For the god fire venerable, he doesn't care about any money or manpower!

He only cares about himself!

To his state, the only thing in his mind is how to impact a higher state, how to let himself enter a new height.

The sequelae of Huoyan was a big obstacle in his cultivation.

In order to eliminate the sequelae, he had to shut up every other year or two. Others think that he is a breakthrough in cultivation. In fact, as Lin Yang expected, he is purely to solve the sequelae of fire.

However, it takes a long time and has no effect.

This time he closed the door, he still failed.

However, to his surprise, the sequelae of the goddess of divine fire disappeared.

He firmly believed that the sacred fire Saint had no such ability.

Then, it must be Dr. Lin.

The sacred fire master knows that this is an opportunity, even if the possibility of cure is not high, he should grasp it!

Because if we don't deal with the sequela, I'm afraid he will die of it one day.

So anyway, he has to try!

"Did the venerable decide to be treated?" Lin Yang looked at him and asked.

"Of course!" The god fire venerable straight way.

"Well, do you have a pen and paper?" Asked Lin Yang.

"Get the pen and paper!" The sacred fire master drank a lot.

One of the disciples came in a hurry with a pen and paper in his hand.

Lin Yang took up his pen and wrote down a list and handed it to him.

"Look for these things first, and come to Jiangcheng to find me! I'll treat you again. " Lin Yang road.

"What? I have to move to Jiangcheng? " The divine fire master frowned.

"No, you can't. the facilities on Shenhuo island are terrible! It's not complete at all. I can't cure you here. " Lin Yang shook his head.

The sacred fire venerable was indifferent for a moment. He took the list and glanced at it. His face became tense immediately.

"The materials on it are extremely rare in the world, and many even legendary herbs are extremely difficult to collect."

"Yes, if it's easy to collect, the treatment of the sequelae will be easy. You have a high level. If you don't use good medicine, you can't cure it at all."

"Well, I'll send someone to collect it for you as soon as possible, but... I've never heard of these herbs. What's this matchless Pueraria leaf?"

"A variety of Pueraria lobata can only grow in the place where the five elements converge, and the survival rate is one in ten thousand!"

"How many leaves of Wuxing can produce?"

"You are wrong in asking this question. Should you ask a few hundred pieces of land in the five elements that can produce a matchless Pueraria leaf?"

"What? Hundreds of five elements? At present, there are only a few known places of the five elements in the territory of the Dragon kingdom? Does that mean that there is no such herb in China at present

"As far as I know, the last one appeared 600 years ago."

"Aren't these herbs out of print? Where do you want me to search? Are you playing with me? " The sacred fire master was furious.

"Don't be angry, I don't mean to tease you! In fact, I know where the matchless Pueraria leaves are. It's just that... I can't get them. I'm afraid the venerable won't dare to get them either. " Lin Yang opens his mouth.

"Where is it?" Shenhuo asked ferociously.

"Business alliance!" Lin Yang said immediately.


The exalted master's anger subsided most of the time, his brows wrinkled and he thought for a moment before he asked in a deep voice, "is there a business alliance?"

"It's true

"Where is that? I'll go and get it! "

"The current position is still unclear, but as a national special trade organization supported by the Congress, the business alliance has countless treasures and a variety of rare medicinal materials. Actually, I have heard that the business alliance has Shuangge leaves, and how can I know where they are?"

"Isn't that nonsense?" The divine fire master snorted.

"How can this be nonsense? Where is the specific location of the leaves of Wushuang kudzu? I'll make an investigation. In fact, it's necessary to make an investigation, because the leaves of Wushuang kudzu are not the first choice. If there are other more powerful and rare herbs in the business alliance, the chance of treating the venerable's sequelae may be greatly improved! "


"Why don't you believe me? If so, why should I be treated? " Lin Yang asked.

"Good! I believe you! I order you to investigate the location of those herbs as soon as possible! Then get it for me! "

"Take medicine? I don't dare. It's a business alliance. If I'm caught! Am I not dead without a grave

Lin Yang immediately refused.

"What are you afraid of? Shenhuo island as your backing! If you offend the trade union, I will protect you! "

"What should we do if the General Assembly comes to investigate?" Lin Yang asked.

"The General Assembly? Well, do you think I'm afraid of them? "

"You are not afraid, my Lord, but I am! In fact, I think it's better to get the medicine openly than to steal the medicine secretly from the commercial League! "

"Just take the medicine? Yes? Do you think you started the business alliance? " The sacred fire venerable swept him one eye, light says.

"I didn't drive it, but if you can give it to me, isn't it mine?" Lin Yang said with a smile.

With this, the venerable Shenhuo was silent.

"What do you think?"

"There are many ideas. Let's see if the venerable is willing to support them." Lin Yang gave a faint smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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