A private plane stopped at Jiangcheng airport.

Covered with bandages, the young master and his bodyguard, little giant Mohe, are staggering towards the private plane.

"Young master, are you sure you read it correctly? Does he really have 15 drops of spiritual blood? " A woman with short hair, wheat skin and a woman's suit asked lightly.

"What? Do you think I'm lying, sister Qian Mo? " The young master raised his eyebrows.

"Do you know what fifteen drops are?"

"That's why I asked the family not to look into this matter again. The other party must be an existence with great energy!"

"But how can you compete with those people without blood? At that time, the meeting will be held, and we will face the Lin family again. I'm afraid we will not have any capital to fight with them again! Is the young master going to give up like this Ask the woman of the field to set their eyes and sink their way.

"What do you want? To kill him? Get the blood back? Oh, if you want to have this skill, you go. I tell you, Mohe can't even do a move in front of that man. I relied on our ancient boxing to fight him. If I didn't belittle the enemy... I wouldn't have lost so miserably... "The young master turned his face and said.

Qian Mo knew that his words were full of gold on his face, and even the blood was robbed. This must be the result of the other party's strength crushing him.

"This matter is not a trivial matter. You go back first. I have received the order from the master and will stay to investigate this matter."

"Don't get involved in the family!" The young master snorted and staggered onto the plane.

At the same time, an airliner was also in the process of taxiing, and soon sailed into the sky.

Lin Yang has recovered to its original appearance.

But because he got two drops of spiritual blood, his appearance rose again. His eyes were like torches, and his skin was extremely healthy. There was a faint halo. His pupils were black and his hair was as black as ink. His upright body and unique temperament made him the focus of the cabin again. Even the flight attendants kept peeping at him and wanted to stay in Linyang before getting off the plane But Lin Yang refused.

Out of the airport, an ordinary Ford stopped there.

This is also Gong Xiyun's arrangement.

"Lin Shao! Your hotel has been arranged. Go and have a rest first. " The driver is a very young woman, ordinary in appearance, but very capable.

She was transferred from Jiangcheng to Yanjing by Gong Xiyun, whose name is Wei Yan. Gong Xiyun originally wanted to open a company in Yanjing to make plans for the future. However, the water in Yanjing is too deep. Although her company has started, it is still stumbling and difficult to grow.

Lin Yang took a deep breath and looked at the night scene of Yanjing, and his eyes flashed cold.

"Finally back..."

he murmured.

"Lin Shao?" Wei Yan called carefully.

"Go back to the hotel first and take me to Manshi martial arts school at 8:00 tomorrow morning." Lin Yang light road.

"Good little Lin!"

Wei Yan opened the door for Lin Yang and the car left.

The next morning.

The gate of man's martial arts school was opened, and the disciples of the martial arts school went to the street in military clothes as usual.

Man Er ye and several senior members of the man family are sitting in the restaurant drinking tea.

On the other hand, there is a middle-aged man and a beautiful girl.

The girl's face was angry, her head lowered and she said nothing.

However, the middle-aged man was smiling and said, "since the second master agreed, this matter has been settled."

"Don't worry, brother yingmu. Xiuer is your daughter, and that's my daughter. As long as she comes with Fu Xi, our two families will get married immediately. We will join hands, and the meeting will be held. Even if we can't compete with the Lin family, we can at least make profits! It won't be like the past, you can't even drink soup

"Ha ha, that's what the second master said. Then we can rely on him for this time!" Yingmu was overjoyed. He clapped his hands again and again, then turned to the girl beside him and said, "Xiuer, don't you kowtow to your teacher soon? Do you know that you have been in the martial arts school since today

"Dad, I don't need to be taught my martial arts. I'm not afraid of the Lin family or the genius! I want to go back, and I don't want to have any contact with that one! " Finally, the girl couldn't help it. She suddenly raised her head and said.


Yingmu was very angry and glared at the girl and said, "do you think you can compare with the man's martial arts school? Do you think anyone can learn the ancient martial arts of man's martial arts school? I tell you, if it wasn't for your grandfather's face, all the people in the family would accept you? This is your only chance! Come on, hurry to the master worship ceremony. You'll stay here from now on! Do you understand? "


"hurry up!" Yingmu said sternly.

The tears of girlish anger all flowed out, but under the pressure, she had no choice but to walk over. Wei Qu Baba said, "master..."

"girl, you just came here, and you will certainly have some resistance. In fact, you don't have to worry. You will get used to it after a long time. It's not far from your home. You can go back whenever you want, right?" Man Er ye said with a smile."But... I don't want to get in touch with that man Fu Xi. I heard that he is a dandy and has several girlfriends. If I were to marry such a man, I might as well die." Yingxiu pouted.

Man Er Ye's face changed slightly, and he gave a wry smile: "Fu Xi still has many advantages."

"Advantages? I don't know and I don't want to know. Anyway, you want me to study ancient martial arts here. I'd like to, but I will never have anything to do with that man Fu Xi! " Yingxiu suddenly firmly said.

"What do you say?" Yingmu was angry and glared at Yingxiu: "you say it again!"

"Dad, don't push me!"

"What am I forcing you? I want you to have a good contact with manfuxi! It seems that I am still too generous to you! Second master, don't waste time. If you don't set a date directly, you can let this silly girl marry you all over the house! " Said Ying mu.

"This..." man Er Ye hesitated.

"Dad, are you in such a hurry to push your daughter into the fire?"

"Fire pit? Dad, it's for you

"For my good, don't force me!" Yingxiu cried with tears in her eyes.

"Unfilial daughter!" Yingmu Qi's direct slap in Yingxiu's face.


Yingxiu immediately fell to the ground, white face is a bright red palm print.

"Brother, you..." man Er Ye frowned.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh! This girl is a naughty girl. I can't teach my children well! "

"Brother, don't blame yourself. Xiuer is still young after all. Take your time. As for marriage, we'll talk about it later." Man Cangshi said with a light smile.

In fact, he is not interested in Yingxiu getting married into the whole family. He just wants to get the support of the British family.

The Congress is about to be held. Although the Manchu family has strong strength, it is much different from those big families. If you want to gain something in the meeting, you should strive for all the strength you can win.

"In that case, let's talk slowly." Yingmu said with a smile, then glared at Yingxiu: "this is satisfied with it!"

"I hate you all my life!"

Yingxiu stands up and shouts at yingmu, then turns and runs out.

"Xiuer, you..." yingmu was impatient.

But Yingxiu has already rushed out of the martial arts school.

"Let her go." Man Cangshi smiles.


Yingmu sighed and did not speak.

Yingxiu, with tears on her face, ran out of the martial arts school.

Now, she just wants to stay in a quiet place.

But just as she ran out of the gate of the martial arts school...


The muffled sound came out.

Yingxiu seems to have bumped into someone. One might as well sit on the ground with one buttock...

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