The business alliance was established with the support of the Congress. Its existence is very special and its energy is very broad.

As a unique organization of dragon country, the Congress is also unparalleled and unchallengeable.

In addition to its own strong strength, money support is also essential for the conference to be so powerful and influential in China.

Business alliance is one of the main sources of financial resources.

With the support of the Congress, the business alliance covers almost all walks of life and has vast energy.

If we can master the business alliance, it will be a qualitative leap for Lin Yang.

You know, a business alliance can be worth more than ten Yanghua!

But according to Yi Xianren, it also means a formal declaration of war with the Congress.

Although Lin Yang thinks that the current strength is not bad, there are not many domestic forces to compete with him, but that is the Congress, the means are all over the world!

What we are facing is the general assembly. At present, Lin Yang's energy is undoubtedly beating the stone with the egg!

Lin Yang fell into silence.

Yi Xianren looks at Lin Yang, waiting for his reply.

In fact, Yi congenitally has a clear mind.

At this time, he and Lin Yang have long been tied together. He sold out the water of white calamity. He can never give up Lin Yang, otherwise he will die without a place to bury himself.

Since he chose to stand on Lin Yang's side, he naturally had to consider Lin Yang.

It's just that he obviously doesn't realize how terrible it will be if he loses.

White disaster water will be in the hands of the book down, cold staring at Lin Yang, seems to be waiting for his choice.

For a while, Lin Yang raised his head.

But see Lin Yang lightly smile: "since have this opportunity, that nature is to want to grasp well!"

"Yes, Mr. Lin? Great. Let's make a plan now. I'll try to get you into the business alliance first Yi congenitally happy, hastily said.

"I'm not in the Business League." Lin Yang immediately shook his head.

"Not in the Business League?"

Yi Xianxian was slightly stunned: "how can you control the business alliance if you don't join the business alliance? Mr. Lin, now there are no leaders in the business alliance. Hua An is fighting with Tong Ye. I can just insert you into it, and then let you make some contributions and build up your prestige. When they are both defeated, you can take actions to solve them and successfully sit on the position of alliance leader. If you don't join the business alliance, all this is just empty talk! "

"Isn't there you?" Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Me?" Yi congren was stunned.


Lin Yang took out a packet of cigarettes from his pocket, lit one, and said with a smile, "it's enough to have you! I will do my best to help you with all my manpower and financial resources! "

"Ah?" Yi congenitally silly, for a while quickly waved his hand: "no, no! Mr. Lin! It's not going to work! How can I dare to be the leader of the alliance? I can't sit down! "

"If I say you can, you can. Don't worry! You just have to sit as I tell you, and you don't have to think about the rest. " Lin Yang said with a smile.

Yi Xianren opened his mouth and said something, but Lin Yang immediately raised his hand to indicate that he didn't need to say much.

"It's so decided. You go back. I'll contact you again if there's anything wrong."

"This... Ok..."

Yi congenital helpless, can only harden the scalp and turn away.

As soon as Yi Xianren left, the water of white calamity opened.

"Dr. Lin, this Yi congenitally doesn't know the height of heaven and earth. If you want to find your own way to die, why don't you accompany him to die?" The water is cold.

"You mean the business alliance leader?" Lin Yang side head.

"You have to know that the business alliance is supported by the general assembly. Although the general assembly allows the business alliance to develop on its own, it does not mean that outsiders can make trouble. If the business alliance is really out of control, the General Assembly will intervene. When it comes time, they only need to investigate and your affairs will be revealed. At that time, you will not be the only one who died, Dr. Lin, but your whole Yanghua, Will be because of your stupid decision and go to destruction, there will be countless people because of you lost their lives! You know what? " White disaster water says coldly.

Lin Yang hears the sound, but does not answer the words. Instead, he asks: "master Bai Meng, what's the effect of the two kinds of pills I gave you

Bai Yingshui was stunned, silent for a moment, nodded and said: "the effect is really good. I can feel that my complexion is much better these days, and the crow's feet that just appeared in the corner of my eyes have disappeared. If I continue to take it, it will never be a problem to return to my 18-year-old face."

"Do you want to continue taking this Zhuyan pill?" Lin Yang asked again.

White disaster water breathing a tight, then slightly side head, silver teeth clench, seems to fall into a very tangled.

After a while, she gritted her teeth and asked, "what are the conditions?"

"Didn't I say that before? Everything you know about the business alliance and the Congress tells me that you will take this medicine continuously. "

White disaster water heard, suddenly understand everything!

Lin Yang is going to drag himself into the water!

It's certainly not easy for him to support Yi congenitally to become the leader of the alliance. After all, Lin Yang doesn't know anything about the business alliance and even the general assembly, so it's easy to expose it. Once it's revealed, it's a dead end.

But if you drag in the white water, the situation will be very different.

With the help of her former leader of the business alliance, it will be easy for Yi Xiansheng to become the leader of the business alliance!

White water is silent.

She must not agree to let her go with Lin Yang.

But in this situation, she has no choice.

Even if she can give up that zhuyandan, she can't do anything. Yi Xianren has betrayed the business alliance, and Tong ye and Hua An are fighting against each other. Now the business alliance is in danger. Unless the General Assembly intervenes at this time, it is impossible to prevent this crisis.

However, the people of the current conference are busy holding the conference. Who can notice the undercurrent of the business alliance?

I don't know how long it took.

"What do you want to do?" White disaster water raised his head and asked coldly.

"Don't worry, I have to see how Hua An fights with Tong ye first!"

Lin Yang said with a smile.

White disaster water autumn eyes tight coagulation, no longer speak.


At this time, the phone in Lin Yang's pocket vibrated.

Scanning the caller ID, it's su Yan!

Lin Yang slightly a Zheng, press the connect key.

"What's the matter, Xiao Yan?" Lin Yang picked up his mobile phone and asked.

"Are you free? Go somewhere with me. " Su Yan's expression is quite serious.

"Where?" Lin yangleng asked.

"A place called the poor state faction!"

"Poor state school?"

Lin Yang was confused: "where is that?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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