Hula Lala...

a lot of footfalls were heard in all parts of the martial arts school.

Numerous Manchu martial arts school disciples in military uniform ran out and surrounded the people who came in.

Man Cangshi and a group of high-level man family also came.

Seeing the miserable scene at the door, people's faces remained unchanged.

Yingxiu also ran to yingmu's side, a little afraid.

"What's this... What's going on?"

"Xiuer, what have you done?" Yingmu stares at Yingxiu road.

"I... i... I didn't do anything..." Yingxiu trembled.

"Who is your excellency?"

Man Cangshi stares at the man like the God and asks coldly.

"Who is man Cangshi?" Come to ask.

"I am!" Man Cangshi came out of the station and squinted and said, "you are here to challenge my martial arts school, regardless of whether it is my martial arts school or not

"Challenge? Yes, but it should be more serious than the challenge. Man Cangshi, you send someone to kill me. Today I come here to destroy your whole family. Your family should have no complaints? " It's a light way to come.

This word falls, man Cangshi Leng, then lose voice way: "you are Lin Dong?"

"You don't look stupid."

"Hehe, who should I be? It's you? Lin Dong, you are not in your Jiangcheng nest, unexpectedly came to Yanjing? Do you think this is a small place like Jiangcheng? Do you know where you are? You are at the entrance of the main hall of my man's martial arts school! You're here to play wild? I don't think you want to go back to Jiangcheng! "

Man Cangshi sneered repeatedly, and then waved: "close the school. At the same time, dismiss the police. Since the other party is here to challenge the school, we should use the method of our martial arts school to solve it. Otherwise, we can't let the colleagues in Yanjing laugh at it?"

"Yes, second master!"

The man's martial arts school immediately closed the gate, and the disciples surrounded Lin Yang.

"I always thought that Lin Dong was just a little doctor of traditional Chinese medicine who knew some medical skills. I didn't expect you to know boxing. Don't say I didn't give you a chance. Tell me, who do you want to fight? One on one, I won't bully you with too many people Man Cangshi said lightly.

"Uncle man, is there any misunderstanding among you Yingxiu's face was in a hurry and immediately stood out.

"You shut up? What does this have to do with you? " Yingmu's face changed, and she immediately grabbed Yingxiu.

"What? Soo, do you know this man? " Man Cangshi asked.

Yingxiu opened her mouth and did not speak.

At this time, Lin Yang has taken out the silver needle, a needle needle toward his hands and legs.

Five stitches per place.

After ligation, he raised his hand. The fifteen drops of spiritual blood hidden under his sleeve seemed extremely strange at this moment.

"No time to waste, let's get started." Lin Yang road.

"Oh? Are you in such a hurry? Who do you want to fight with? " Man Cangshi asked with a smile.

"Man Er ye, do you want me to clean up this man?" Yingmu lowered his voice.

"Brother, although your Military Boxing is very powerful, it's a matter for our man's martial arts school. Other people come to challenge the martial arts school. If my man's martial arts school doesn't solve it in person, where will our face be? You can watch while you're done. We'll have a good drink after we've cleaned up the man. "

Man Cangshi light said, then toward the side of a full family high-rise make a look.

Knowing this, the man immediately stepped forward, put up his posture, and cried in a deep voice, "please give me your advice."

"Don't you go together?" Lin Yang asked.

"Together?" That person leng next, spin and sneer repeatedly: "how many people can you use to deal with? I'm enough alone! "

With that, he yelled and hit Lin Yang's face directly.


however, Lin Yang did not move, just coldly staring at the man.


All the people around the man's martial arts school were stunned.

What's this guy doing? Why not hide?

Is he a fool?

People are thinking.


The fists of the full family hit Linyang's chest hard, making a dull noise.


Lin Yang's body did not move.

There was no pain on his face.

It was as if the blow did not hurt him at all.


The man was confused.

All the people around him couldn't help but tremble, and all of them opened their eyes and looked at this scene in an incredible way.

"I said, let's go together!" But listen to Lin Yang cold way, suddenly raise a hand to that person's arm mercilessly smash.


The man's straight arm was suddenly broken, and the arm bent into a very strange angle.

Then Lin Yang was again.


The man flew out in an instant and hit the rockery nearby. The rockery burst into pieces, and the man fainted."What?"

Countless people gasped.

"I'm only looking for Manchu's family today. Anyone who doesn't have a surname of man can leave quickly to avoid disaster."

Lin Yang drinks in a low breath. As soon as he steps on it, he rushes towards the man Cangshi like a leaping lion.


Man Cangshi was furious and hit with a quick backhand Fist: "go to my death side!"

The fist is fierce and swift.

It has to be said that man Cangshi is indeed a first-class martial arts master. His attainments are no longer comparable to those of martial arts champions. However, in front of Lin Yang, this fist is totally inadequate.


Lin Yang doesn't know any martial arts at all.

There are only two things he relies on.

1、 Force!

2、 Come on!

As the saying goes, one force can reduce ten meetings!

What's more, the martial arts in the world can't be broken fast!

In his opinion, martial arts routine is just a skill.

When one's ability surpasses these skills, the so-called skills are just a few frivolous!

Lin Yang's eyes were cold, and he did not dodge. He also hit him with a blow, facing the fist full of Cangshi.



The muffled and crackled sounds almost at the same time.

The fist full of Cangshi and Lin Yang's fist were distorted immediately after collision. The burst bones and flesh were particularly ferocious and bloody.


Man Cang stone issued a sad cry, people back again and again.

His fist was smashed by Lin Yang.


The faces of the people around him were white with fear.

"Up! Come on together and kill this guy for me

The rest of the high-rise panic, immediately roared.

Without hesitation, all the people in the Manshi martial arts school all rushed forward.

"Now that you've moved your hand, don't go!"

Lin Yang said coldly, his fists moving together, smashing wildly at the crowd.

Each punch and foot has hundreds of nearly kilos of weight, hitting people, either fracture or coma.

Lin Yang is like the God of war. Nobody can stop him. However, in a few seconds, more than 20 people lay on the ground, moaning or fainting.

This scene scared the yingmu father and daughter to shiver all over, and the man Cangshi who was helped to one side was also silly.

"Is this... This guy... A monster?"

"Second master, we... Our people seem to be unable to stop this man..." a disciple of Manshi martial arts school said tremblingly.

"Quick... Go to the teahouse... Call big brother, go!" Man Cang Shi shouts.

"It's... Second master!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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