It turned out that it was not other people who rushed into the box. It was Cao Wei.

At the moment, he was sweating and panting.

In order to get out of Jiangcheng before 12 o'clock, he raced against the clock. When he heard that Lin Yang went to the Imperial Palace KTV, he came here directly from Yanghua group.

Hearing manager Cheng's voice, Cao Wei frowned and glanced at him: "Oh, manager Cheng is here."

"Boss Cao, what brings you here?" Manager Cheng is extremely surprised, and Cao Wei's panting and embarrassed appearance is also a big surprise.

However, Cao Wei didn't want to talk to him. He looked at Lin Yang and knelt on his knees directly. He bowed his head at Lin Yang and said, "I know I was wrong. I apologize for my rudeness and ignorance. I will leave Jiangcheng before 12 o'clock tonight. I hope you can forgive me and ask Lin Dong to forgive me..."

this scene appears, and everyone's brain is "boom" ’The sound of a direct explosion of a blank.

Manager Cheng's mouth is so big that he can't close it.

Lei Shao is also stupid.

"This... This... What's going on? Who is this man? How do you kneel down to the waste of the Su family

"Is there anyone else kneeling for this fool? It's really a piece of news. "

"What's wrong with the world?"

Jiwang, monkey and others.

However, Lei Shao kept rubbing his eyes and staring at the kneeling man.

"That man... Seems to be Cao Wei, the hero of the century? Is that him? Can it be him? " Lei Shao is not sure.

His father had a house in the century, but he was on the edge. When he bought a house, he went with him. His father and son met with Cao Wei once. He still remembered how respectful and careful his father was in front of Cao Wei. He didn't look like a customer who came to buy a house. On the contrary, Cao Wei was more like a customer.

However, Cao Weili did not have the wealth of Li Lei, and completely took him as the air.

Such a big man would kneel down to the son-in-law of Lin Yang?

Are you kidding?

Lin Ziyu and Su Xiaoqing were also surprised.

"Is it you?"

Lin Yang cast his eyes to Cao Wei and said, "I didn't say I'm not interested in you? Forget it, it's coming. Let's put your business aside. I have something to deal with first

"Mr. Lin, why do you have to work hard for such a small matter? Let me do it. "

Cao Wei was busy with a smile. Then he got up and suddenly looked back at manager Cheng. He looked around him and said coldly, "manager Cheng, what's going on? Lin Dong is playing here. Why do you bring so many people here? "

"This... This..." manager Cheng opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

"This, what, this?" Cao Wei slapped him in the face.


Manager Cheng was slapped firmly at once. He stepped back two steps, but he covered his face and didn't dare to say anything.

See this scene, Lei Shao a crowd again silly eye.

"Is it really him?" Lei Shao was dumbfounded.

"Who is this... This man?"

Jiang Wang has been confused for a long time.

Lin Ziyu covered his mouth and looked at him.

How dare this man call manager Cheng? Is he crazy?

"Get your men out of here! It's free tonight! If you can't do it, ask your boss to come and tell me! " Cao Wei said domineering!

"Boss Cao, in fact, my boss can't do it..." manager Cheng said with a bitter look.

"What do you mean?" Cao Wei frowned.

Manager Cheng immediately stepped forward and whispered a few words.

When Cao Wei heard this, he looked ugly.

"What? Does that young master have a bright future? " Lin Yang asked with his arm around a girl.

"Mr. Lin, maybe... It may be more troublesome." Cao Wei's face was uncertain, and he said carefully.

"Cao Wei, you seem to let me down again." Lin Yang shook his head.

Cao Wei trembled all over, and quickly bowed his head and said, "Mr. Lin, please tell me, Cao Wei... Cao Wei will listen to you..."

"bring me that young master." Lin Yang said without expression.

"This... Is..." Cao Wei is also riding a tiger, so he bravely led manager Cheng to get people.

Manager Cheng didn't want to, but he left the box.

Even Cao Wei lowered his head. He knew that he had kicked himself to the iron plate this time.


As soon as they left, Lin Ziyu immediately cheered.

"Brother in law Lin is wonderful!" With that, Lin Ziyu gave Lin Yang a kiss on the cheek.

Lin Yang was stunned.

"Brother in law, it's good to have you." Su Xiaoqing whispered a word, then blushed, summoned up courage and pecked at the other side of Linyang's cheek.

At this moment, Lin Yang is their hero.

Lin Yang grinned bitterly and did not speak.And others are relieved, but also frightened.

How did they ever think that they were saved by this son-in-law...

"what are you like, brother-in-law Lin? Who was that man just now? How can even manager Cheng dare to fight? " Jiang Wang asked cautiously.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

Lin Yang said calmly, "you go back first. In addition, remember that I will not allow you to contact Xiaoqing in the future! Do you understand? Especially you

With that, Lin Yang looks at Lei Shao.

Lei Shao's whole body trembled, and he quickly nodded his head. He was trembling.

He has confirmed that the man is Cao Wei.

The man who can make Cao Wei kneel... I'm afraid that he can't be killed by flicking his finger.

People are particularly curious about Lin Yang, but they dare not ask any more questions. They just want to leave here quickly.

But just as the crowd got up to leave...

bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...


"It's killing me!"


the sad cry came from the corridor.

Then there was the sound of broken objects and the sound of stumbling.

There was a lot of noise outside, and it was particularly messy.

The crowd was stunned.

Lin Yang frowned and looked at the door.


But the door of the box was pushed open.

Cao Wei, manager Cheng and others who had left before ran into the box one by one.

Manager Cheng has swollen eyes and blood on the corner of his mouth.

Br >

the scene of Dong Shiwei's breaking his arm was even more tragic.

"Brother in law!" Su Xiaoqing shuddered.

The rest of them were no better, pale and afraid.

Lin Yang comforted Su Xiaoqing and stood up.

"What happened?" Lin Yang asked Cao Wei.

Cao Wei opened his mouth and was about to speak, but a lazy but arrogant voice came from the door.

"Who is Lin Dong? I'm coming! Come and kowtow? "

Lin Yang looked at the gate lightly, but saw two people come in.

When Cao Wei and manager Cheng saw the two men, they were almost scared to the corner, such as the God of plague , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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