When Linyang rushed to Jiangcheng in a hurry, Su Yan had already given emergency treatment in Jiangcheng Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

In the corridor.

"How did you come here?"

Seeing Lin Yang coming in a hurry, Zhang Qingyu, who was waiting anxiously outside, suddenly got up to drink.

"Mom, how's Xiaoyan?" Lin Yang asked.

"What does Xiao Yan have to do with you? Lin Yang, I tell you, that Lin Dong is still interested in Xiaoyan. You will get divorced sooner or later, so you should stop pestering Xiaoyan. " Zhang Qingyu snorted angrily.

"Sunny rain, you can say less. If it wasn't for Linyang, we would have been burned to death by the fire before. You can't remember other people's, OK?" Su Guang frowned.

"Oh? Su Guang! You're amazing! Turn your elbow out? Do you know why our family is so poor? Do you know why our family is looked down upon? Because of this man! If Xiaoyan doesn't marry him, will our family be bullied like this? " Zhang Qingyu flushed the road.

She was bullied by others, and now there is no justice. Naturally, she is full of anger. Now that Lin Yang comes, she also spreads the anger on Lin Yang.

Lin Yang frowned.

Su Guang got up quickly: "sunny, how can Xiaoyang be blamed for this? What's more, Xiaoyang has some skills now. At least he has some relationship. Don't underestimate him. Don't he know Lin Dong? Xiao Yang, you don't have the same idea with your mother. "

"Yes? Oh, don't you understand? Whether it's the Xu family or the Ning family, the reason why they know Lin Yang is because of the Lin Dong! " Zhang Qingyu said coldly.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Su Guangzhi.

"How did I marry an idiot like you? The Xu family all know that Lin Dong likes our Xiaoyan, and they are all aiming at Lin Dong's face. Lin Dong knows this guy and wants to get in touch with us Xiaoyan through this guy. Do you really think Lin Yang has something to do with him? It's all because of us Xiaoyan. Don't give him some face. If we don't have Xiaoyan, what do you think he is? " Zhang Qingyu sneered repeatedly.

"This... But... Sunny rain, last time in the company, didn't Lin Dong say that he would not marry Xiaoyan?" Su Guang hesitated.

"Maybe it's something Xiaoyan did that made Lin Dong unhappy, did Lin Dong say so? Otherwise, why should Lin Dong give the house to Xiaoqian and let Xiaoqian arrange Xiaoyan to live? This proves that Lin Dong still can't let Xiaoyan go in his heart! " Zhang Qingyu vowed: "as long as Xiao Yan and Lin Dong become, surnamed Su, we will be alive in this life!"

Su Guang opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

In fact, he is not sure whether Lin Dongyu likes Lin Dongxi or not su Yan, but Zhang Qingyu's words are also reasonable.

Lin Yang is lazy to pay attention to these two people.

He turned around and looked around, just as luoqian came out of the doctor's office, along with Qi Zhong Guo.

Lin Yang walked over at once.

"Dr. Lin?"

Qi Chongguo's eyes suddenly burst into light, and immediately came over with a look of excitement.

"How does the old doctor Qi call Xiaoyang the miracle doctor of Lin? Does he not know what the three words "Doctor Lin" mean Su Guang was surprised and said.

"Well, you forgot? This boy has read several medical books. It's probably doctor Qi who made fun of him. Do you think he is the legendary Doctor Lin? Don't be kidding Zhang Qingyu disdained the way.

Su Guang said nothing.

"How is Xiaoyan?" Lin Yang asked.

"Heavy country medical skill is poor, Miss Su Yan, she... Is not out of danger now..." Qi Chongguo looks gloomy and sighs.

"Get the silver needle and take me in." Lin Yang sinks.

"Good! Dr. Lin, please come here. I'll give you a hand. "

Qi Zhong Guoxin said.

Lin Yang nodded and went to the emergency room.

"Well, Dr. Qi, how did you let him in?" Zhang Qingyu was in a hurry and kept shouting.

"Aunt Zhang, it's OK. Lin Yang went in to help. Xiaoyan will certainly be OK." Luo Qian busy stop Zhang Qingyu comfort way.

"But... Lin Yang that guy..." Zhang Qingyu called a few times, but the door has been closed.

Entering the emergency room, Lin Yang immediately walked to the operating table.

Because of the critical situation, the doctors sent by the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine are not limited to traditional Chinese medicine.

But the level of medical treatment in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine is obviously inferior to that of the people's Hospital, so the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment is also much lower.

Lin Yang gave Su Yan a little examination. When she saw the wound in her abdomen, Lin Yang's face was cold.

He didn't say anything, but took the silver needle from Qizhong state and stabbed it.

After half an hour like this, Lin Yang stretched out his hand again and began to massage for Su Yan.

We can see that there is a layer of light breath between his palms, and with each massage, these Qi is to drill into Su Yan's body.

Pay equal attention to the country's attention."What's this manipulation?" He asked in amazement.

Lin Yang did not answer.

After a moment, he stopped and said faintly, "it's almost over. Go and get the medicine. Grind the Lysimachia christinae, Agastache rugosa, Herba euphorbiae and wild ginseng into powder. Take it with water, three times a day. Go and do it right away."

"Good." Qi Zhong Guo nodded repeatedly.

"By the way, give my wife the best room to rest."

"Don't worry, Dr. Lin. her ward is the best in our hospital." Qi Chongguo said with a smile.

"Thank you."

"It's OK. Doctor Lin is so polite." Qi Chong state ran out.

Lin Yang walked out of the emergency room with a gloomy face.

"Lin Yang, how's Xiaoyan?" Luo Qian asked urgently.

"The surname Lin, I tell you, if Xiao Yan has something wrong, I won't let you go!" Zhang Qingyu clenched his teeth.

Lin Yang ignored Zhang Qingyu, only to Luo Qian way: "don't worry, she's OK, next as long as the peace of mind to recuperate."


Luo Qian patted her chest.

Su Guang was also relieved.

"Xiaoqian, tell me what happened before?"


with a helpless sigh, Luo Qian said all the things that had happened in the past century.

Lin Yang a listen, the chill on the face more and more cold.

"Linyang, Xiaoqian... Suffered too much..." Luo Qian sighed.

"Don't worry, I won't let her get hurt again." Lin Yang said hoarsely.

"But you don't love her, and she never loved you." Luo Qian suddenly said a ghost.

This word falls, Lin Yang Leng, Luo Qian oneself also Leng.

She suddenly turned away from her face and said nothing, but her eyes were sad and flustered.

Lin Yang was silent for a moment and said faintly, "in fact, I know better than anyone else, but... We are husband and wife in the end. I should take up the responsibility for my husband!"

Luo Qian hears the voice, the small mouth is light open, after a moment, it is a light smile, is about to say what, at this time, next to a voice.

"Are you Mr. Lin Yanglin, please?"

Lin Yang micro Leng, side head and look, just found a man standing beside him in a suit.


"Hello, Mr. Lin. our boss wants to see you." The suit man said.

"Who is your boss?" Lin Yang frowned.

"Chairman of shijihaoqing" Man way.

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