"Oh, Qiao longyi is really willing to take out such precious medicine! It seems that he is really scared. " Lin Yang looks at Yuan Xing's two-color Tibetan flowers and big red blood Ganoderma lucidum, and laughs unexpectedly.

"The power of the leader is like thunder. How can he not be afraid?" Yuan Xing holds his fist.

"It's hard for you this time! I'm going to shut up for a few days and study bianque's manuscripts. If nothing happens during this period, don't disturb me. "

"Yes, master."

"By the way, take the blood Ganoderma lucidum and ZangDi bicolor flower to the Xuanyi school and give it to Qin baisong. Let him boil it into medicine according to my prescription and give it to Liu Rushi. With this medicine, Rushi should soon wake up."

"Yes, sir."

After dealing with these things, Lin Yang took bamboo and hid in the basement to concentrate on research.

The basement has excellent protection and concealment.

In this way, it took several days for Lin Yang to get away from the magical content of the bamboo slips.

"There is no end to the wisdom and understanding of our ancestors! Wonderful

Lin Yang holds the bamboo slips, but he can't put them down.

"Lin Dong! The business alliance is coming! "

At this time, Xu Tianxia went to the basement and called respectfully.


"Yi congenitally."

Hearing this, Lin Yang couldn't help laughing: "it's time for him to come, too. Bring him here!"


Soon, easy to be taken to the basement.

"Yes, Mr. Lin!"

Yi congenitally busy is to make a gift.

"Yi congenitally? Why are you here? "

In the corner of the rest room, Liu Mei, who was reading a book, trembled and looked at the visitors in surprise.

Seeing this, Yi congenitally stepped forward and saluted the water of white calamity: "meet the leader! Is everything ok with the leader? "

Bai Yinshui looked at him quietly for a while, then took a deep breath, nodded silently and said, "I see. No wonder Dr. Lin suddenly appeared in Donglong town and plundered me here. It was you who revealed my whereabouts! You betrayed me

"Master Bai Meng, I have no choice. If I didn't tell Mr. Lin where you are at that time, I would have been a stranger." Yi congenitally shrugged.

"People like you, damn it." White disaster level static way.

Although he said it calmly, the killing intention in his words was very strong.

Yi congenitally didn't answer.

"Congenitally, why do you come to me when you are not staying in the Business League?" Lin Yang asked.

"Mr. Lin, I'm here to repay my kindness!"

"Repay me?"

"Yes, at the banquet, if Mr. Lin hadn't helped me, I would have died a long time ago. Mr. Lin's great kindness is unforgettable."

"Ah, congenitally, you said too much! As a matter of fact, you know that the water of white calamity was taken away by me, but so far you haven't exposed it to the public or betrayed me. In this case, I will naturally save you. " Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Expose? He dares. He betrayed me. If he confesses you, he will not be suicidal? But if you don't save him and let him die like this, won't your secret never be known? " White water snorted.

"I don't believe congenital will betray me." Lin Yang said seriously.

White water did not say a word, but eyes full of disgust.

I don't believe that.

"Congenitally, we are all our own people. Let's talk about it directly. Do you think you will repay us? What do you mean Lin Yang asked, squinting.

Yi Xianren was very busy and said solemnly, "Mr. Lin, Tong Ye is fighting with Hua An!"

"Master Tong?"

"Yes, after Hua'an took the position of acting alliance leader, he set his eyes on the position of alliance leader, and he was sure to win. But master Tong didn't agree. He coveted the position of alliance leader for a long time, how could he give it to Hua'an? As a result, people on both sides began to fight. In recent days, the business alliance has been in a mess. " Yi said with a smile.

"What are you looking for me for?" Lin Yang asked inexplicably.

But see Yi congenital close a few minutes, carefully asked: "Mr. Lin, you... Is not interested in business alliance?"

"Business alliance?" Lin Yang was slightly stunned.

The white disaster water over there suddenly raised its head and stared at this side with awe inspiring eyes.

"Mr. Tong is very powerful in the business alliance. As the acting leader of the alliance, Hua An is not a fuel-saving lamp. Once they fight, they will lose both sides. The business alliance will certainly be in chaos. Mr. Lin, if you step in at this time and I will be your inner agent, won't you win the business alliance at one stroke?"

Yi Xianren laughs.

Lin Yang's breath solidified.

This idea... How crazy!

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