The voice of the third-hand doctor confused Lin Yang.

He thought for a moment and nodded: "well, in that case, I'll stay at the holy doctor's villa for the time being and wait for the wedding the next day."

"Yes! I'll have someone arrange a room for Dr. Lin right away. Dr. Lin, you can have a rest and be your bridegroom the day after tomorrow

The third-hand doctor laughed and immediately arranged for Lin Yang.

As soon as Lin Yang left, the third-hand doctor rushed to the villa master's house to meet the saint doctor.

"How?" The holy doctor is watching an ancient painting in the hall, with his back to the three handed doctor.

"Hard!" The third-hand doctor said with a smile: "I'm afraid this Doctor Lin is not so easy to submit to my holy doctor villa! If you want to make him bow, you can't do it just by words! "

"What's your plan?"

"Don't worry, brother. I have promised Dr. Lin that I will hold a wedding for him and Bingqing in the future. As soon as he arrives in the future, he will enter my holy doctor villa!" The three handed doctor said with a smile, a thick cunning flashed in the depth of his eyes.

"A wedding in the future? Ridiculous! The day after tomorrow is Bingqing's wedding. How can you hold it for Dr. Lin? If you let that place know, I am not embarrassed? Don't make a big deal of it The holy doctor sank.

"Don't worry, brother! Bingqing will still marry there, which will not change. I just want to use this wedding to make Dr. Lin submit. I have a plan! " The third hand doctor said with a smile.

The holy doctor slightly tilted his head and snorted: "it's all up to you! Listen, even if you don't want Dr. Lin, you can't miss the chance to marry there! This is a good time for the rise of our holy medical villa! Don't mess it up

"Yes, brother!"

The three handed doctor laughs and then exits the hall.

Was arranged to rest the guest room, Lin Yang in the guest room, but is restless.

He came here not only to solve the problem of zhibingqing, but also for the top soup spring.

Since Shengyi mountain villa has such a blessed land, there must be a top soup spring here!

And... Must be the best in Tangquan!

"Make sure you find this place! The last step of Hongmeng's Dragon needle is to find Tangquan! "

Lin Yang thought, after all, is unable to press the Nai, push the door of the guest room toward the outside.

"Doctor Lin, where are you going?"

A disciple at the door asked strangely.

"It's boring to stay in the room. I want to go out for a walk." Lin yangdan road.

"If so, the disciple can take you to look around!" The disciple immediately did boxing.

Take me?

I'm afraid you're spying on me, right?

Lin Yang thought, but did not refuse: "that line, you take me around."

"Doctor Lin, this way, please."

The disciple said and immediately led Lin Yang to a layman.

Shengyi mountain villa is not a small place with a large population. When you get out of the guest house, you can see many men and women carrying medicine baskets up and down the mountain.

"To the East is the medicine garden of Shengyi mountain villa. All the medicines produced there can't be cultivated in the secular world."

The disciple made a simple introduction.

Lin Yang looked to the East and found that there were many rare herbs growing in the East.

He gasped and trotted over.

"Well? Doctor Lin? "

The disciple was surprised and immediately followed.

But saw Lin Yang to run to the medicine field place, crouched down to observe carefully, immediately exclaimed repeatedly.

"These are ancient herbs! Their cultivation methods have been lost. I didn't expect that you holy medical villa could grow them. It's incredible... "

"That's right. Our holy medical villa has existed for nearly a thousand years, and the planting methods we have mastered are absolutely out of reach!" The disciple said with pride.

Lin Yang laughed, but he noticed something vaguely. He crouched down again, picked up some soil and put it in front of his nose.

Seeing this, the disciple turned pale and said with a smile: "Dr. Lin, there's nothing to see here. Let's go to the West. The west is the place where medicine is made. There's something to see there!"


Lin Yang nodded and followed his disciples to the West.

Close to the pharmacy, the smell of medicine comes.

Lin Yang was intoxicated.

"These medicines... Are also ancient pills... And the purity of each pill and bowl of soup has reached 70%... Powerful!"

"Dr. Lin is so powerful that you can only smell it? I admire you

The disciple couldn't help exclaiming.

Lin Yang did not speak, his eyes fell on a bucket of water next to an alchemy furnace.

He went over, looked at the water, and said with a smile, "it's not like mountain spring, is it? Is there any other source of water in your holy medical villa? "

As soon as he said this, the disciple's face changed., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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