In a teahouse not far from man's martial arts school.

Man Canghai, the owner of the main hall of man's martial arts school, who is the current owner of the Manchu Family, is drinking tea and watching the opera with several old people.

Although it's going to the theatre, it's talking about things.

At the table with them were quite old and respectable men.

Several people lowered their voices and said something, but their sight sometimes looked at the central table of the teahouse.

In fact, it's not just them. Many people in the teahouse look at it.

There are two people sitting at the central table.

An old man about sixty years old and a girl about twenty.

The girl's petite body leans against the chair, and her delicate eyes look at the performers on the stage, and from time to time she picks up the snacks on the table to eat.

Standing aside, the old man did not dare to sit down or make a sound, just like a statue.

"It's really bloody. Why did the little princess come here?" Man Canghai side of a man covered his forehead, some headache said.

"Don't be followed by her, or it will be over." An old man at the other end lowered his voice.

"You don't have to worry. This is Yanjing. What's more, the Lin family doesn't want to cause too much trouble when the conference is about to be held. She will certainly have some restrictions on her. Let's continue to talk about things and ignore her." Man Canghai said in a low voice.

Several people began to talk again.

However, at this time, a person rushed into the teahouse.

"Master! Master! Not good The visitors didn't know the situation in the teahouse, and they just yelled.

The girl who was eating snacks over there immediately turned her head and looked at this side curiously.

Man Canghai's face did not change, but he still looked at the man calmly and said in a deep voice, "Ah Mao! Be quiet, flustered, what's the system? The sky will not fall

"It's... Master..."

"say, what's the matter?" Man Canghai asked coldly.

"Someone's kicking... Someone's coming to challenge!" The man named Ah Mao was busy.

As soon as this word falls, many people are stupefied.


"Who is so brave? How dare you kick man's martial arts school? "

"Do you want to die?"

People around the table couldn't help but make a noise.

Man Canghai was even more surprised, and then coldly hummed: "what is Cangshi for? Did he not deal with it? "

"Second master, he came forward, but... But the man was so fierce that he just took a move against him and suffered a great loss. One hand was abandoned." A Mao wants to cry without tears.


Everyone was shocked.

The sea was even more shocked.

"One move killed man Er ye?"

"This... It's impossible!"

People's scalp is numb. They can't believe it.

"I remember man Cangshi still has some skills. Who is so powerful?" At this time, next to the cold not Ding came a clear and pleasant voice.

Hearing this sound, people subconsciously look to the side. When they see the owner of the voice, many people's face changes suddenly, and they immediately shut up and dare not make a sound again.

It turned out that the owner of the voice was the girl who had previously sat at the central table.

"Well? Why don't you talk? Do you look down on me? " The girl frowned and was very unhappy.

"Miss Lin joked, we... How can we look down on you?" The sea breathed in the air.

"Your martial arts school has been swept?" Asked the girl.

"It's just small things."

"Don't you hurry to deal with it? By the way, I'll go and have a look. These singing and singing are too boring. It's good to go to your house and have a look at the excitement! " The girl said with a smile.

"This..." he was dumb when he was full of Cang Haydn.

"What? You look down on me, too? " The girl's face sank.

"How dare you..." man Canghai shook his head.

"Let's go now!" The girl said with a smile, and went to the teahouse.

Man Canghai sighed a long time, and then he went out in a hurry.

Although he was worried about the girl, he couldn't control so much at this juncture.

If someone else comes to challenge man's martial arts school, if it is not handled properly, the reputation of man's martial arts school will be ruined.

People who practice martial arts cherish their reputation very much. So does the man's martial arts school. It is also because of their reputation that they can have the scale they have today. They are famous and admired by many people. There is a continuous stream of people who come to learn from their masters.

If he was swept today, would he become a laughing stock for all? How can man's martial arts school stand?

So man Canghai and the girl rushed to Manchu martial arts school.

At the moment, all the disciples of the martial arts school are full of grief.

They have broken ribs or broken hands and feet.

None of them got up.The only ones who are still standing are some new students who have not started, as well as Na yingmu and his daughter.

Several people are stiff all over, stare big eyes, look at all this foolishly.


The last one was blown out, hit the broken wall and fainted.

The rest of us have no one else to go forward.

All of them gathered at the side of the full Cangshi, one by one they were trembling and frightened.

Hundreds of people on the ground were picked up by this man.

Is this man really human?

"Two... Two masters? What to do... What should we do? " A disciple asked man Cangshi tremblingly.

"Calm down, don't panic... Big brother, they are coming back soon, and they will certainly want this boy to look good..." man Cangshi, sweating, forced to calm down.

But during the time of speaking, Lin Yang has already come.

"Come on, stop him!"

Man Cangshi gritted his teeth and growled.

"Second master, i... how can we stop..." the people next to me want to cry without tears.

"How? Stop with your fists! Go! Come on Man Cangshi urged.


"if anyone dares not obey, get out of man's martial arts school!" Man Cangshi said angrily.

As soon as people listen, there is nothing to do, so they have to be brave.

But the results are still as expected.

Lin Yang cleaned up these people with three fists and two feet.

His method is extremely ruthless, completely merciless, once the hand, although there is no blood, can be enough to shock out internal injuries, broken bones.

When man Cangshi's last man in the martial arts school collapsed, he was finally flustered.

"Man Cangshi, is it time to settle your account?"

Lin Yang said without expression.

"You... What do you want to do? I tell you, I am man Canghai's second brother. Do you know who man Canghai is? If you move me, my elder brother will never let you go! " Man Cangshi retreated, his face was full of color.

But Lin Yang ignored.

Man Cangshi is in a hurry and looks at yingmu: "brother, please help me...

" how can I help you... "Yingmu was helpless and afraid.

Even man Er Ye is not an opponent of this man. What can he do for him.

Speaking these Kung Fu, Lin Yang has come to man Cangshi in front of.


Man Cang stone saw no way to go, low roar toward Lin Yang, as if to do a final fight.

Cang Yang's hand, however, slammed his hand against the wall.


The walls vibrated.

The blood of the six corners of the mouth is full of blood.

"Are you... Are you going to... Kill me?" Man Cangshi asked, trembling and weak.

"No, I'm just here to kill you."

Lin Yang said calmly, then raised a finger, then toward the full Cangshi muscles and veins to smash.

But at this critical moment, the gate was kicked open from the outside, and a group of people entered the martial arts school.

"Stop it!"

There was a shout.

It's the sea! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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