"What are you doing? Revolt? How brave! Don't you know where this is? Get out of here! Go away

The acting master of Jiangcheng Manshi martial arts school immediately led hundreds of disciples out of the gate.

People glared at the periphery of this crowd of nearly a thousand people, one by one angry, arrogant.

However, no one was willing to deal with the agent.

"Asshole!" The agent owner was furious and directly roared: "I count down five seconds. If you don't leave after five seconds, don't blame me for not having eyes in my house!"

Although the number of people on the other side is several times more than that of man's martial arts school, the gap between social personnel and practitioners is not a little bit. Social personnel rely on hard work, and their physical quality is much worse. If we really want to fight, man's martial arts school is not afraid at all.

At this moment, however, the crowd suddenly split apart, and a brown Bentley drove slowly into the front door of the martial arts school.

A man and a woman came down from the car.

The agent knew the woman.

It's Gong Xiyun.

As for the man, he had never met him, and he was very confused.

"Miss Gong, what brings you here? What are you doing here with so many people in the middle of the night? " Asked the agent.

However, Gong Xiyun didn't speak. He just looked at the agent and stood aside with his head down.

The owner of the agency hall was shocked and noticed Gong Xiyun's standing posture. At the moment, she was actually standing behind the man.

Who is this man?

"Where is man Cangshi? Tell him to come out to see me

Lin Yang took out a pair of white gloves and asked as he put them on his hands.

"The second master received a phone call from his family an hour ago and has already flown to Yanjing. Who is your excellency? What can I do for you? " The agent inquired in a deep voice.

"Happy clouds."

"Lin Shao." Gong Xiyun bowed his head.

"Book me a ticket to Yanjing."

"What time do you want to arrive?"

"Order as soon as possible."


Gong Xiyun nodded and explained to his subordinates.

The deputy curator was shocked.

"Is manfuchi here?" Lin Yang asked again.

"Who are you, sir?" Asked the curator.

"For the last time, is manfuchi here?" Lin Yang stares at that acting librarian to ask.

As soon as this is said, the people of man's martial arts school are not happy.

"What are you? Do you dare to speak to the owner of our library in this tone? " A strong man pointed at Lin Yang's nose and called out.

"Drag him out!" Gong Xiyun was furious and immediately pointed at the strong man and called out.

"Yes, sister Yun!"

Two men came forward immediately.

"What are you doing?"

"Get out of here!"

"Believe it or not, I'll beat you to death!"

The people of man's martial arts school got angry and marched forward one after another. They lined up a wall to block the two men. One by one, they were extremely arrogant.

"Miss Gong, although you have many people, we are all practitioners. It's hard to tell who will win or who will lose. Don't push us into a hurry. Otherwise, we will not be able to tell what will happen to us." The agent said lightly.

But as soon as it came to the ground.

Hula Lala...

all the people on the scene directly took out their pistols from their arms and aimed at the people of man's martial arts school.

All the people of man's martial arts school were breathing heavily, and they were frozen for a moment and did not dare to move.

"Fool, what's the age of it? You still use fists and feet? Are you faster than my bullet? " Gong Xiyun yelled and scolded, and rushed directly to the man who insulted Lin Yang with two ear photons.

No one dares to stop.

Even the one who was beaten stood in the same place, afraid to move.

"Miss Gong, you..." the agent gallery owner is also a face of consternation, never thought Gong Xiyun this woman is so crazy.

"Me what me? Drag it down and beat me to death Gong Xiyun cheered.

The two men immediately dragged the strong man to the side of the alley, and after a moment, their voices began to cry.

Man's martial arts school is full of cold sweat.

The deputy curator is even more cold and his fists are pinched to death.

But Lin Yang seems to have lost patience.

He looked at the people at the scene and said faintly, "it's not the people of the full family who can leave. I'm here today to settle accounts with the whole family. I don't want to implicate the innocent! Let's go

"Go? Although our surname is not man, we are also the children of man's martial arts school. No matter who you are, if you want to move the martial arts school today, you have to step on my body first! " One person stood up and said firmly.

"Yes, who is greedy and afraid of death in man's martial arts school? If you have seed, you will kill us all"Today we will live and die together with the martial arts school!"

People are firmly shouting, everyone is a look like death.

The agent's eyes were hot, and then he looked at Lin Yang with pride and said, "have you seen it? This is the determination of my man's martial arts school! You can either kill us all, but if you do this, I think no matter who you are, it will be very troublesome? Do you have the courage? "

Finish saying that, the acting hall owner laughed.

He believes these people will feel pressure to leave.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yang suddenly grabbed Gong Xiyun's pistol next to him. He aimed directly at the head of the agent hall owner and pulled the trigger.


The gunshot came out.

There was a blood hole in the head of the agent.

He widened his eyes and looked at Lin Yang in disbelief. He never thought that Lin Yang would actually shoot and kill him...


There was a lot of screaming around.

"Do you think I will be soft hearted when the whole family wants to kill me? My principle in Linyang has always been that people do not attack me and I will not commit crimes. Since you have all moved a knife to kill me, I don't need to keep my hands! "

Lin Yang threw the gun back to Gong Xiyun and said without expression: "all the Manchu family members will be dealt with directly. As for the non full family members, they will all interrupt their hands and feet! Don't you want to live with man's martial arts school? Then I will step on your body and destroy the man's martial arts school today! "

Hearing this, everyone's head almost burst.

"Are you... Are you crazy?"

"Who are you?"

"Help, i... I'm not coming, I'm going! I'm going home! "

The man's martial arts school was in a panic.

But it's too late to go now!

Gong Xiyun called in more than a thousand people and surrounded them.

The scene was in utter chaos.

The loud shouts tore the night sky.

Lin Yang looks at the messy scene without expression. After a moment, he turns around and goes to the Bentley car next to him.

"Lin Shao!" Gong Xiyun gets on the bus.

"I'll leave it to you. Take me to the airport! I'm going to Yanjing now. "

"Good little Lin!"

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