but I'm rude." The manager nodded and apologized.

"Manager Li, what's the matter with you? Who is that Mr. Lin? Can his friends break in? In that case, can I call in a hundred people and say they are my friends? " Full cover West not happy to drink a way.

"Manshao, I'm sorry. I know you may have misunderstood these people, but I can't afford to offend Mr. Lin Manager Li has no choice but to cover Xidao.

"So you can offend me His face was black.

"No, no, no, man Shao, that's not what I mean Manager Li was busy."I don't care what these people belong to that Mr. Lin. go ahead and get rid of them!" It's full of cold.

"Man Shao, this..."

"manager Li, have you heard me? Yes? Can we do it ourselves Nearby Chang Wanyue also denounced and said.

"Man Shao, Miss Li, don't embarrass me. If my boss knows about it, I'll be finished." Manager Li said with a sad face.

"Good! In this case, we have to do it ourselves. I want to buy a house here. You let a group of thieves in. I am driving my own legitimate rights and interests. Even if your boss is here, I have a good reason to say it! " Full cover West hum way, and then a wave of his hand, the people behind him immediately rushed up.

"Protect these guests! Come on

The manager yelled, and then he called again.

But the people from all over the country have rushed up.

Although the security guards are all veterans, these people in manfuxi are actually thugs of man's martial arts school. They have practiced martial arts one by one. They are not only amazing in strength, but also extremely quick in action and reaction. These excellent security guards have not taken advantage of them.

"Let's go!"

Luo Qian is in a hurry and is busy pushing Su Yan's wheelchair to go.

"I want to call the police, I want to call the police!"

Su Guang is very angry.

"What kind of police report? Hurry up! Wow, these crazy people are coming!" Zhang Qingyu is also very anxious.

"Where are you going?"

Chang Wanyue said angrily over there. She seemed to have fixed her eyes on Su Yan and rushed directly to her.

Luo Qian is caught off guard and fails to stop her. Chang Wanyue pushes Su Yan to the ground directly.

Br >

it seems that Su Yan was covered with blood at once.

The man next to him was startled.

But often Wanyue seems not to feel the same, the eyes fierce stare at that wound, actually is to take a foot to kick directly.

"Cheap woman! Bitch! Die, die for me

Often Wanyue grins ferociously and kicks Su Yan fiercely.

Su Yan was pale with pain and almost fainted.

Luo Qian widens his eyes and screams at Chang Wanyue.

The two women wrestled directly into a ball.

"Xiaoyan, are you OK, Xiaoyan?" Su Guang rushes to help Su Yan.

"Pain... I love pain..." Su Yan was weak and painful.

Xiao Dong ran to check it. His face changed with fright, and he called out in a hurry: "call an ambulance, sister Yan's wound is torn and bleeding! If you go on like this, you'll die. Call an ambulance

This voice shocked everyone!

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