Lin Yang, who was dozing off, opened his eyes and cast his eyes. Liang Hongying, who bowed outside the car, said in a light way: "is that it?"

What else do you want?

Liang Hongying almost wanted to roar.

But she still held back, clenched her fists and whispered, "Doctor Lin, as long as you are willing to cure my grandfather, you can do anything you want me to do. It's really not possible... I'll kneel down to you... OK?"

With that, Liang Hongying would kneel down.


The driver over there was shocked.

It seems that Liang Hongying is desperate.

She is such a self-esteem woman, should kneel down to others?

It's amazing news!

But I think it is. Compared with my grandfather's life, what is a mere dignity?

But Lin Yang is not as bad as a woman.

"Just kneel down."

Lin Yang opened the door and stopped it.

Liang Hongying suddenly raised her head: "did you agree?"

Lin Yang looked at the time and calmly said, "take me back in half an hour, or you can send me back to Jiangcheng. I'll pick a wreath in the store and send it to your grandfather."

"I'll send you back in ten minutes!"

Liang Hongying urgent way, immediately ran to pull the door of Ferrari.

Lin Yang sat up quickly.

"Brother, are you going to Jiangcheng?" The driver poked out his head and gave a shout.

"No, thank you."

Lin Yang waved his hand and left.

"Tut Tut, my feelings are wrapped up by a rich woman. This guy is not as handsome as I am. How can this rich woman take a fancy to him?" The driver hit his mouth and said indignantly.

Ferrari's gas pedal is stepped on the bottom by Liang Hongying, the car is like a red flame on the road.

Many drivers were so scared by the speed that they poked out their heads to curse their mother.

Lin Yang is also sitting on his scalp numb.

If something goes wrong, you can't turn over and break your bones?

Also thanks to Liang Hongying heart big, but her driving license is mostly to be revoked.

Soon, Ferrari took Lin Yang back to the villa.

"Mr. Lin!" Liang Shengxin was overjoyed and quickly opened the door for Linyang.

Lin Yang went straight into the gate.


The door was pushed open.

Rita, George and others inside are still rescuing the old man.

Now the old man is in a coma, and the situation is very bad.

Seeing the door pushed open, several people were stunned.

"Miss Liang, why is this prodigy coming again?" George looked at Lin Yang in astonishment, and then said in a deep voice: "the operation is very bad now. Please let him go out immediately, or we will not be responsible for any more problems."

"Here's a doctor, George." Liang Sheng was busy.

"Help? What do you mean? Can't we trust our medical association? " George was more angry.

"That is, vice president Anna wants you to ask Dr. Lin for help. How did you get this man here?" Rita here can't help questioning.

She has always looked down upon the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, even the one mentioned by President Anna.

However, Liang Hongying took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "everyone, in fact, he is the miracle Doctor Lin!"

As soon as the voice fell, several medical association people were stunned.

Several pairs of blue eyes were staring at Liang Hongying, and then moved to Lin Yang. Everyone could not believe what they heard...

"he... Is he the miracle Doctor Lin? President Anna's teacher? " Rita couldn't help it any more, she cried out.

She thought that Dr. Lin, the teacher of President Anna, should be a person of 70-80 years old? After all, as a doctor, age determines experience.

But the man in front of him was in his early twenties...

is such a young man really Doctor Lin?

No one believed.

"Are you kidding me?" George laughed.

"Miss Liang, are you sure you are not mistaken?" Rita asks Liang Hongying in a hurry.

"Unless president Anna is wrong or you hear me wrong." Liang Hongying sighs.

"Well, don't waste your time! The patient's condition is very bad. Can you get out of the way first? " Lin Yang takes out the needle bag and says while preparing for the operation.

Several people looked at each other, do not know what to say.

But George got angry and yelled, "you're a liar! I don't want you to make trouble here. Get out of here

Lin Yang sighed.

It seems that these people still have a deep prejudice against traditional Chinese medicine.

Lin Yang took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"What can I do for you, Miss Lin?" Anna's voice was still excited over the phone."I have a little trouble here. I'm from your medical association. Please explain it to me." Lin Yang put his cell phone in George's hand and walked towards the hospital bed.

George was stunned, looking at the mobile phone, but heard the phone constantly shouting.

"Mr. Lin? Mr. Lin? "

The sound?

"Are you President Anna?" George is stupid.

"George?" Anna on the other side of the phone was also stunned. Intelligent, she immediately guessed something and asked, "just now Rita called me. Did you embarrass Mr. Lin?"

"He... Is he really your teacher?" George felt his head blow.

Isn't it that President Anna always despises traditional Chinese medicine? How could this happen?

"George, I need a satisfactory answer from you!"

Anna had a serious voice.

Although the mobile phone has no voice over, the sound is still very crisp and bright in the quiet room.

Hearing this, the people of the Medical Association were all silent.

At this time, Lin Yang also began to give needles.

His expression is very attentive, the silver needle falls, almost poured his entire energy.

After a moment, he raised his head and said faintly, "send for some medicine quickly. Palm, angelica, earthworm, rhubarb, dangshen, Dinggongteng... Three grams of each, and is there any snow ginseng?"

"Yes... Yes! Snow ginseng Liang Sheng regained his mind and nodded in a hurry.

"How many years? Can we get snow ginseng over 200 years old Lin Yang asked.

"More than 200 years old?" Liang Sheng hesitated.

The snow ginseng on the market has been around for hundreds of years, but it has actually lasted for decades. What Lin Yang wants is a genuine snow ginseng of 200 years. How could he get it in a short time?

However, Liang Hongying next to her said, "you can get it!"

"Well, get ready quickly!"

Lin Yang drank deeply, and then directed at George, Rita and other humanitarians: "you don't have to be idle. I need people here. You should come and help quickly!"

"I... we?"

Several people were stunned.

"Help quickly!"

Anna on the phone suddenly called out.

People realized that the cell phone hadn't hung up.

"Yes, President Anna!"

George shivered all over his body and hurriedly responded , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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