Man Canghai led a group of teahouse people to come into the gate.

And the girl came in parallel.

Lin Yang slightly side of the head, looked at the eyes of the sea, canthus line of sight can not help looking at the girl next to.

The girl also looked at Lin Yang curiously. The original interested eyes were replaced by bursts of confusion.

"My friend, who are you?"

Man Canghai looks at Lin Yang coldly and asks.

"Are you the owner of man's martial arts school, the one who accounts for it?" Lin Yang gave him a faint look.

"Not bad." Man Canghai said in a deep voice: "my friend, if you come to our man's martial arts school to challenge, we can have a peaceful exchange of views. We can stop. But why do you hurt people? What's more, you want to abolish my second brother? Don't you think your actions are too vicious

"Evil? Why don't you say it's vicious when you send killers to kill me? Now I call on you, but you blame me. Man Canghai, you man's martial arts school is like this? " Lin Yang shook his head.

The expression of man Canghai changed obviously when he said this.

"Cangshi, is there such a thing?" He asked, staring at man Cangshi.

Man Cang Shi has not informed man Cang Hai of this matter.

"Brother, i... I just let people teach him a lesson..." man Cangshi said weakly.

"That's what happened?" Said the girl, covering her lips and smiling.

This sentence can really not give the full family step down.

Man Canghai looked at the girl and ignored it. Instead, he said to Lin Yang, "this friend, there may be some misunderstanding in this. I think we should sit down and have a good talk and try to settle this matter."

Man Canghai doesn't have such a good temper.

But when he saw the disciples of man's family all over the place, and the man Cang stone, which was carried by the other party like a chicken, he had no idea.

This young man is obviously not good at stubbornness. Otherwise, he would not kill himself in Manshi martial arts school.

If we really fight and lose ourselves, the reputation of the whole family will be ruined.

As a result, man Canghai is not willing to do so.

"Cut, all over the sea, others have bullied you. Are you still crouching like a shrinking turtle? When this comes out, you man's martial arts school should not be laughed off by everyone? " The girl said again.

My voice is sharp.

Man Canghai's face was ugly. She glanced at her eyes and said, "Miss Lin, I just want to calm things down and take my injured disciples to treat them as soon as possible."

"Miss Lin?"

Lin Yang congealed his eyes.

"My friend, tell me, how to solve this matter?" Man Canghai asked loudly.

"Ask man Cangshi and your son man Fu to come over to me and knock three times in front of me, and then abandon their martial arts. That's all right." Lin Yang road.

As soon as the words fell, the whole family turned pale.

"How can it be?"

"Don't I have face for my family?"

"What's more, Fuxi is the seed that our Manchu martial arts school sent to attend the meeting. If we abolish our martial arts, what capital do we have?"

"That's too much to ask for!"

Many old people in the family were furious.

Man Canghai's face is not natural.

"My friend, are you asking too much? I am asking for consultation, not unilateral compromise. " The sea is full of sinking roads.

It is impossible for him to accept such a request.

"But I don't want to negotiate with you." Lin Yang shook his head.

"You're not happy until you've got a dead net? Or do you think we have no capital to compete with you? " The sea is full of anger.


Lin Yang said faintly.

When people heard it, they were completely enraged by Lin Yang.

"Arrogant! How arrogant

"Master, others seem to regard your magnanimity as your cowardice. If you continue to tolerate it, the reputation of man's martial arts school will be ruined."

Several old people said angrily.

"If you don't want to do it, let me do it!"

With the sound of a low drink, he saw an old man wearing a Tang suit and a goat beard directly rushed to the front.

"Wenbo! Come back Man Canghai's face changed suddenly and he drank heavily.

But it's too late.

The old man was so angry that his arms were outstretched. His arms were covered with muscles under his sleeve. His fist turned into claws. He was like a cheetah. He buckled to Lin Yang fiercely.

"Leopard split claw?"

There was a cry of surprise.

It is said that some disciples of Manshi martial arts school used this move to crush the ribs of a Sanda champion, which was very fierce.

But in Lin Yang's eyes, the leopard's claw cracking speed is too slow.

The old man's face was full of cold.Whoosh!

Man Cangshi's huge body directly hit the old man.


The old man breathed, and he quickly stopped the move and dodged.


Man Cangshi hit the ground, is seven meat and eight vegetables, head broken blood.

The old man dodged by, but when he turned around, Lin Yang was already standing in front of him.

"Not good!"

"Wenbo, be careful!"

People around him screamed.

But this time, I can't react at all!

Lin Yang didn't keep his hand because he was an old man. He hit Wenbo's shoulder directly.

Wenbo raised his hands horizontally, trying to resist.

But waiting for him is the power of a thousand pounds!


The powerful force came like a storm, tearing at Wenbo's body.


The crackle came out.

Wenbo's arm bones were broken in an instant.

The rest of the strength was transmitted to his body. The whole person did not stand firm and flew out on the spot. It was like a table tennis ball that was hit hard on the ground, bounced several times, rolled several times, and hit the wall of the yard until the prescription stopped.

After stopping, there was no movement.

The people at the scene were silent.


This is the man who learned martial arts with man Canghai's father. Strictly speaking, man Canghai calls him martial uncle.

Although Wenbo's talent is not high, after so many years of practicing martial arts, his strength in the man's martial arts school also belongs to the leader, is also the mainstay of the man's martial arts school, is the elite of the elite!

But now... Wenbo was stunned by the other party's move!

A move!

I'll clean up the famous stable uncle!

Is this something that people can do?

Man Canghai widened his eyes and stared at the scene.

The young girl was also greatly surprised, for a time, she did not believe what she saw...

the old man beside her frowned slightly and looked at Lin Yang strangely. Finally, her eyes fell on the silver needles on Lin Yang's limbs, thinking thoughtfully.

"Well, who else is going to do it? My suggestion is that we don't waste time and go together. If you don't, I'll take the initiative. "

Lin Yang said without expression, and walked towards the sea of man , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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