"No, no! We use mountain spring water in Shengyi mountain villa. Where else? Doctor Lin, don't guess! "

The disciple waved his hand in a hurry, then winked at the alchemist over there.

That person a Leng, just understand what, flurried to carry the water away.

Lin Yang light smile, no more words.

After a tour, Lin Yang went back to his room.

As for the disciple, he called another disciple to guard Lin Yang and rushed to report to the third hand doctor.

Lin Yang looks at the figure who leaves in a hurry through the window, with a trace of strange light in his eyes.

"The water must be the best spring in the land of fortune!"

"The people of Shengyi villa are really extravagant! He even used soup spring water for alchemy and irrigation. "

"Wait a minute, irrigate the alchemy with Tang spring water... In this way, the pills they want to refine must be a group of top pills!"

"Why did they make such pills for no reason? Is it hard to prepare for the wedding in the future? "

Lin Yang thought, vaguely understand what.

If it's really his wedding with zhibingqing, why is it so complicated?

I'm afraid... There's someone else at the wedding in the future, isn't there?

Thinking of this, Lin Yang suddenly felt relieved.

At night, the third-hand doctor took care of Lin Yang.

Lin Yang was pleased to be invited.

There were not many people at the banquet, including several wine accompanying disciples brought by the third-hand doctor. There were only five people in total.

As for the master of Shengyi mountain villa, Shengyi and zhibingqing, they didn't even see the shadow.

"Three hands, why don't you see Miss Bingqing? When I saw Miss Bingqing in Jiangcheng that day, I fell in love with her at first sight! I miss it so much that I haven't seen you for a few days. " Lin Yang said with a faint smile.

"Ah! Dr. Lin, you don't know. My niece fell in love with you at first sight. I can't forget it! She'd like to see you right away, but because of the rules, it's really hard to see you. After all, you're going to get married the day after tomorrow! " The doctor laughed.

"It's only one day apart, but it's like a year."

"Ha ha ha, Doctor Lin, don't worry! The day after tomorrow you will be able to hold the beauty back! Here's to you

"Thank you, three hands!"

After three rounds of drinking, the doctor seemed to drink almost the same, so he went back to sleep ahead of time.

But Lin Yang knew that this wine could not intoxicate anyone.

But he pretended to be drunk and went back to the house to sleep.

The disciple stationed at the door quietly looked at Lin Yang through the window. Seeing that he was unconscious, he was relieved.

"Dr. Lin is really drunk. Everyone is asleep!"

The disciple took out a walkie talkie and lowered his voice.

"I'll keep an eye on him tonight, and I won't let him out of your sight for a moment, OK? If he's gone, I'll ask you! " There was a very serious voice on the intercom.

"Yes, master!"

The disciple nodded, moved the window a little, and stared at Lin Yang so straight that he didn't dare blink.

However, he did not see long, a sense of sleepiness suddenly hit, the eyelids of two eyes constantly fighting.

After only three minutes, the disciple finally couldn't hold on.


As soon as the disciple's head fell, he fell asleep on the windowsill

At the moment when the disciple fell asleep, Lin Yang, who had just been unconscious, immediately got up, watered out the sandalwood on the table, wiped off the sleeping powder thrown inside, walked out of the room quickly and went straight to the location of the peerless Tangquan

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