No one wants to be killed.

So is manfuxi.

See Su Yan's situation is so urgent, he ordered people to stop, also let people pull Chang Wanyue away with Luo Qian.

The two women are like angry lioness, staring at each other. They have claw marks on their bodies. They are eager to devour each other alive.

But Luo Qian also dare not to entangle with Chang Wanyue again, immediately go to treat the wound for Su Yan urgently.

The manager saw that the matter had become a big headache, so he immediately arranged for the car to be sent to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

Su Guang and his family did not dare to go to the people's hospital. After all, they were driven out by the people's hospital.

Qi Chongguo came to help as soon as he heard the news.

Although the Su family had no friendship with Qi Zhong Guo, Qi Chong Guo knew Lin Yang and did not dare to neglect him. He immediately called for a team of experts to diagnose and treat Su Yan.

Of course, Lin Yang didn't know all this.

At the moment, he is flying to Shanghai by plane, and with him comes Gong Xiyun, the underground queen of Jiangcheng.

Gong Xiyun is dressed in plain clothes.

If she used to be what flowers, what coquettish wear what.

But in front of Lin Yang, she didn't dare to make public. She was well behaved, just like a gentle domestic cat.

As for Lin Yang, he has returned to his original appearance. On that day, his divine appearance attracted many girls in the cabin to look at him frequently. Some young girls came up to ask for a telephone number or autograph. They once thought that he was some new star.

Gong Xiyun also secretly looked at Lin Yang's side face.

It has to be said that Lin Yang's real appearance is simply handsome and unreasonable, especially the side face. Gong Xiyun has met many handsome men, but it is the first time for her to see such kind of person as Lin Yang.

"What are you looking at?"

At this time, Lin Yang suddenly opened a tune.

Gong Xiyun suddenly trembled, some embarrassed, busy side first way: "no... nothing."

"Let's go."

Lin Yang got up suddenly.


Gong Xiyun Leng Leng Leng, just realize that the plane has landed.

Two people out of the airport, the airport is already parked a Maybach.

This is Gong Xiyun from Shanghai.

every act and every move is not a possibility for Gong Xiyun to develop in Shanghai, but she will leave a place to look at every move in the area. After all, she is not interested in Shanghai, and she is afraid that people in Shanghai are interested in Jiangcheng.

At present, Gong Xiyun's status in China has been significantly improved. Xu Tian is injured in the hospital. The power of Nancheng is also integrated by Gong Xiyun and Xu Nandong. Her influence can be seen.

"Miss Yun, Lin Shao!"

Next to Maybach, an old man with white temples and a black suit bowed slightly.

"Are you Yanmai? Do you know where the Hua family is? " Lin Yang light road.

"Yes, Miss Yun asked me to keep a close eye on the Hua family." Old man Yanmai road.

"To China."

Lin Yang got into the car.

Gong Xiyun follows.

Soon, Maybach left the airport and headed for Hua's home.

In the suburb of Huajia manor.

A man in a suit with a cigar in his suit was staring at Hua Mu. A moment later, he put his cigar by the ashtray next to him and said coldly, "is that what you do? What do you do? "

"People have already sent them out. It's useless to regret it any more. However, Ma Hai is just a dogleg of Lin Dong. I think if he is smart, he won't fight against the Chinese family for the sake of Ma Hai?" Hua Mu snorted.

"But I heard that Lin Dong took a fancy to Su Yan of the Su family. Now you have set fire to luoqian's Hospital and want to burn Su Yan. If Lin Dong investigates, will we be suspicious? If these things are put together, Dr. Lin should not hate our Chinese family? Do you think he's going to help manchen? " The middle-aged man sank.

"What else? Do you want me to kowtow to that Lin Dong? " Hua's mother hummed, "I'm trying to give our son a bad breath? It's a pity that those dogs were lucky, and the fire didn't burn them! "

The middle-aged man did not speak, picked up his cigar again and took a puff.

"What now? Kou Guan says that man Chen can't delay any more. Doctor Lin is out of action here. Who do we have to rely on? " Hua Mu asked.

"Don't worry. I've contacted the medical organization of M country, and they have given me a reply. They can operate on manchen. I have arranged for a private plane to deliver manchen this afternoon. The time is in time." The middle-aged man said.

"Really? Good

Hua's mother was overjoyed.

Then Alu came in.

"Sir, madam, there is a person outside asking for a meeting."


They were stunned.

"Do you have an appointment this afternoon?" Hua Mu asked in dismay."I'm going to m country with manchen this afternoon. How can I make an appointment?" The middle-aged man glanced at Alu: "who is it?"

"The man said he came from Jiangcheng and called himself Doctor Lin!" The road of ALU.

As soon as the words fell, Mrs. Hua suddenly rose from the sofa.

The hand of the middle-aged man holding a cigar can't help shaking.

"Is this to set up a teacher to make a crime?" He regained his composure.

"Well, with a small Yanghua group? Is it worth it? " Hua Mu hums coldly.

"Don't underestimate this Yanghua group. Although this company was established less than a year ago, its potential is too great. After listing, its share price has been soaring and its power is too strong. It has attracted the attention of many big men. If Yanghua cooperates with those big guys, it must be a force that we can't underestimate." The middle-aged man said faintly, "go and invite Dr. Lin in."

"Yes." Alu ran down.

After a while, Lin Yang comes in with Gong Xiyun and Yanmai.

"Oh, rare guests. I didn't expect the famous doctor Lin to come to our Chinese family? Come on, please take your seat. ALU, go and get Mr. Lin a cup of tea The middle-aged man is Hua manchen's father, Hua Qingsong, with a smile on his face, and walked over to shake hands.

But Lin Yang ignored and just sat on the sofa directly.

Hua's mother was amazed at Lin Yang's appearance like a God, but when she saw Lin Yang's arrogant attitude, her eyebrows began to wrinkle.

She doesn't panic. After all, this is the Hua family.

"It's true that he's an extraordinary doctor." Huaqing pine silk was not embarrassed at all, but appreciated it and sat down.

Hua Mu murmured, her eyes twinkled with resentment.

"Let's get to the point. How are the Chinese going to explain it to me?"

Lin Yang impolitely picked up the cigar on the table and took a puff. He said faintly.

"What account? Dr. Lin, I don't understand you Hua Qingsong pretended to be stupid.

"Do you want me to be frank?" Lin Yang Ning raised his eyes and said coldly: "you sent someone to set fire to luoqian Medical Center... Shouldn't you give me an account?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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