All the people on the scene were breathing. They all looked at Lin Yang in unison.

By this time, Hua Qingsong had no intention to reason with Lin Yang.

This is Shanghu. Can he deal with the Chinese family again?

He had no choice at all.

This is the time to compromise!


Lin Yang was a few steps forward, standing in front of Hua Qingsong, staring at him without expression.

Hua Qingsong feels pressure doubled, but he is an old fox who has been climbing in Shanghai for so many years. How can he be frightened by such a young man? At that time, he also looked at Lin Yang without fear.

The atmosphere in the room is freezing.

Everyone seems to be able to hear each other's heartbeat.

"Make up your mind! Do you really want us to do it Hua Mu couldn't bear to drink.

"Then you can do it!" Lin Yang road.

"What do you mean?" Hua Mu was stunned.

"Isn't the meaning clear enough? I refuse Lin Yang said again.

The last three words, like a sledgehammer, hit people's brains hard and made them humming.

"Are you sure, Mr. Lin?" Hua Qingsong narrowed his eyes.

"I'll wait for you to do it!"

Lin Yang said faintly.

"Doctor Lin, do you have to force us to do this?" Hua Qingsong's face became extremely cold.

Lin Yang said nothing.

"Qingsong, what are you talking about? Kill this kid and push him down the stairs! When he goes to hell, do I think he can still be tough Hua Mu Qi roared.

But... Hua Qingsong didn't do it.

"Qingsong, are you deaf?" Hua's mother is in a hurry.

Hua Qingsong is still silent.

Finally, the Chinese mother couldn't help but grab a pistol from the man in black next to her, and she wanted to start!

"Stop it

Hua Qingsong shouts.

"What are you doing?" Hua Mu screamed.

"He is not afraid of death." Huaqing pine face no expression way: "let's kill him like this completely useless, let alone kill him, no one can cure the morning."

"What should I do now?" Hua Mu Qi asked.

"Take him back first and treat him slowly. If there is any accident in man Chen, let him be buried with him!" Huaqing pine hoarse way, eyes are full of sinister.

When the voice fell, the man in black behind him had already stepped forward.

But at the moment when they came forward, Lin Yang raised his hand lightly.


several silver needles flew out of his fingertips and directly stuck them on the people in black.

For a moment, the men in black were unable to move, as if frozen.

"Well, what are you doing here? Do it now Hua Mu shouts.

But the men in black remained still.

"You... A bunch of shit!" Hua Mu Qi rushed directly to the men in black.

However, after one punch, the man in black actually fell to the ground.

Hua Mu is confused.

Everyone in the room was also shocked.

Are these guys in trouble?

"What did you do?" Hua Qingsong stares at Lin Yang's deep road.

Lin Yang did not speak, but nodded at the door.

Yan Mai, who has been standing at the door, immediately closes the door.


The sound is very harsh at this moment.

"What are you... Doing?" Hua's mother was stunned, and the whole person was flustered.

Hua Qingsong is aware of what, no longer polite, directly called out: "shoot! Kill him

As soon as the voice fell, the remaining men in black pulled the trigger without hesitation.

But as soon as their fingers pulled the trigger...


Lin Yang's hand lifted up again, and those silver needles flew out of his fingertips like meteors, especially the sound of breaking through the air.

In the blink of an eye, those people in black also followed the footsteps of the previous few people and could not move any more.


Hua Mu is totally stupid.

Hua Qingsong retreated, pale to the extreme.

All the people in black seemed to have lowered their heads, motionless, and their breath became very weak.

"He... Does he know magic? Doctor Lin is a monster! He's a monster Mother Hua's shrill cry.

Gong Xiyun was frightened and sweating.

She knows that Lin Yang's method is not simple, but now she still feels a bit of a dream when she looks at this fantastic move.

Who the hell is this man?

"Alu! Ah Shou

Hua Qingsong had a quick drink."Don't worry, sir. We will protect you."

Alua Shouqi came forward and directly blocked in front of Hua Qingsong, and set out his posture.

Look at the posture of the two, it is obvious that they are both practitioners.

"Do it!"

Hua Qingsong didn't want to be wordy, so he drank it.

Two people immediately rushed to the past, a pair of fists such as a dragon, toward Linyang roar, a leg like wind, attack its footwall.

Lin Yang's eyes are awe inspiring.

This time, he did not use the silver needle to kick a Shou's leg directly.


Collision of legs.

But Lin Yang's leg strength is not known how much.


A Shou's leg was directly kicked and fractured, and his huge strength kicked him to fly.

A Shou fell on the sofa, and it was difficult to get up.

People breathe a tight, it depends on Alu's fist can put down Lin Yang.

But at the moment when the fist was about to hit Lin Yang's temple, a hand as fast as lightning caught Alu's neck, and then pushed him to the wall pillar nearby.


Alu's body heavily hit the wall column, the whole column directly split.

The huge power directly shocked ALU.

Lin Yang released his hand, ALU directly fell to the ground, and could not get up.

Seeing that the two most powerful thugs around him are directly put down by Lin Yang, Hua's mother and Hua Mancheng are already frozen in place, shocked and pale.

"You said you set the fire?"

Lin Yang stares at Hua Qingsong and asks.

"I didn't expect Dr. Lin to be so powerful. We lost sight of him. Dr. Lin, we are cured of this disease. It's our fault. It's all our fault. We should stay on the line and meet each other in the future. I think we can go now?" Hua Qingsong took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"But I'm not going to let you go."

Lin Yang shook his head: "I was going to give you a chance, but you even took out the gun for me... This seems to blame me?"

With that, Lin Yang went straight past, but instead of using a silver needle to deal with Hua Qingsong, he took out a medicine bag from his coat pocket.

"Open their mouths." Lin Yang light road.

"Yes, Lin Shao."

Gong Xiyun immediately walked over and forcibly broke the mouth of Hua Qingsong and his wife.

Lin Yang divided the medicine in the medicine bag into two parts and poured it in, and then gave them a mouthful of tea.

"Keke... Keke, Keke..."

they coughed constantly, but they were useless.

"What did you give us to eat?" Hua Qing song clenched his teeth and roared.

"Poison." Lin Yang said calmly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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