
Hua Qingsong and his wife were white with fear.

"You... You want to poison us?" Hua's mother was so frightened that she shivered as if she had been electrified.

"Don't worry. It's a chronic poison. It won't die for a while." Lin Yang said with a light smile, "look at your arms!"

Hearing the sound, they quickly rolled up their sleeves.

But they saw a purple thin line in their arms, which seemed to be their blood vessels.

"This poison is very invasive. It has already spread in your blood vessels, but its effect is slow. It will take about 10 days for the purple thread to reach your shoulder. If you don't get the antidote after 10 days, and the purple line touches the shoulder position, you will be poisoned and killed. Don't worry, no one in the world can solve it except me Those who drop the poison, even if you go to Yanjing for medical treatment. " Lin Yang light road.

Hua Mu almost fainted on the ground.

"Doctor Lin, what do you want?" Hua Qingsong clenched his teeth.

"Do something for me. I can give you an antidote." Lin Yang light road.

"What's the matter?"

"I want you at all costs to help me attack a group and all its businesses, of course, strictly a family." Lin Yang light road.

"Which family?" Hua Qing song Leng next asked.

"Yanjing Lin family!" Lin Yang said calmly.

These four words out, Hua Qingsong legs a soft, instant is a buttock sitting on the ground.

"I think you're crazy."

After half a noise, he just shivered and yelled.

Yan Jing Lin family?

That's Yanjing Lin family!

Although the Hua family is No. 1 in Shanghai, compared with the Lin family in Yanjing, it is nothing.

That's a giant!

"What? You dare not? " Lin Yang glanced at him.

"This is death! What's more, it's my Chinese family who'd rather you killed me now! I'm not going to take the whole Hua family to bury me! " Hua Qing song roared.

"Do you think I can't clean up your Hua family?" Lin Yang immediately took a sentence.

Hua Qing was stunned.


with Lin Yang's marvelous skill and the terrible energy behind him, even if he can't destroy the Hua family today, what about a year later? Two years later?

In other words, the rising speed of Yanghua group will be enough to crush the Hua family in a few years. At that time, Lin Yang will retaliate against the Chinese family. What can he do to resist it?

Hua Qingsong was extremely desperate...

"don't worry, the Hua family will be OK. As long as you nod your head, your Chinese family will be equivalent to relying on Yanghua group and me. I will not only protect your safety and give you antidotes, but also help you to cure huamanchen, so that you will not become a queen? Do you promise Lin Yang said with a faint smile.

These conditions can be said to be extremely attractive.

Hua Qingsong is excited.

But... The Lin family is too big!

In front of them, the Hua family is the mole ant in front of the giant. If the Lin family gets serious and moves its network a little, I'm afraid that the Hua family will have to disappear directly from Shanghai.

Take the initiative to attack the Lin family?

Isn't this hitting the stone with an egg?

Hua Qingsong is in a dilemma.

"Have you heard about the southern school?" At this time, Lin Yang made a sound again.

"The southerners? Yes

Hua Qing Song Wei Leng way.

He wanted to send someone to the southern school for medical treatment, but the person sent brought news of the southern school. It can be said that Hua Qingsong completely stopped the idea and shocked him to the extreme.

The southerners... Were forcibly disbanded.

Everything is gone.

Although we don't know where the southerners went, the academy has been completely abandoned.

Hua Qingsong did not know who the southern faction had offended and how it was suddenly disbanded, but he understood that the man who made the southern faction disbanded must be a big man with an eye to the eye, and even he had to look forward to.

Lin Yang is good. How did he mention the southern school?

Hua Qingsong was a little confused, but a moment later, he suddenly thought of a possibility, the whole person's breath was completely stopped.

He opened his eyes, staring at Lin Yang stupidly, pointing to him and trembling.

"Lin... Dr. Lin, do you mean that you... You let the South disband?"

"Yes." Lin Yang responded faintly.

This word, almost fried Hua Qingsong couple's brain is blank, can no longer think.

"In fact, the southern faction has not been disbanded. I have incorporated most of the southern faction. I have set up a new medical organization called Xuanyi school. Xiong Changbai, the president of the southern school, is also in it. There are most talented doctors." Lin Yang road.

Hiss!!!Hua Qingsong took a cool breath and finally understood why Lin Yang had such a strong foundation.

"Do you have any more worries now?" Lin Yang asked.

However, Hua Qingsong quickly got up and bowed deeply to Lin Yang. He called out, "Mr. Lin, Qingsong has been following your orders and going through fire and water, and will not say goodbye."

When he finished speaking, he was busy winking at the dull Chinese mother.

Hua's mother came back to her senses and rushed to bow to Lin Yang.

If Lin Yang really mastered the southern faction... Even if he could not compete with the Lin family, at least he had a chance to keep their Chinese family...

"you are all smart people, and that's why I let you go. I hope you can do it yourself and don't do some stupid things. After all, the opportunity is only once, and it's too late to regret it."

Lin Yang said faintly, then waved: "go back to prepare, within three days I want to hear that there is news from the Lin family."

"Yes... Yes, thank you, Lin Shao, thank you Lin Shao!"

Hua Qingsong nodded again and again, then stepped back quickly, ignoring Hua's mother and ran away in a gray way.

"You wait for me..." mother Hua shuddered and immediately ran away.

"Lin Shao, what about these people?" Asked Yanmai, glancing at the man in black in the room.

"Tell them to clean up." Lin Yang road.

"Yes." Yanmai went down.

"Lin Shao, just let them go? It's too cheap for them. These foxes are cunning foxes, and they are likely to turn back. " Gong Xiyun is a little reluctant to say.

"It's not worth killing them for a while. In my eyes, they are always enemies, but I have more than one enemy. I prefer to let my enemies fight against them. It's not me who benefits from this?" Lin Yang said quietly.

Gong Xiyun nodded, but his heart jumped to his throat.

The enemy?

According to the meaning of Lin Yang's words, the Lin family... Is also his enemy?

When did Lin Shao offend such a huge and terrifying existence?

Gong Xiyun dare not think about it any more.

Just then, the mobile phone on Lin Yang's desk rings again.

Lin Yang glanced at the caller ID, it was Luo Qian, then went to connect.

"What about luoqian? Su Yan, are they all arranged? " Lin Yang asked.

But it is to hear Luo Qian choking voice.

"Lin Yang, Xiaoyan, she... She's dying..."

"what do you say?" Lin Yang was shocked.

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