Liang Hongying did not know what means to use, only an hour, let people send snow ginseng, and Liang Sheng also prepared all the equipment and medicinal materials for Linyang.

After Lin Yang finished the injection, he asked George, Rita and others to infuse and wipe the old man's body, while he set up a casserole beside him and began to boil the medicine.

After a while, the room was filled with a pungent smell of Chinese medicine.

People frown, you look at me, I look at you, all filled with disbelief.

"George, are you sure it works?" A doctor asked carefully.

"I don't know, but President Anna said that. What can we do?" George murmured.

"I think President Anna was cheated by this man. In fact, if you look carefully, this person is also very handsome. Should it be president Anna and him..." a woman doctor with plain face and freckles whispered.

Before he had finished saying this, George became angry: "no way!"

The people in the room were startled.

Lin Yang, who was concentrating on cooking herbs, could not help looking back.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing, nothing... Dr. Lin, keep going Said Rita, who was nearby, and then glared at George.

George was livid and did not speak.

In his mind, Miss Anna was a goddess.

How could such a person like an oriental?

However, George had to admit that the Oriental was really handsome... Even if he was a handsome Western man with fair hair and blue eyes, he was somewhat ashamed of himself.

George was furious.

After about half an hour, Lin Yang poured out the soup in the casserole and cooled it thoroughly. At the same time, he poured the residue into the mortar beside him.

After a while, the dregs became mud.

"Give him a drink."

Lin Yang handed the medicine to Rita and smeared the mud on the old man's chest.

Rita frowned and thought for a moment, but she poured it into the old man.

"It's like magic!"

"God, what the hell are we doing?"

These doctors can't see any more.

They believe in science!

But when the soup was not long, the old man suddenly gave out a violent cough.

The scene of "cough, cough, cough...

this scene scared people.

Lin Yang then picked up the silver needle on the needle bag and quickly pricked the air needle at the place where the medicine was smeared. Then he lifted the old man up and slammed him on the back.


George's blood gushed out of his body.

George was stunned.

And the old man slowly opened his eyes.

"My God, Dr Rita, Dr. George, the patient's functions are beginning to return to normal."

"The patient's heart rate is stable."

"Blood pressure is gradually leveling off."

"My God, this is a miracle!"

Looking at the instrument, one by one, the doctor was shocked.

While waiting anxiously outside the door, Liang Hongying and Liang Sheng can't sit still any longer, and they suddenly open the door.

When I saw the old man who had opened his eyes, the two brothers and sisters cried with joy.

"This... It's impossible... Is this traditional Chinese medicine?" George murmured.

"Doctor Lin, how's my grandfather?" Liang Hongying asked urgently.

"That's it. Next, I'll give it to Dr. George and they'll do it."

Lin Yang vomited and wiped off the sweat on his forehead.

"Really?" Liang Sheng was overjoyed.

"Thank you very much, Dr. Lin!" Liang Hongying said excitedly.

At the moment, the more she looked at Lin Yang, the more handsome she was. At this time, she seemed to notice that Lin Yang was startled by God's appearance.

"I have something else to do. I'll stay soon. Give me your mobile phone!"

Lin Yang light road.

"Good!" Liang Hongying quickly took out the mobile phone and handed it to Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang opens Liang Hongying's mobile phone and presses it.

"Dr. Lin, what is my grandfather suffering from? Why did he become like this? What else should we pay attention to in the future? " Liang Sheng asked carefully.

"I said, the follow-up treatment let George Rita and them to solve, the problem is not big, as for what you should pay attention to in the future... Well, I have arranged for you!" Lin Yang handed the mobile phone to Liang Hongying again.

Liang Hongying is stunned. She opens her mobile phone and finds that she has a takeaway app on her mobile phone.

"Dr. Lin, you...

" I'll order takeout for your grandfather three meals a day. "

"What do you mean by that?"

Both brothers and sisters are in a fog.

"Isn't that obvious enough?" Lin Yang sighed and said, "your grandfather is poisoned! And food poisoning"What?"

The two men were shocked.

"This is not an ordinary poison, but a poison accumulated over the years. It should be the poison from food intake, and every time it is very small, almost undetectable, so all famous doctors are at a loss. It is not difficult to solve the poison, but if you do not contain the source of the poison, even if a famous doctor is good, he will still be poisoned again. Do you understand?" Lin Yang light road.

Liang Hongying's face turned white to the extreme.

Liang Sheng also stepped back two steps, which was unbelievable.

"This is your Liang family's business. I will not intervene. Mr. Liang, can you send me back?" Lin Yang light road.

"Oh, good... OK, Mr. Lin, this way, please." Liang Sheng was busy.

Lin Yang nodded and left.

"Doctor Lin, please wait a moment." At this time, Liang Hongying called out.

"Anything else?"

"Thank you very much this time. I apologize to you again for my carelessness. This is my business card. If you need any help from us, please don't mention it!"

Liang Hongying solemnly apologized and handed over a business card.

Lin Yang took it and glanced casually.

"Liang Hongying, CEO of Yanjing Hongzhuang International Media Co., Ltd? Yanjing Lin Yang murmured, suddenly, his face changed slightly, suddenly turned his head, staring at Liang Hongying and asked, "what is the relationship between you and the Liang family in Yanjing?"

This word falls, Liang Hongying Leng next, spin and smile way: "we are Yanjing Liang family!"

The voice falls, Lin Yang's face immediately changed countless.

"You are the Liangs in Yanjing... So, what is the relationship between Liang Qiuyan and you?" Lin Yang asked again.

"Liang Qiuyan? She's our aunt. " Liang Hongying puzzled: "Doctor Lin, do you know our aunt?"

Lin Yang is silent.

Lin Yang is familiar with Liang Qiuyan.

Because she was mother's sworn sister.

The two grew up together. Before they entered the Lin family, their mother had been in the Liang family for a while.

Later, after her mother married the man, Liang Qiuyan seldom went out with her mother.

Of course, every time I see Liang Qiuyan, my mother is always very happy. Maybe this is the only person she can speak to. And Liang Qiuyan has always been very good to Lin Yang. Her mother even wants Liang Qiuyan to be Lin Yang's adoptive mother. Therefore, when Lin Yang was young, she always cried out one by one.

But in a few years ago, Lin Yang never saw Liang Qiuyan again, even after her mother died.

Maybe she has her own life. She shouldn't disturb her.

Lin Yang sighed, thinking of his childhood memory, always infinite emotion.

However, at this time, Liang Hongying suddenly said: "aunt Qiuyan is not living well now. She is going to be driven out of the family..."

Lin Yang is slightly stunned and suddenly turns her head to look at Liang Hongying: "what's wrong with her?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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