Entering the door was a young man in a white windbreaker. He was dressed in cool clothes. His face was full of rebellious expression. His eyes seemed to be arrogant. Although he was looking at Lin Yang here, he had a sense of not paying attention to him at all.

This is the young master.

As for the man behind him, he was exaggerating. He was more than two meters tall and wider than the door panel. A living giant stood at the door and almost didn't block the door.

See this person, a lot of people breathe shiver, scalp numbness.

It's no wonder that manager Cheng's group of people have not been cleaned up two times, there is such a small giant in, who has fought?

Lin Yang carefully examined the little giant and found that he was not simple. His arms were very strong, but all of them were muscles. Moreover, his fingers were full of calluses, which was the result of long-term practice of grip strength.


How terrible it is to be a martial arts practitioner with such foundation...

"hello? Why is no one talking? What about the man who asked me to kneel down just now? Talk quickly! Where is it? Don't you admit that you have to clean it up one by one? " The young master squinted and laughed. His eyes fell on Lin Yang naturally.

Because of the people present, Lin Yang did not show a look of fear.

"Is it you who beat my sister-in-law?" Lin Yang didn't seem to hear what the young master said. Instead, he asked

"Oh? Are you Lin Dong? " The young master was stunned, his face showed a proud color, and said with a smile: "I originally wanted to simply invite your sister-in-law to go to my box for a drink and sing a song, but your sister-in-law not only refused me, but also hit me, so I can't slap her too much?"

"Well, come here!"

Lin Yang nodded.

"Well, what do you want me to do?"

The young master smiles and walks towards Linyang. When he walks, the little giant behind him also follows him.

When he walked, the ground was trampled on, and with his broad and tall stature, he looked very imposing.

Lin Ziyu and Su Xiaoqing are scared to be pale, and the whole child is like a cat curling up behind Lin Yang.

Under this momentum, who can not be afraid?

But Lin Yang still looks calm, not much expression.

This can let young master some surprise.

"That's interesting." The young master chuckled.

"Kneel." Lin Yang glanced at him.

"What if I don't kneel?" The young master asked with a smile.

"Then I'll make you kneel." Lin Yang raised his foot and kicked the young master's knee, intending to break his knee and force him to kneel.

But in the moment he lifted his foot.


A big hand into a fist, ferocious toward the head of Lin Yang beat over!

It was the fist of the little giant.

The corner of the young master's mouth rose and looked at Lin Yang lightly.

He believed that before the fist hit him, the little giant's fist would beat Lin Yang's head out of shape.


just as the fist fell to Lin Yang's head, another hand quickly grabbed the wrist of the fist as fast as lightning.


The crackle came out.

The fist suddenly stopped an inch above Lin Yang's head.


The young master breathed and bowed quickly, but it was late!

Although the foot was not kicked on his knee, it was solid in his abdomen.

Dong Long!

The young master's body flew out like a shell and hit the back wall heavily.


The wall burst in an instant.

The young master is inlaid into the wall, keeping a funny "big" shape.

It's in the middle of this electric Firestone.

I'm afraid it's less than three seconds.

The arrogant young master was kicked out!


Cao Wei, manager Cheng, Jiang Wang, Lin Ziyu and others were all dumbfounded.

And the next moment, Lin Yang shook his hand again. He grabbed the little giant's wrist and smashed it at the young master.

Because of Lin Yang's brute force, the little giant lost his balance and hit him heavily.


The dizzy young master saw this scene, people were scared, and struggled to get out of the wall, but as soon as the other people landed on the ground, the giant's huge body hit him heavily.


They rolled together, and when they stopped, they were already seeing stars and bleeding.

In this situation, people's brains on the scene can no longer think...

these two different guys are like local chickens and dogs in front of Lin Yang?

"I didn't expect that you are also a practitioner. You should be the master of external skills, right? Otherwise, that foot is enough to make you faintLin Yang walked slowly with his hands in his pockets.

"Um... Cough..."

the little giant got up in a hurry, and then roared like a grizzly bear to Lin Yang.

But the next second, Lin Yang quickly as lightning, directly grabbed the little giant's neck, and then a grasp.


the little giant's face turned red and his neck was pinched by Lin Yang.

He raised his fist and blasted wildly at Lin Yang's body.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Dong...

the thick and muscular fists bombarded Linyang like machine guns.

But... Lin Yang stood in the distance, motionless, no matter how fierce the fists of the little giant, he could not be affected at all.

"How can this... Be possible?"

The young master opened his eyes wide and was already stupid.

"It's big, but how weak is it? Or do you just use brute force instead of cleverness? Internal strength? "

Lin Yang shook his head, suddenly another hand out of the pocket, and then accurately seized the small giant's fist.


The pupil of little giant is swollen, scalp quiver numb a circle.

However, Lin Yang suddenly made efforts.


The little giant made a sad cry.

Then he saw that his hand was completely crushed by Lin Yang, and the sound of bone breaking was incomparably clear and pleasant.

All the people in the box trembled.

This sudden change has taken a lot of people's brains down.

But Lin Yang has not stopped.

He grabbed the little giant's neck in one hand, moved his arm gently, and threw it hard at the wall beside him.

Huge forces come into play.

Boom! Boom! Roar...

the little giant smashed three walls, and then he fell to the ground. The man was in a coma on the spot.

"Bear one!"

The young master trembled and cried, and his whole lips were shaking.

How did he ever think that the nearly invincible bodyguard around him was killed by the other party in a moment of action...


It's impossible!

"Who are you...

the young master suddenly turned his head and stared at Lin Yang.

"Kneel or not?"

Lin Yang looked at the young master quietly, and uttered a murmur like a devil...

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