Everyone was shocked!

Man Canghai had such strength that he broke Lin Yang's arm with one hand.

Lin Yang was so tough before! People's fists and feet can only give him a little bruise, but now, his bones have been broken?

People rubbed their eyes, looked at it in disbelief, and then cheered.


"Master is so good!"

The crowd was excited.

Lin Yang retreated.

Man Canghai didn't take advantage of the victory, but retreated to breathe.

Although he had a huge advantage in this palm, he seemed to consume a lot, and his face turned pale.

But compared with the current state of Lin Yang, he is simply not much better.

"Is this the inner strength?" The girl over there spoke.

"Inner strength?" Yingmu was slightly stunned and looked at man Canghai with a shocked look in his eyes: "master man's Kung Fu is so strong? You've trained your inner strength? "

"It's just a little bit of a stunt. I'm sorry." Man Canghai said with a faint smile.

People around him showed a look of worship.

When an outsider's Kungfu reaches its peak, he will follow the internal force flow. However, the internal strength is not something that ordinary people can practice. It stresses the combination of Qi and force. Only when the control of force and Qi reaches the peak can they practice it. Many people may not be able to touch the threshold of internal force flow in their whole life.

But I never thought that his attainments were so high.

No wonder he can break Lin Yang's arm with a slap.

"Man's martial arts school, as expected, has some details." The old man nodded gently.

"You lose, boy! It's no wonder that I, who asked you to challenge the authority of my man's martial arts school? I gave you a chance, but you're stubborn, so you won't complain about what I'm going to do with you later? " Man Canghai stares at Lin Yang and says faintly.

"Oh? What do you want to do with me Lin Yang asked.

"Your hands and feet must be abandoned. After all, you have injured so many people in our man's martial arts school. Then I will lock you in our martial arts school for three years to explain to the world the majesty of my man's martial arts school. After three years, I will let you go." All over the sea.

"But if you let me out, I'm not going to die."

"That's your business." Man Canghai hums: "who let you be so arrogant and ignorant, run here to be wild?"

"It's you who are arrogant and ignorant, aren't you?" Lin Yang shook his head.

"Are you still hard at this time?" The sea is full of cold hum and comes again with people.

He is going to clean up Lin Yang directly.

Lin Yang is not flustered at all, just took out a few silver needles from his waist, and then tied them one by one on his body.


The old man over there is breathing slightly.

"Silver needle?" The girl also showed a look of dismay.

"Do you know acupuncture?"

Man Canghai didn't know that this man was Dr. Lin. he was a bit of an accident, but he was not a fool. How could he give Lin Yang a chance to rush again after drinking and shouting.

The crowd was in a state of encirclement, with one attacking his other hand and two attacking his feet. It seems that he is going to scrap his limbs on the spot.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three fists hit Lin Yang's body, but still only muffled sound.

"No, it's hard for us to hurt him without internal force, unless... With a knife!" People breathed and a voice sank.

"You still need to use that kind of trick to deal with this person. In that case, even if you win, what dignity does man's martial arts school have?" The sea hums.

"In this way, you'll have a face with more than one dozen with less?" Lin Yang said with a smile.

"If you can defeat you

Man Canghai roared, and then hit Lin Yang's other arm with one hand.

This time, he used his inner strength again, and planned to give up Lin Yang's hands.

It's over!

The girl whispered.

Yingxiu over there was very anxious and wanted to move forward, but was stopped by yingmu.

"Wait a minute, this is..."

the old man suddenly exclaimed.


Girl a Leng, also eyes and look, but only one eye, she is silly!

In this electric light flint, Lin Yang counterattack!

His legs and one hand were all locked by his family, but his broken hand, like ignoring it, pinched directly to the throat of the sea.

It was as fast as lightning, and it caught people off guard.

When the whole sea reacts, it has become a luxury to avoid.

"This is impossible..." he glared and whispered, and his throat was pinched by Lin Yang.

The huge power instantly disturbed his strength, and the slap on Lin Yang's shoulder also seemed soft and weak.


"Master of the museum!"

The audience was shocked.People's heads were all red and white.

How can Lin Yang's broken arm suddenly work?

But Lin Yang directly grabs man Canghai's body and smashes it to the man's martial arts school nearby.

The man was caught off guard and was suddenly knocked over by the sea, dizzy.

Lin Yang swung his arm again and smashed at the other two.





the people who listen to it are shocked.

After a while, all three people who locked Lin Yang's body were knocked down, and none of them could stand up.

As for the sea of man Canghai, Venus is also in sight at the moment, unable to find the north.

Lin Yang pinched his neck and banged on the ground.


The ground was cracked by him.

But he still did not let go, so clubbed the sea of the body to drag forward, and then a foot mercilessly kicked in its chest.


The sound of a broken bone came out.

The sea rolled like a ball several times before it stopped.

Lin Yang's eyes are half open, but he's not looking.

At this moment, he saw clearly the state of Lin Yang.

The bruise had disappeared from him.

And his broken arm was nothing.

The man... As if he had not been hurt.

"This... It's impossible... Do you know magic?" The sea is full of weak and painful cries.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"What about his... His injuries?"

The people around were also very scared, and their faces were pale to the extreme.

Even the girl is tightly covering her small mouth and staring at Lin Yang strangely.

"Wrong! We are all wrong

The old man here suddenly closed his eyes and said hoarsely, "it turns out that he doesn't know martial arts! It's just that the martial arts he used was... Special? "

"What kind of martial arts?" Asked the girl next to him.

The old man gazed at Lin Yang. After half a sound, he slowly spat out two words.


"What? Doctor Wu

The girl's face turned pale, as if she had heard something very incredible.

Looking at Lin Yang's eyes again, he actually showed a touch of fear.

As for the vast sea over there, his face was as gray as death, almost desperate.

Obviously... He's heard of Yiwu, too.

But it doesn't matter now.

Now... Who else can save him?

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