"Shut up, shut up! What a system! What kind of system

The old man was so angry that he patted the table and drank.

People stopped laughing.

"What do you mean? Do you despise traditional Chinese medicine? This is a treasure handed down by our ancestors! You can't be so defiled Huo Shangwu said angrily.

"But grandfather... Traditional Chinese medicine is a little bit better than western medicine! The effect of traditional Chinese medicine is too slow. Even if it's any ointment, it will not take ten days and a half months. Don't think about it. If I go to see Western medicine, it will take effect in three or five days. " Huo Ao shrugged.

"Yes, sir. I'm going to see Western medicine now."

"It is undeniable that traditional Chinese medicine is effective, but I feel that these are all things that are going to be eliminated, and people in your era will like it."

"It's all out of date."

"That's right."

Other young people also said.

People smile, but look at Lin Yang's eyes is obviously arrogant and disdain.


Huo Shangwu was shivering.

"You all say less, eat!"

At this time, a middle-aged man with a beard and a dignified look said a deep drink.

People just shut up.

"Master, forget it!"

Lin Yang also said, his face almost no expression.

There are guests here, the old man is not easy to attack, can only sit down again.

"Xiao Lin, it's because I'm not good at discipline. These bastards are more and more ungrateful. Don't take it to heart." Huo Shangwu road.

"I know. They are young, short-sighted and shortsighted. Don't blame them. When they grow up, they will understand. " Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Boy, who do you think is short-sighted?"

Huo Ao is dissatisfied and stands up and stares at Lin Yang.

"I said you." Lin Yang said directly.

"Asshole! I will not kill you

Huo Ao was furious, and he would leave his seat and rush to Lin Yang.

"Sit down for me!"

Huo Shangwu was furious and roared.

Huoao trembled.

"On the contrary? Are you going to rebel? Eat for me Huo Shangwu said angrily.

See the old man's face angry, as if to eat people in general, Huo Ao after all or resist.

He bit his teeth and snorted back to his seat.

"If anyone dares to be presumptuous again, get out of Shangwu school for me!" Huo Shangwu cheered.

People bow their heads and say nothing.

Huo Shangwu's face softened a little. He turned to Lin Yang and said, "Xiao Lin, you can have a good rest after dinner. Go to worship religion with them tomorrow."

"Good!" Lin Yang nodded.

"If you have any difficulties, just talk about the founding of the people's Republic of China."

"Dad, what's the matter?" The bearded middle-aged man answered.

"Tomorrow you can take these little bunnies to worship and celebrate." Huo Shangwu road.

"Won't you go?" The crowd was surprised.

"I'm going to the martial arts association tomorrow. What's more, the old man doesn't want to take part in this kind of scene. You can go."

"This... That's OK."

The crowd nodded.

After dinner, Lin Yang went back to his room alone, ready to take a bath.

However, when the tap is unscrewed, no water flows out.

"No water?"

Lin Yang frowned, put on his clothes again and went out.

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter?"

At this time, a servant who passed the corridor looked at Lin Yang and asked in confusion.

"I want to take a bath, but there is no water. Is it water cut off?" Lin Yang asked.

"No water?"

The servant looked at Lin Yang's room, whirled and patted his head and said, "ah... Sorry, Mr. Lin, the bathroom in this room is broken... I'm really sorry, I'll change your room for you!"

"Well, I don't have to take a shower. I'll take a bath." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"You can go to the next room

The servant laughed and took out the key and opened the door of the next room.

Lin Yang is not polite, then went into the bathroom to change clothes and take a bath.

There are so many things happening these days that he can't breathe.

When we have dealt with the worship of religion, it is time to prepare for the meeting.

Lin Yang looked at the fifteen drops of spiritual blood on his wrist, his eyes twinkled with heat.

"There are still five drops... Five drops to go..." Lin Yang murmured.

Five drops later... Just like the Lin family, how can he look at it?

Half an hour later, Lin Yang came out with his wet hair, ready to change clothes and go to bed.However, just after he walked out, he saw a woman lying on the bed in her pajamas.

The woman with short hair was on the dining table.

Lin Yang was stunned.

He remembered that the woman was called Xi Liuxiang.

The woman with short hair had no accident. She just looked at him with a smile in her eyes.

Lin Yang frowned, vaguely felt wrong.

"Why are you here?" Lin Yang asked.

"Guess!" Xi Liuxiang said with a smile.

Lin Yang did not speak.

At this time, Xi Liuxiang began to speak again.

"I'll let you make your own choice."

"What choice?"

"Immediately kneel down on the ground, bark at me three times, and then slap yourself a hundred times in the face." Without waiting for the banquet to leave incense, a group of men and women came into the door, and one of them was Huo Ao before.

They blocked the door, and it was too late for Lin Yang to escape.

"What if I don't?" Lin Yang asked.

"Then I'll have to shout rape!" Xi Liuxiang smiles and tears off one side of his sling.

"Now you are wearing a pair of underpants and Liuxiang is wearing pajamas. I'm afraid everyone except the blind can know what the picture is. You can't wash it clearly when you jump into the Yellow River! Boy, if you don't do as I say, I'm afraid you'll end up in a very miserable way. " Huo Ao laughs.

"Are you going to frame me up?" Lin Yang frowned.

"Yes, you were framed. What's the matter?"

"This is what happens when we fight against Aoge!"

"Don't you? Shout! Pretend

"Ha ha ha, now you know how good we are?"

Some of the dog legs behind burst out laughing, and more people swore at Lin Yang.

Lin Yang took a deep breath, and his eyes flashed cold.

"Don't you kneel down? I don't have much patience! " Huo Ao shouts.

But... Lin Yang was indifferent.

He shook his head and said faintly, "I'm sorry, I refuse!"

"Well, boy, you asked for it Huo Ao's eyes are ferocious.

And Xi Liuxiang no longer hesitated, and directly cried out.

"Rape! Indecent! Help... Ah... What are you doing? Br >

, her voice is particularly sharp.

With the fall of the voice, half of the Shangwu school was boiling.

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