"Dad, what is Yiwu?" Next to Yingxiu a worried face asked yingmu.

"I don't know much." Yingmu shook his head.

"The so-called medical martial arts means to take medicine as martial arts." The girl over there seemed to have heard Yingxiu's words and said in a low voice.

"To be a doctor with martial arts?"

"Yes, this man doesn't really know the ordinary martial arts we practice, but he has extremely exquisite medical skills. These medical skills he has mastered are not the skills of saving the dying and helping the wounded, but the medical skills used for fighting. For example, he uses silver needles to increase his arms, increase his strength, or increase his legs and speed, or heal his wounds at critical moments, restore his strength, or use silver needles to poison , paralyze the other party, that's Yiwu! If you've played online games, there's a word that can describe this kind of person

"What word?" Yingxiu subconsciously looks at the girl.

"Fighting priest!" She said faintly.

"Fighting priest?" Yingxiu is obviously not an Internet addicted girl, her face is full of confusion, completely unable to understand.

But now is not the time to get involved.

Lin Yang put a few silver needles in his body, and his breath was heavy. Then he stepped forward and walked toward the sea.

"Stop it!"

"You... What do you want to do?"

The rest of the Manchu family were very anxious and hurriedly blocked in front of the sea.

But how can they keep Lin Yang's pace?

Even the master of the whole family has been cleaned up by him. What's the use of the rest?

Looking at Lin Yang's constant pace, these people shiver.

In desperation, man Canghai suddenly turned his head and said to the girl and the old man over there: "Miss Lin, master Lin, please help me, man's martial arts school!"

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with us? I'm just here to see what's going on The girl shrugged.

"If you two are willing to help me solve this person, my man's martial arts school is willing to cooperate with the Lin family, and is willing to accept all the requirements of the Lin family!" All over the sea.

The old man fell into deep thought.

But the girl refused without hesitation. She snorted and said, "it's just a man's martial arts school. I'm not rare. What's wrong with my Lin family?"

"No, ma'am, you may agree!"

The old man interrupted the girl.

"Why are you rich? Do you still want his family property of man's martial arts school? " The girl's Willow eyebrows frown lightly.

"Not really. I just want to make the Lin family more relaxed at the conference." The old man said.

As soon as this word falls, there yingmu's face looks ugly.

"As far as I know, the Manchu family has united with quite a number of forces to form an alliance in order to make profits in the meeting. Although these people are not our opponents, we Lin family will be affected to some extent by their obstruction. Miss, you should remember that Yanjing is not the only one of the Lin family, and the strength of those people is also very strong. If we can order the Manchu martial arts school to drive them away Make use of this force, on the general assembly, not to mention my Lin family, at least miss you, I can guarantee you to make a great success! It's up to you to keep up with your pulse! " The old man lowered his voice.

The girl was stunned, then pursed her lips and said, "I'm not rare... I'll prove that I'm better than them with my strength. The Lin family's talents, i... I will defeat them..."

in other words, I have no confidence.

The old man shook his head and sighed: "Miss, you are really gifted. You are very good at both medical and martial arts. But this is not a general meeting. We should be well prepared."

"What do you mean?" The girl asked angrily.

The old man didn't speak, but he put his hands behind him and stepped forward.

"Sir, please stop!"

Hearing the old man's words, Lin Yang stopped at once.

A pair of eyes full of senleng and Yinhan stare at the old man, but the eyes are soon restrained by Lin Yang.

The old man trembled all over. When he looked at Lin Yang carefully, he saw that his eyes were gentle, and he doubted whether he had an illusion.

"Something?" Lin Yang asked.

"Your medical and martial arts attainments are so high, and you are so young. I have been looking at this matter all the time. I always feel that this is just a misunderstanding. Can you sell me a face and let it go to man's martial arts school?" The old man said faintly.

He seldom asked for help, but this time he had to pull his face down for the sake of the lady.

"Who are you?" Lin Yang asked.

"Yanjing Lin family, Lin Fu!" The old man said with pride.

The four characters of Yanjing Lin family are very famous in China, no matter to whom they are spoken.

Because it is not only a family, but also a legend.

The old man believed that no matter who he was, he would give the Lin family a face, including the young and magical boy in front of him.

It's just that Lin Yang's answer was unexpected."Oh, the Lin family? I haven't heard of it. " Lin Yang said.

When this was said, everyone was in a daze.

This is the Lin family!

How could he say that?

Isn't it killing you?

"If it's OK, you can go back. I'm only looking for man's martial arts school today." Lin Yang light road.

The old man's face changed. He coagulated his eyes and said, "you really don't give me this thin face?"

"Why should I give you face?" Lin Yang asked.

"Well, in this case, don't blame me for being merciless." The old man seemed to be annoyed and snorted coldly, and he wanted to start.

However, this remark seems to have completely angered Lin Yang!

His eyes cold, pupil burst out of a strong sense of war!

"Is it? In this case, let me see your Lin family's medical skills and martial arts! "

With that, he turned directly to the old man.

The old man was a little surprised. Maybe he didn't expect Lin Yang to react so much.

However, since the other side wants to shoot, he will not retreat.

Three years!

Lin Yang has been waiting for three years!

Although today is not on that conference! But as long as it is facing the Lin family, Lin Yang's body is boiling.

"Mom, the three-year period is over, I have to do what I should do, you can't restrain me, and no one can restrain me any more!"

Lin Yang's eyes were red and his hands were raised.


there were hundreds of silver needles flying out of his waist needle bag, and then they all went to his body.


The old man's face was terrified.

"Control the needle with Qi?"

The girl here exclaimed.

Even she couldn't do it...

with the silver needle's blessing, Lin Yang's strength and speed have soared to an incredible level, and even his whole body's strength has a taste of inner strength.


The ferocious voice roared from Lin Yang's mouth.

Then the blow hit the old man like a steel hammer.

It's... It's totally a killing hand!

The old man's pupils shrank, his cold sweat moistened, his feet hastily moved back like a light leaf.


Lin Yang hit the floor where he was standing.

In an instant, the earth burst to pieces.

The whole Manchu martial arts school was shocked.

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