Hearing this, Luo Qian and Lin Yang immediately understand the intention of the visitors.

"It's mostly about trying to deal with what happened today."

Luo Qian relieved his breath and said with a smile: "don't say, the attitude of century Haoqing is pretty good. If it wasn't for the security forces of century pride to stop Chang Wanyue and Manfu Xi in time, maybe we would all have to lie in hospital."

Lin Yang touched his chin and said suddenly, "how many security guards are involved in stopping man Fu Xi's thugs?"

Luo Qian micro Leng, thought under shaking his head: "I don't remember the specific number of people, estimated that there should be seven or eight."

"I see."

Lin Yang nodded, and there was a trace of hostility in his eyes, but he did not show it. He just gave a faint smile: "Xiaoqian, you can help me stay here to take care of Xiaoyan. If you have anything to do with Mahai, you can ask Gong Xiyun for help, and she will help you to settle anything."

Lin Yang left Gong Xiyun's phone to Luo Qian, and then turned to leave.

Luo Qian's eyes reveal a touch of worry, but associate with Lin Yang's identity, it is relieved.

But not long after Linyang left, luoqian's mobile phone vibrated.

She looked at the caller ID, her face changed, and she quickly connected.

"Miss..." there was a very old voice on the other end of the phone.

"What's wrong with Grandpa Jin?" Luo Qian asked carefully.

"Master, he invited someone to come, this time is not ordinary people, you should be careful, don't fight against the master again..." the person on the other side of the phone tried to comfort him, and then hung up the phone.

"Grandfather Jin... Granddad Jin..." Luo Qian called out urgently, but the people there could not hear.

She looked at her mobile phone, her eyes trembling.


a Bentley stopped at the gate of the hospital. Lin Yang followed the man in suit and drove to the sales center opposite Shiji Haoqing.

To the sales center, the driver took Lin Yang to the reception room on the second floor.

On the inside of the reception room, there is also a VIP reception room where a man with grey hair and a white shirt is practicing golf.

His movements are elegant and standard. Obviously, he is a good golfer.

"Boss, Mr. Lin is here."

The man in the suit came in, whispered, and retired.

He behaved respectfully and carefully.

Lin Yang looked at the man strangely.

But see that man put down the club, turned around and walked with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Lin." He held out his hand.

Lin Yang shook it.

"Sit down, please."

"Thank you." Lin Yang sat down.

"What to drink?"

"Tea will be fine." Lin Yang road.

"Mr. Lin, you are too restrained. You are a big customer of our century and the owner of the central imperial villa. From the moment you buy the villa, you are my friend Cao Wei." The man said with a smile.

"Boss Cao invited me here to discuss with me what happened to my wife and them in the villa area before? To get to the point, what are you going to do about this? Do you want to explain it to me over there? " Lin Yang asked.

"Mr. Lin, what do you think I should do about it?" Cao Wei said with a smile.

"Let's fire the manager first, and then let the man and Chang handle the people who are involved in it by themselves. If I'm not satisfied, I'll deal with them myself." Lin Yang light road.

Cao Wei, who was making tea, stopped his movements and looked up at Lin Yang with a frown.

"Mr. Lin, are you so determined?"

"Yes." Lin Yang nodded.

However, Cao Wei shook his head and sighed a long time. Then he said seriously, "Mr. Lin, have you ever heard a word?"

"What words?"

"Amity makes money."

"What does boss Cao mean?"

"Mr. Lin, I know that this is the fault of that dandy in the family, but I also know you. You are the famous doctor Lin. with you, your wife and those friends will never be in trouble. Since there is no loss in this matter, why don't you shake hands and make peace with each other so that we can laugh and die of gratitude and hatred?" Cao Wei said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lin Yang understood.

Cao Wei is not here to be a peacemaker, but a lobbyist.

"Go on." Lin Yang said quietly.

"The Manchu family has already known about this, and they also hope to deal with it peacefully. They are willing to offer two million yuan to compensate Mr. Lin. in addition, they will also impose a fine of three days' imprisonment on man Fuxi to make an example. Mr. Lin, the man family is very sincere. What do you think? If you like, the family's money will be paid to your card in a day Cao Wei squinted and laughed.

"Do you think Linyang is short of money?" Lin Yang asked Cao Wei."How can we have shortcomings if we have Yanghua group? Yanghua is a huge gold machine. "

"Would you agree with it if you did it?" Lin Yang asked again.

Cao Wei was stunned and sighed: "Mr. Lin, I know you are angry in your heart, but I am also for you. You may not know the man family very well. Believe me, don't be enemies with man family. It's very rare that man family is willing to take the initiative to make compensation. They have given you the steps. You just have to go down the steps, and this matter will be over Isn't everyone happy that water doesn't invade the river? "

"Are you happy? I'm afraid you're just happy? "

Lin Yang said without expression: "whether the Manchu family made compensation or closed up for three days in the west, it was carried out in private and would never be announced. They want you to talk to me. They just want to solve this matter in private, so as to save their face. After all, if things go out, it will affect the reputation of man's martial arts school, right?"

"Mr. Lin, you are a smart man. I like to deal with smart people." Cao Wei held up his tea with a smile and took a sip.

"If I ask you again, will you fire that manager?"

"That manager has been with me for several years. He didn't do anything wrong this time. Why should he be dismissed?" Cao Wei asked in bewilderment.

"So you won't, will you?" Lin Yang looked at him seriously.

"At least give me a reason? In order to protect your wife, the manager has taken a blow in the head and is still green now. " Cao Wei said with a smile.

"Then I'm not wrong." Lin Yang calmly said: "there are 40 security guards in the central area, but the manager only called seven or eight people to deal with manfuxi. Since he knows the background of manfuxi, he can't help but understand that the situation can't be controlled only by seven or eight security guards. Why doesn't he call all the others? I'm afraid you told him in advance? "

Cao Wei fell into silence.

A moment later, he burst out laughing and clapped his hands: "OK! Good! Good! It's Lin Dong who is really good. I admit that I told the manager not to shout too many people to keep order. After all, I don't want to offend the whole family. If man Fuxi is injured, I can't explain it to man's family! I can't afford to annoy the whole family

"Can you... Offend me?"

Lin Yang suddenly supported the tea table with both hands and stretched out his head to stare at Cao Wei.

The sword like eyes seemed to see through Cao Wei's heart.

Cao Wei was stunned.

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