Lei Shao and others suddenly get up.

Lin Yang was stunned and went along with his reputation.

However, Lin Ziyu helped Su Xiaoqing to run in.

The second daughter was in a state of confusion.

Su Xiaoqing has a palm print on her white cheek. Her eyes are full of tears. She is extremely aggrieved. She looks extremely afraid.

Lin Zi's language is also not good, hair a little messy, the corners of the mouth are bleeding, like being hit.

"What's going on?"

Jihao's hair is fried.

He has always liked Linzi language. He can't stand it.

"Who bullied you?"

"Xiaoqing, what's the matter with you?"

Several people came forward.

At this time, the corridor came a dense and rapid footsteps.

Then several people in black came in.

"What do you do?"

Lei Shao took the lead and cheered in front of the crowd.

"Are these two girls with you?" The first bald man glared at Lei shaodao.

"It's with us. What's wrong? I tell you, this is the Imperial Palace KTV. My father is familiar with the boss here. You'd better not mess around here, or I'll call you all to feed the fish in the river! " Lei Shao denounced angrily.

"And who is your father?"

Asked a chubby middle-aged man after the bald man.

"Lei Fugui! Do you know Fugui electronics factory? Dad's is mine Lei Shao glanced at the man and said haughtily.

"Oh? Who do I think it is? It's Lei Fugui's woodlouse. But I don't remember that I knew your father very well The middle-aged man said.

As soon as he said this, Lei Shao's face suddenly changed: "are you... Are you manager Cheng?"

"What? Is he the manager of the palace KTV? "

"What's going on?"

People are all in a daze.

"Manager Cheng, what's wrong with my two classmates? Why are you surprised? " Lei Shao shuddered, busy with a smile.

In fact, he doesn't know what kind of energy the Imperial Palace KTV has, but he knows that he can't afford to be provoked. Manager Cheng is right. His Lei family only has a lot of money, but when it comes to relationship, which is better than god palace? He didn't dare to be angry when others didn't give his father face.

"Are these two your classmates?" Manager Cheng glances at Su Xiaoqing and Lin Ziyu.


"your classmate hurt someone! In this way, you don't care, what to do, she will give us two, our imperial palace will make corresponding punishment to them Manager Cheng said.

"Manager Cheng, they are just two girls. How can they hurt people? Is there any misunderstanding in this Lei Shao asked with a smile.

However, as soon as the words fell, manager Cheng slapped him in the face.


There was a crackle.

Less thunder. Venus is going to hit you.


The rest of them were numb with fear.

"Dog! How dare you talk to me like that? What are you? I see that you are young enough to be nice to you. I annoyed me. I threw you all into the street! Get out of here and take the people away Manager Cheng exclaimed, too lazy to pay attention to Lei Shao and others. He waved his hand and left the box.

The bald man and others started at once.

A crowd shivering, how dare to stop.

"Wait a minute!"

Finally, Lin Yang, sitting on the sofa over there, cried out.

"Brother in law!"

Su Xiaoqing to Lin Yang's arms, small hands dead holding him shivering.

Lin Yang looked at the palm print on Su Xiaoqing's cheek, took a deep breath, and then gently stroked: "does it hurt?"

"Well..." Su small inclines tightly to close lips, the tear bead son falls from the corner of the eye.

"Don't worry. My brother-in-law is here."

Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Stinky boy, do you dare to meddle? Don't believe me and throw you out? "

The bald man yelled, and he would come to rob people.

Next second...


Lin Yang suddenly kicks his leg.

The big man was caught off guard and was kicked straight. He fell heavily on the ground, covering his abdomen and could not get up.


Just about to go out, manager Cheng frowned and glanced at Lin Yang.

"Who are you?"

"Who is my sister-in-law?" Lin Yang asked.

"What's the matter? Are you unconvinced? " Manager Cheng asked with a chuckle.

"Then send the young master to see me." Lin Yang said quietly.

"Ha ha..." manager Cheng was dumbfounded and stared at Lin Yang in a low voice and sneered: "boy, you are still too young to understand the world. Do you think I am bullying you? Wrong, I'm protecting you! After all, you are guests of our imperial palace. How can I trouble you for no reason? ""What do you say?" Lin Yang asked.

"Your sister-in-law was taken in by the young master. He wanted to invite her to have a drink in the box. As a result, your sister-in-law slapped him directly. Do you know who the young master is? Even our boss dare not offend! If I don't take these two people to accompany the young master for one night, I'm afraid you people will evaporate tonight! I'm saving you! Do you understand? "

As soon as this word falls, Lei Shao's face turns white with fear.

Even the boss of the palace KTV doesn't dare to offend him. What level of existence does this have to be...

"so... I have to thank you?" Lin Yang asked.

"You're welcome. You just have to cooperate with me. I'll take them home safely tomorrow morning. You can do whatever you want, understand? Don't get me into trouble again The manager said without expression, then let people go to pull people.

"But what if I don't hand them over?"

Lin Yang said suddenly.

When people hear it, they are all stiff.

"Young man, you don't have to toast or not to eat or to be punished!" Manager Cheng is angry.

"I have to give it back to you. Go and call the young master quickly and ask him to kneel down in front of my sister-in-law and her classmates and apologize to both of them. Otherwise, I won't let him go out of Jiangcheng tonight." Lin Yang said quietly.

What an overbearing language.

Lin Ziyu looks at Lin Yang with his eyes full of adoration.

Su Xiaoqing is extremely worried.

Although she is young, she is not stupid.

My brother-in-law seems to have some contacts, but how can he be the opponent of that kind of person...

as for Lei Shao Yizhong, he doesn't believe it.


"When are you still pretending to be forced?"

"Silly fork

Several people secretly hum, full of disdain.

Manager Cheng burst out laughing.

"It seems that I have met a second fool." He shook his head and said faintly: "drag these two lengers to the toilet for repair. Take these two people to the young master's box. It's a little quieter. Don't affect the business."

"Yes, manager Cheng!"

Several people nodded and rushed forward.


Lei Shao and others changed color.

"Brother in law!"

"Brother Lin, be careful!"

The second daughter was so frightened that she hid in Lin Yang's arms and trembled. Her small face was full of fear and looked at the strong men coming.

Lin Yang said nothing and did not move like a mountain.

But at this time, a man rushed into the box and called out.

"Why so many people... Lin Dong! Lin Dong! Are you in it

As soon as the voice fell, manager Cheng looked aside and was stunned.

"Cao... Boss Cao?"

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