After leaving the Luo family, Lin Yang called Xiong Changbai for the first time and rushed to Xuanyi school.

"Worship religion?"

Xiong Changbai's body was shocked. He seemed to hear something extraordinary and looked at Lin Yang in surprise.

"It seems that you know how to worship religion." Lin Yang said quietly.

"Yes, of course, I know that the worship of religion is a force of the ancient school, and it is also a great school of ancient Chinese medicine. Its nature is similar to our southern school... No, it is similar to our Xuanyi school, but its scale, medical skills and so on are much better than ours." Xiong Changbai said bitterly.

"Isn't it said that the southern school, the northern school, the ancient school and the hermit school are the four major schools? I think your southern school is just so. " Lin Yang said.

"It's just secular power, that is, the power on the surface. Our southern faction barely ranks with them, and it's only in the last place. If you include the people under the surface, the southern faction is not even worthy of bringing shoes to the ancient faction." Bear Changbai sighed.

He didn't want to admit it, but it was.

According to Xiong Changbai's description, their network is not only thick, but also has another kind of strength.

Xiong Changbai doesn't know much about it, but one thing he can be sure of is that there are many ancient school people in the southern school academy. Even in the current Xuanyi academy, there may be ancient school people.

So Qi Su doesn't take Lin Yang's words seriously.

Because for her, Lin Yang is a transparent existence.

"Luobeiming wanted to marry luoqian to our southern faction. In fact, it was also a kind of penetration. The ancient school had great ambition. It was not as detached from the secular world as the hermit school. Lin Shao, if you want to do something to the ancient school, I advise you to think carefully. This is not a general force!" Xiong Changbai advised.

"I know, in this case, it is basically impossible to use the power of Xuanyi school... But I have a person who must be saved! You'll arrange for me at once. I'll go to the ancient school before tomorrow! " Lin Yang road.

"Lin Shao, don't mess around. The ancient sect is not a good person, but they can kill people!" Bear Changbai is in a hurry.

"What? Do you think I won't kill? " Lin Yang chuckled.

Looking at Lin Yang's ferocious eyes, Xiong Changbai sighed and shook his head: "well, Lin Shao, in this case, I'll let someone arrange it. This time... I'll go with you."

In name, Lin Yang is his teacher. How can he not respect him? After all, he values medical skills very much.

Lin Yang's medical skills are much better than him.

"No, I'll go alone this time."

"I'm afraid it's very difficult for you to enter the door of religious worship if you are alone. If you want to save people, I don't think you should go so blatantly. Otherwise, you will be self defeating." White bear.

Lin Yang touched his chin, nodded his head and said, "you're right. Today I went to save people in a blatant way. The result is yellow."

With luoqian's personality, if he knew that Lin Yang was killed again, 100% would force him away.

He doesn't want to repeat today's regrets.

"What do you have in mind?" Lin Yang asked.

"Although the southern school is not here, there is Xuanyi school, and the network we have accumulated in the past is still there. I remember that I helped the master of a martial arts school to see his illness. The person in the martial arts school still owes me a favor. Tomorrow night, it seems like the wedding day of Wenhai, the son of the religious leader. The master of the martial arts school is highly respected and invited. I'll call him and you will go with him 。” The bear is white.

"OK, but keep my identity secret. I'm going to save people this time. Don't be too high-profile before I start."

Lin Yang road.

"Don't worry, Lin Shao!"

Xiong Changbai immediately took out the telephone arrangement.

About two hours later, a car stopped at the gate of Xuanyi Academy.

"Lin Shao, have a good journey Xiong Changbai himself to send.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon. You and Gong Xiyun will watch more in Jiangcheng. Call me if you have anything."


Xiong Changbai nodded and the car left.

The car drove out of Jiangcheng, also out of the province, to the sound of Fengshi next door.

Fengshi is rich in traditional Chinese medicine, known as the capital of medicine. Every year, the festival will attract famous doctors from all over the world.

In the center of the city, there is a martial arts school with a huge area, called Shangwu school.

The martial arts school does not agree with the man's martial arts school. There is only one martial arts school in China, which is set up by the Huo family and teaches the most authentic boxing techniques. Of course, the Huo family has nothing to do with Huo Yuanjia's descendants.

Shangwu school has a great reputation, which is no less than man's martial arts school. It is said that within ten years, the martial arts school has produced four World Wushu champions and six Sanda champions, and there are countless winners in various competitions, which shows the extraordinary strength of the martial arts school.

"Mr. Lin, please come in first and stay here for one night. We'll arrange a room for you right away."The driver got out of the car and said with a smile.

Lin Yang nods. Under the leadership of the people from Shangwu school, Lin Yang lives in for the time being.

After dark, Lin Yang was arranged to eat in the living room.

The high-rise of Shangwu school will gather here for dinner.

The museum owner Huo Shangwu, his son Huo AO and his childhood sweethearts and horses are all there.

Lin Yang did not sit in the master seat.

Because Xiong Changbai told Huo Shangwu that Linyang was his student and let him have a long experience in the past.

"Which is Lin Yang?"

At this time, Huo Shangwu, with white hair and a goatee beard, opened his mouth.

The old man is about seventy years old, but he is very bright and energetic.

"It's me."

Lin Yang gets up.


Huo Shangwu looked at Lin Yang and nodded again and again: "it's really a talented young man with extraordinary appearance."

"The old man flattered me."

"Since you are Xiong Changbai's apprentice, I can't neglect it. Come on, sit here and eat. I also want to ask you about your master's recent situation. I heard that something happened to the southern school. Your master has joined an organization called Xuanyi sect." The old man poured a glass of wine.

"Yes, but Xuanyi school is actually the southern school, and most of them have not changed." Lin Yang light road.

"Ah, the person who founded the Xuanyi school is really fierce. He actually put all the southern schools in his pocket. It is really talented people from all over the country." Huo Shangwu said with a light smile.

Lin Yang didn't speak with a smile on his face.

"Grandfather, it's just a group of soft legged shrimps learning medicine. What can I feel about it?" At this time, a handsome man suddenly opened his mouth.

"Huo Ao, don't talk nonsense. The guests are still here!" Huo Shangwu frowned.

"But grandfather Huo, Huo Ao is right. Look at this man, he is so thin and weak, and he has not a few muscles. I'm afraid that if Aoge does not punch down, he will be in shock." A short haired woman with make-up said with a smile.

As soon as she said this, the scene burst into laughter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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