Luo Qian is a little confused.

She stares at Lin Yang, but sees that Lin Yang has stopped sweating at the moment.

Not only that, his dark lips also recovered a lot of their original color, and the color of his face was much better.

What's going on?

"Brother Lin? Are you... OK? " Luo Qian asked in a trembling voice.

"I'm fine!"

Lin Yang breathed, and his weak voice was enriched.


Here Zhi Bingqing is autumn eyes stare big, incredible staring at Lin Yang, lips are shaking.

"You... You... What's going on? Why aren't you dead? "

"Who told you I was going to die?"

Lin Yang said in a deep voice, although his breath was still very heavy.

He turned his head: "qian'er, don't do stupid things. Come on, bring me some silver needles. In addition, help me catch some herbs and get them for me as soon as possible!"

With that, Lin Yang reported a list of medicinal materials.

Luo Qian nodded and said, "brother Lin, don't worry. I'll find it for you right away."

"We have these in Luo's pharmacy. Hurry up and arrange for Dr. Lin right away!" Luo Feng shouts.

Luo family busy up, in a moment, Linyang needed things will be all.

Lin Yang immediately gave his body acupuncture, and at the same time urged Qi force, shattered the herbs, and swallowed them.

After a series of treatment, Lin Yang's complexion has recovered at the speed visible to the naked eye.

And behind him, there is a layer of mud like dirt.

"This is the toxin that is excreted from the body!"

Someone exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, it's rude!"

With a faint smile, Lin Yang took off his coat and revealed his strong and perfect muscles. He wiped his back clean and threw it on the ground. Looking at Zhi Bing calmly, he said: "Miss Zhi, it seems that you are a supernatural poison. You have no effect on me!"

"No... impossible... This is absolutely impossible..."

Zhibingqing shivers all over and retreats. His pupils are full of panic and hesitation.

Three drops of peerless poison!

Didn't poison this man?


It's definitely something wrong!

You know, even her double poison body can't hold the power of three drops of peerless poison

"How on earth did you detoxify?"

Zhibingqing screams bitterly. People are going crazy.

"I just used a very simple method to detoxify it."

Lin Yang light way: "nothing strange, but simply clean up the next body around the toxins."

"The toxin didn't melt into the bone marrow? Didn't fit into your internal organs? How can it be cleaned up by these simple cleaning operations? " Zhi Bingqing called.

She didn't believe it at all.

However, Lin Yang shook his head one after another.

"Although your poison is powerful, it's hard to get into my internal organs! These poisons alone are not enough! "


Zhi Bingqing breathes hard and looks at Lin Yang inconceivably.

All of a sudden, she seemed to realize something. Her face changed and she pointed to him tremblingly.

"Are... Are you... Also the fusion of peerless poisonous body and congenital poisonous body? Do you also have double poison constitution

"I didn't."

Lin Yang shakes his head, but raises his hand, spreads out his five fingers, and points his palm to Zhi Bingqing.

Zhi Bingqing's eyes are wide.

She clearly saw the color of Lin Yang's palm, which gradually turned into dark green.

Even in the palm, there is a dragon hovering!

In a flash, she understood everything.

"Youming Sha body... Youming Sha body... So it is... You have a more terrible Youming Sha body than the peerless poison body and the congenital poison body..." her tongue was shaking.

"The ghost? Brother Lin, what's that

Luo Qian asked in surprise.

"It's a kind of body that can only be mastered by people who have experienced several deaths!"

"This kind of body represents not poison, but death!" Lin yangdan road.


Luo Qian's head is a little confused, obviously can't understand.

But I see that zhibingqing's eyes are full of fear.

At this moment, she was extremely afraid of Lin Yang.

"You are a monster... You must be a monster! You're not human... What are you? "

She trembled and cried, but also subconsciously back.

"It doesn't matter what I am now!"

Lin Yang breathed, reached into his pocket, took out a small porcelain vase, and said in a low voice, "Miss Zhi, it's your turn now! This is the poison I made myself. As long as you can survive the erosion of my poison, I'll let you take Luo Qian. How about that? "

Zhibingqing's face was startled and looked at the small porcelain vase in horror.

Although she didn't know what was in the bottle, she knew that its toxicity must be no worse than that of her peerless God!

After all... It's a poison made from the hands of a man who worships the ghost body

Zhibingqing stood in the same place, trembling, but he didn't dare to reach for it.

"Miss Zhi, why don't you take it? Can I feed you?"

Lin Yang said without expression.

Zhi Bingqing's face turned pale and looked at Lin Yang. Finally, she was frustrated and said hoarsely, "I... give up...", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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