Everyone is stupid.

A pair of eyes stare huge, incredible looking at the god fire venerable, looking at his body that dense silver needle!

At the moment, there are ten needles in the body of the god fire master. There are 100 needles!

How terrible!

People gape and dare not speak.

Shenhuo venerable also has a face of amazement. He looks down at the needle on his body and doesn't speak for a long time.

"Your honor, it seems that... I won..."

Lin Yang gasped, as if he had taken off his strength. He was shaking.

After all, all the silver needles were punched out at one go.

Moreover, the power covered on these silver needles is quite different from the power released by Lin Yang before.

It is more fierce, more swift and more exquisite.

Of course, the most important thing is that it ignores all the defenses of the sacred fire.

It's appalling.

"How did you do it?"

The sacred fire master looked back at the silver needle on his body and said calmly, "you can't pierce my defense, you can't break my element needle. Why do you do it all of a sudden?"

"My Lord, are you mistaken? When did I tell you that I can't break your defense? " Lin Yang asked.

God fire venerable one Leng, suddenly understood what, coagulate a voice way: "show enemy with weak?"

"That's right." Lin Yang nodded: "if you launch the defense of Wu Shen body, I can't break it, but you launch the inborn vigorous Qi with the same strength as the inborn vigorous body. My ultimate destructive power at present can pierce the inborn vigorous Qi!"

"If you don't pierce the inborn vigorous Qi at the beginning, it's just to show the enemy's weakness and make me think that you can't pierce my defense, so that I can take it lightly! What's more, when you face my element needle, you can also destroy it. But you deliberately break your silver needle and pretend to be irresistible, which makes me think that you can't deal with the element needle at all. Then you make trouble at the last moment, which makes me defenseless? " Divine fire venerable light says.

Lin Yang nodded: "yes, I was really showing the enemy's weakness before, because I know that it is impossible to defeat you only by my strength. If you want to win, you can only give me a chance! In fact, I was able to deal with the first two attacks without damage. But I know I can't deal with them, because once I resist them, the next attack will be very terrible. At the same time, your view of my strength will be improved, and your defense against me will also be infinitely improved. In fact, if you keep pushing the warrior body, my needle can't penetrate your skin, But because the previous two injections made you think that my strength was insignificant, you didn't continue to maintain the body of Wu Shen, and you didn't even think that I would fight back, so you started my way! "

"I didn't expect that! I was defeated in the end! Doctor Lin, you really make me look at you with new eyes

There was not much expression on his face, and his eyes became very strange. He said faintly: "according to the agreement, I lost! Dr. Lin, you can leave Shenhuo Island safe and sound! "

"Thank you, master Shenhuo! The venerable is only modest. " Lin Yang said.

"Humility? No, it's careless! People's character has many weaknesses, you just used my arrogance and carelessness to defeat me! You are a man with brains. Unlike those mole ants who challenge me, they just come here to die! " The god fire venerable face has no expression way: "so many years from my hand survival person basic have no, now, you are the first!"

"I'm flattered! Now that the contest is over, I won't disturb you. Goodbye

Lin Yang held his fist again, then turned around and walked down the mountain.

All the people at the foot of the mountain are staring at Lin Yang. When he comes, people automatically get out of the way, and no one dares to stop him.

Every look at Lin Yang is full of respect and shock.

This is the only existence they know that has defeated the divine fire.

Although this man did not defeat the sacred fire master by force, as long as he won, he would win.

Shenhuo island people arranged a boat, ready to send Linyang islands.

But just as he was about to leave, the voice of Shenhuo came again.

"Doctor Lin, when will you return to the island?"

This one voice falls, let Lin Yang not from one Zheng.

He turned his head, but saw the sacred fire venerable standing on the edge of the cliff, overlooking him.

"What do you mean by that Lin Yang asked strangely.

"Do you need me to break it? If you don't go back to the island, would you like to go to Jiangcheng to see you? " The light way of God fire.

"See a doctor?" Lin Yang breathes hard.

But he saw the master of Shenhuo jump, jump down from the cliff, fall in front of Lin Yang, and said with no expression: "don't you really think I'm an idiot? If it wasn't for you, could it be that she solved it herself? "

Lin Yang a Leng, silent for a moment, light way: "so the venerable wants me to treat sequelae for you?"

"What? You cured her? Can't you cure me? " The divine fire master asked lightly.

Lin Yang took a deep breath and said calmly: "to tell you the truth, I have known for a long time that the venerable and the saint have the same sequelae, but I told the saint that I can't cure your sequelae at all, because it's a very reluctant thing for me to cure the saint. Your cultivation is too high, and my acupuncture and medicine can't even do anything for you."

"So there's no way for me to deal with my sequelae?" The holy fire master's face was cold: "or... You don't want to cure me at all?"

"If I have the strength to cure the venerable, is it necessary to fight with you? I can save my life by treating this for you. Why take the risk? " Lin Yang asked.

This word fell to the ground, the god fire venerable hesitated, indifferently nodded: "what you said is reasonable, it seems that you really have no way... Forget it, you go back, I will deal with the sequelae."

"Well... But it's not right to say there's no way." Lin Yang touched chin way.

Hearing this, the sacred fire master suddenly turned his head and stared at him: "what can you do?"

"In fact, it's not a way. I don't know if the venerable is willing to try! If you use this method, it will consume huge materials and money, and the preparation work is also time-consuming and labor-consuming, extremely cumbersome! If we say that we have failed, we may end up with nothing to do! " Lin Yang said.

"As long as there is a way to relieve the sequelae, even if there is only 10% hope, I will try it!" The sacred fire venerable shouts a way.

The attitude is particularly firm.

The saint girl here casts her eyes, and the willow eyebrows lock tightly.

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