Zhibingqing's three words let all Luo family members at the scene breathe a sigh of relief!

"It's over, it's over at last!"

Luo Qian turned around and hugged Lin Yang, tears spilled: "thank you, brother Lin!"

"You're welcome! Qian'er, I said, "if I'm here, I'll solve it. Don't worry." Lin Yang said with a smile.

That gentle words and handsome face, let luoqian heart head is a burst of pain and melancholy.

More is lost and speechless.

She buried the feeling deeply and didn't dare to show it.

Maybe what we should show is my sister's worship and gratitude to my brother

The Luo family hugged each other and were very excited.

"Miss Zhi, it's time for you to sign." Lin Yang road.

Zhi Bingqing has no choice but to step forward and look at the note. Then he bites his silver teeth and breaks his finger. He writes down his name and presses the blood mark on it.

"Very good!"

Lin Yang nodded, but then asked, "when can I go to Shengyi villa to offset this promise?"

"You don't have to go!"

Zhibing cold way, and then went to the comatose Zhiwu body, a grope, took out a piece of yellow paper, handed in the past.

"You take this document and destroy it. I take this new document and give it to my father. He will see it and destroy it, and we will be clear! I think he will let Miss Luo go Zhi Bingqing said without expression.

"Good! I'm not afraid of you going back! "

Lin Yang nodded and gave the letter to the other party.

After obtaining the documents, Zhi Bingqing leads the people of Shengyi mountain villa to leave.

As soon as Zhi Bingqing left, Lin Yang coughed violently again.

"Brother Lin, are you ok?"

Luo Qian quickly helps Lin Yang.

"It's OK, I need to rest! Qian'er, help me find a clean room, set up a cauldron stove, take some coal, and then help me catch the medicine... After the medicine comes, don't disturb me in a day, I want to clear the poison! " Lin Yang said.

"Qingdu? Does it mean that... The peerless poison... Has not been discharged completely? " Luo Qian surprised way.

"Silly girl, if you can clean it so easily, can you call it peerless poison? I'm just fooling that zhibingqing! " Lin Yang said with a bitter smile.

"Is your ghost body deceiving her?" Luo Qian asked carefully.

Lin Yang heard the sound, but his eyes fell into a deep memory.

"No, youmingsha body is not deceiving her... This body is made after I have tasted millions of poisons!"

"Because of this body, I've been dead nearly ten times."

Lin Yang said hoarsely, his eyes full of deep and memories



Zhibingqing, who left Jiangcheng, took a special plane to make a pilgrimage to yishanzhuang.

Along the way, her face was particularly cold and chilly.

The rest of the people in the holy medical villa didn't dare to talk.

"Son of a bitch! Asshole! "

After getting off the plane, Zhi Bingqing couldn't stop pressing the button again. He kicked off a big tree beside him.

The crowd was startled.

Fortunately, it's out of the airport and there's no one around.

"Miss, please keep a low profile. After all, we are still in the world. If anything happens, the holy one will blame us." An attendant could not help reminding.

Zhi Bingqing hears the sound and slaps it with his backhand.

The attendant was beaten dizzy and fell to the ground.

"You son of a bitch, dare you teach me a lesson?"

Zhi Bingqing said angrily, then suddenly turned to get on the car and galloped to Shengyi villa.

About three hours later, zhibingqing's motorcade came to a very secluded mountain.

This is no man's land.

However, the team has not stopped.

After passing through three deadly miasma, zhibingqing and others finally enter the area of Shengyi villa.

She found her father for the first time and told the whole story of Jiangcheng.

"What? No one brought it back? And lose such a big face? "

The holy doctor said without expression: "Bingqing, how can you be defeated by an unknown person in the world? You're such a disappointment to be a father. "

"Father, unless his daughter is incompetent, that guy is really not an ordinary person!" Zhibingqing kneels in the tunnel.

"Don't make excuses. The daughter of the Luo family is a part of my plan. This person must bring it. Without this person, the plan will be very difficult."

"But my father, my daughter has signed a letter and promised not to look for the daughter of the Luo family any more. Please look for someone else to replace her."

Zhi Bingqing said helplessly and presented the script.

The saint doctor took it and looked at it, and suddenly frowned.

"This is Doctor Lin, who took three drops of peerless poison and didn't die?"


"No way! Absolutely impossible! Bingqing! How dare you deceive your father? "

"Bingqing doesn't dare. He has a ghost body! The poison of the peerless God can't kill him at all Zhi Bingqing is busy explaining.

"What? The ghost ghost

The saint doctor's face was tight. He suddenly realized something and stared at Zhi Bingqing: "what you said is true?"

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