"Kneel? Kneel your mother! A scholar prefers death to humiliation! If I kneel down, I can go back to the Mohist family? " The young master trembled all over, and suddenly seemed to wake up and yelled at Lin Yang.

"I gave you a chance, but you don't cherish it. Since you don't kneel, don't blame me!"

To step on Lin Shao Yang's knee.

But at the moment of Lin Yang's action, the young master sitting on the ground suddenly jumped up like a rabbit, and a knife slashed hard at Lin Yang's neck.

Lin Yang raised his hand to block the attack.

The young master was not discouraged, and then he lifted his arm and hit him.

His every move has a kind of Yongchun flavor, but it is more fierce, faster and domineering than Yongchun. He can make more than 20 punches in a second, which is fast and has no limit, and the power is also very terrible.

"This should be the move of ancient boxing."

Lin Yang's eyes are awe inspiring, while parrying and concentrating on observing.

He doesn't really know martial arts, because he spends most of his time studying medicine.

All the practitioners he met in the ordinary days belonged to martial arts masters in the martial arts school, and their moves were quite popular. They were all routines, which made him unable to arouse much interest.

Today, however, this young master showed his ancient martial arts, which attracted Lin Yang's attention.

He did not directly subdue the young master with silver needles, but only defended and observed every move of the young master.

"Eagle strikes the sky!"

"Subdue the dragon and subdue the tiger!"

"Three strikes in the air!"

"Seven Tam legs!"


the young master launched a fierce attack while yelling angrily. He was full of momentum and offensive like a dragon.

Lin Yang resists, unexpectedly is some to be unable to resist, actually is lets the young master mercilessly to fly kick two feet.

He retreated again and again. Although there was no big problem, the scene made Su Xiaoqing and others in the back hang their hearts.

"Brother in law, be careful!" Su Xiaoqing shudders.

"Brother Lin, come on! Don't lose Linzi language also strengthened the courage, loud cheering.

"Well, I thought you were so good, but you were just a layman who had strength but didn't know martial arts! Let me teach you a lesson today. When I clean you up, I will find these dogs to settle accounts one by one. " The young master snorted coldly, and then jumped into the air, kicking Lin Yang's front door.

But just at the moment of his attack, Lin Yang suddenly jumped forward and kicked in front of him. His mouth was even more drunk and shouting.

"Eagle strikes the sky!"


Like an eagle flying in the sky.


The young master's face changed in horror and looked at the foot in disbelief.


Young master's leg is not close to Lin Yang, Lin Yang has kicked him from the air.

The young master fell heavily on the ground. When he got up, he still vomited blood.

Obviously, the kick broke one of his ribs.

"How do you know our Mohist moves?" The young master wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth and asked in astonishment.

"I'm learning now." Lin Yang road.

"Now... Now?" The young master opened his mouth and his brain was boiling hot.

It took him two years to practice this move. He actually learned and sold it now. And it didn't look like it was the first time he did it?

"False, this is false, you are lying! You must be lying to me The young master couldn't accept it. The whole person was shaking.

Lin Yang didn't speak, but raised his hand and waved to him.

"I want you dead!"

The young master was a little broken down. He roared and killed again.

"Subdue the dragon and subdue the tiger!"

"Three strikes in the air!"

"Seven Tam legs!"

Lin Yang has sold all the martial arts routines that the young master used before.

But the young master is not as quick as Lin Yang's reaction. All these moves are heavily applied to the young master.

After a while, the young master was black and blue, and it was difficult to stand up.

"Brother in law, don't fight any more. If he continues to fight, he will die. It's not good to make people die!"

Seeing the young master's miserable appearance, Su Xiaoqing urged him.

Lin Yang heard the sound and said with a faint smile, "don't worry, I have my own discretion."


Xiaoqing nodded slightly, but still worried.

"Since you don't want to kneel, I won't embarrass you. Remember, don't provoke me again, understand?" Lin Yang crouched down and looked at the young master lightly.

"Asshole, I will take revenge, and I will make all of you pay the price!" The young master screamed angrily.

"It seems that the lesson is not enough."

Lin Yang frowned, and he had to start again.But just as he lifted his hand, his expression was stiff and immediately lifted the young master's hand.

But there are two small and bright red spots on the back of his hand.

"Blood of falling spirit?" Lin Yang called.

Hearing these three words, the young master suddenly opened his eyes and bit Lin Yang's neck with a roar.

But as soon as he got up, he was pressed to the ground by Lin Yang's hand.

"It seems that the harvest is good this time."

Lin Yang calm way, and then pinch out a silver needle, in the body of young master.

The young master couldn't move for a moment.

"It's mine. You can't take it away. It's mine! If you dare to take it away, I will kill your whole family, I will kill your family! "

"Then I'll wait for you to kill my family."

Lin Yang said faintly, then took the silver needle, pricked on the young master's wrist, bloodletting, and raised his wrist, close to the blood drop.

The young master was still swearing, but when he saw Lin Yang's wrist, the whole person was scared to be silly.

"Ten... Thirteen drops? What's going on here? You have 13 drops of spiritual blood alone? "

The young master's tongue is almost knotted.

He is only two drops, which has made countless people envious and let his talent soar.

Now this man has 13 drops.

Add two drops of his own and he has 15 drops in all!

"Fifteen drops of spirit blood..."


Lin Yang stood up with a burning eye.

"Fifteen drops... Five drops from that step!"

Lin Yang whispered, spinning and facing the humanity behind: "go, go back."

"Mr. Cao Linwei got up in a hurry.

People are still in a trance and can't accept this scene at all.

Young master is also Zheng Zheng's looking, scalp a burst of shivering numbness.

He was not immersed in the pain of blood being taken away, but immersed in the amount of terror.

After waiting for a long time, the little giant over there trembled and climbed over...

"young master, are you all right...

" my blood was robbed... "The young master said hoarsely.

"What? I... I'll inform the family immediately... "

" no! No notice

The young master's face was pale, and he was afraid to say: "if the family asks about it, tell the family that it will be robbed. The people who rob me of the spirit blood... Can't be provoked! No provocation is allowed! "

He knew what fifteen drops of spiritual blood meant!

Mohism... Can never be an enemy!

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