Seeing this violent blow, all the flesh and blood of the people were numb.

Is this still a human attack?

The power of this fist almost surpasses people's imagination, even more terrifying than the destructive power of man Canghai's inner force before!

"Who are you, boy?" The old man turned pale and asked for a drink at once.

But Lin Yang had no plan to talk nonsense with him. He stood up again, stepped forward, and then rushed to the past.

The speed is hard to find.

"Not good!"

The old man retreated and looked ugly.

However, Lin Yang is close to him, and his fists seem to be storming away.

Hoo Hoo Hoo...

fists give birth to wind.

There is still no structure.

But every fist and palm is extremely fierce and frightening.

The strength of the old man is obviously higher than man Canghai, but this alone can not stop Lin Yang.

After a few moves, the old man's arms trembled and numb, and his arms didn't listen to him.

At this time, Lin Yang saved another blow to kill him.

It's a straight shot!

"Old rich! Be careful The girl was in a hurry.

The breath of the old man was almost frozen, one hand was facing the front rail, and his feet were rapidly moving towards the back point, but he could not avoid it all the time.


The fist slammed on the old man's arm.

In an instant, the old man's arm bone was broken, and the whole arm was pulled down.

The rest of the force has not even dissipated, but the impact on the elderly.

The old man had already retreated. With the impact of this force, the whole person's back impacted on the wall behind him under the inertial effect. In an instant, the whole wall was cracked, and the whole person was shaking wildly and his blood was surging.


All the people in man's martial arts school were in despair.

What a terrible blow!

If Lin Fu can't deal with this man, who can save man's martial arts school?

"Cough... Cough..."

Lin Fu stood up straight, but he coughed and his mouth was covered with blood.

The blow directly injured him internally.

But it is surprising that although Lin Fu is old, his body and bones are even stronger than man Canghai.

I have to say that the Lin family is so daunting.

However, Lin Yang's strong attack came again.

Lin Fu was not given a chance to breathe.

As soon as Lin Fu bit his teeth, he immediately felt his hand toward his waist, and then he took out about ten silver needles, which he pricked on his body like Lin Yang.

With the silver needle into the body, Lin Fu's breath is also powerful countless.

"Is that old man also a doctor?" Yingxiu was surprised.

"Yes, but..." yingmu hesitated.

With the silver needle's blessing, Lin Fu's broken hand seems to be able to move a little, but he is not Lin Yang after all. He has not got the terrible growth rate of Lin Yang. Even if he fights with him again, he still doesn't take advantage of it.

If he goes on like this, he will lose.

He is also a doctor, but Lin Fu is not as good as this young man!

It's incredible!

Yingmu can see, how can Lin Fu not know?

But now he has no other way to go!

"Stop it!"

Just then, the cry came out.

Then a figure rushed to Lin Yang.

Lin Yang frowned. He wanted to get rid of the figure, but the figure directly opened his hands and closed his eyes.

This is to let Lin Yang some down to do.

He has always been a soft man rather than a hard one.

"If you want to fight, come on. If you don't want to fight, go away." Lin Yang said coldly.

"Why are you so strange? We didn't provoke you? My housekeeper just said something wrong. Are you going to kill me like this Said the girl with her hands akimbo.

"Do I have to forgive your people?" Lin Yang asked.

"Otherwise? I tell you, you have to stop! Otherwise... Or I'll be rude to you! I tell you, my strength is actually more powerful than my housekeeper. If you annoy me, I promise you can't bear it The girl said again, a serious look.

"Is it? I'd like to have a try Lin Yang looked up and down at the girl, and his sight finally fell on her wrist.

There's blood in the blood.

But there was only one drop.

Compared with this terrible 15 drops of Linyang, it is a world of difference.

"Miss, this man is very well-off. You can't make a fool of yourself. Please come back and let's get out of here as soon as possible." Lin Fu cried out in a hurry.

He's sorry now. His gut is blue.He realized that Lin Yang was full of sea, and they didn't give their all when they fought.

But why do you feel like you've got a bomb?

Lin Fu was confused.

But this is not the time to think about it.

Miss is the hope of this line. If something happened to her here today, how should he account to the family??

However, the girl is completely determined.

She stepped back two steps, took a deep breath, and then set off.

"I'm not fighting with you for the sake of man's martial arts school. I just want to protect the people of Lin family. I hope you can distinguish this point clearly. I don't intervene in the relationship between you and man's martial arts school." The girl said seriously.

"It doesn't matter." Lin Yang shook his head and said.

"Please give me your advice."

The girl said, suddenly also a jump, rushed to Linyang.

Although she is young, her posture is very light and flexible, this jump actually jumped a full three or four meters, and then a palm toward Lin Yang.

These moves are quite martial arts.

What makes Lin Yang even more surprised is that the young girl's palm is not brute force, but cleverness!

It seems soft and soft, but the destructive power is absolutely terrible.

Lin Yang frowned slightly, but did not shrink back, but also a backhand punch.


The fist and the palm.

The two are separated.

But the girl is like a feather, as if there is a gas dragging her under the body, staggering and falling on the ground.

Lin Yang retreated.

Man Canghai, Yingxiu and others are all silly.

"The martial arts of the Lin family are really strange. Is this the real ancient martial arts?" Yingmu said hoarsely.

Yingxiu's eyes are wide, and she can't speak.

"You have a lot of strength, but you can't beat me. Look at my move!" The girl chuckles and then rushes forward.

She's not fast.

But when Lin Yang counterattacks, her slender and petite body is very sensitive like a snake to avoid Lin Yang's strong attack. Then she seizes the opportunity and suddenly grabs Lin Yang's wrist with her arm. Then she reaches out her jade finger with her other hand, and points to the three inches under Lin Yang's armpit like lightning!

This is a point!

Lin Fu breathed heavily.

Man Canghai and others are dying to see.

Without any accident, the two fingers accurately against Lin Yang's acupoints.

Lin Yang did not move , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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