"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

"Is that the sound of lingering fragrance? What's wrong with the fragrance? "

"Who dares to do such animal things in our Shangwu school?"

Angry shouts came along with the sound of footsteps.

And Huo Ao in the room was not polite, and gave a big drink: "Linyang! You beast, I will kill you

A group of Lin Yang people went straight to finish.

Lin Yang immediately retreated and hit Huo Ao, the fastest one, with a backhand.

"Looking for death!"

Huo Ao sneers at him, but he doesn't care about Lin Yang's thin arms and legs, and his backhand is also a punch. He wants to fight with Lin Yang.


The fists hand in and out.

However, Huo Ao was shocked that the strength of Lin Yang's fist was not weak at all. On the contrary, his whole body was trembling, and his surging strength made him step back two steps.

Lin Yang, on the other hand, is still standing in place, not affected by the blow.


Everyone was stunned.

"Aoge, what's wrong with you? What kind of hand do you keep? " The incense on the bed is not pleasant.

"This..." Huo Ao did not know how to answer.

Keep your hands?

He left a fart!

But... How could this man have such a strong punch?

Isn't he a doctor of Chinese medicine? Isn't it for embroidery needles?

Huo Ao's eyes are full of confusion, but he can't think more at this time!

Since one person can't deal with this guy, then a group of people!

"Hit me to death!" He cried again.

People all jumped on it.

Lin Yang's eyes are cold.

But he had just taken a bath, and there was no silver needle on his body. Without silver needle blessing, he could only make up the foundation.

He clenched his fist, and he wanted to make a move.

But at this time...

"all stop!"

There was a shout.

People are all shocked, turn around to see Huo Jianguo and a group of disciples came in.

Huo Ao hastens to Xi Liuxiang to make an eye.

Xi Liuxiang responded, and immediately her eyes were red and she began to cry.

"Uncle Huo, you are going to make the decision for me!"

People are busy looking at the bed, see Xi Liuxiang clothes is not neat, plus only wearing a pair of shorts Lin Yang, one immediately frowned, have fallen into reverie.

"Lin! What have you done to Liuxiang? "

"Asshole! You beast! Animals! Son of a bitch

"No wonder I saw that you didn't look at Liuxiang at the dinner table before. You should not kneel down to Liuxiang!"


"Are you still human?"

The people of Shangwu school were filled with indignation, pointing to Lin Yang one by one and swearing.

"Shut up

Huo Jianguo here couldn't see it any more. He immediately called out.

People just stopped.

"Lin Yang, what's going on?" Huo Jianguo looks at Lin Yang Dao.

"I took a bath here. After taking a bath, I saw Xi Liuxiang lying on the bed in her pajamas. Then Huo AO and they suddenly came in and told me that if I didn't kneel down and apologize to him, he would have me ruined..." Lin Yang told the truth directly.

"You beast, what do you mean? You think that's what we did to you? If you have done something worse than an animal, do you want to pour dirty water on me? " Huo Ao's emotion is excited, and he has to rush forward.

But the people next to him held him down.

"You're talking nonsense. It's clearly that I'm sleeping here. Well, you suddenly rush in and press me on the bed. If it wasn't for Aoge's timely arrival, i... i... Wuwuwuwu..." Xi Liuxiang began to cry again.

They gnawed their teeth and looked at Lin Yang's eyes, hoping to devour him alive.

"Lin Yang, you said you took a bath here. Isn't your room next door? This is LiuXiang's room. How can you take a bath in LiuXiang's room Huo Jianguo frowned.

"The bathroom in my room was broken and there was no water, so I asked the servant to help me arrange for another room to take a bath." Lin Yang explained.

"Is it?" People next to Huo Jianguo winked.

The man ran down at once, and a moment later he turned back.

"Master, there is water in Linyang's room. The toilet is not broken."

As soon as this word falls, people sneer repeatedly.

Huo Jianguo looks at Lin Yang and seems to be waiting for his reply.

And at the moment, Lin Yang also reacted.

Since Huo Ao wants to deal with him, how can he not do everything? I'm afraid the toilet suddenly ran out of water, which is Huo Ao's masterpiece.

"Let's not say that the bathroom is not broken, even if it is broken, you can't take a bath here! Xiao Lin, shouldn't you give us an explanation? " Huo Jianguo asked."I've told the story. I didn't do it." Lin Yang shook his head.

I'm afraid that servant was also arranged by Huo Ao.

"You said you didn't do it, you didn't do it? Do you think Liuxiang is wronging you? We are wronging you, too? " Huo Ao sneers.


"Oh, it's time to die. The duck has a stiff mouth!" Huo Ao turned his head and said, "Dad, let's call the police and catch this animal!"

Huo Jianguo took a deep breath and said hoarsely: "he is the apprentice of your grandfather's best friend in the end. If this matter spreads out, no one can lose face, and your grandfather will be very embarrassed. Now he doesn't know about this matter. Let's deal with it in a low key."

"What do you mean..."

"Lin Yang, I intend to deal with you according to the rules of our martial arts school. Can you be convinced? If you call the police, you may go to jail. " Huo Jianguo said.

"Well, let's call the police."

Lin Yang said quietly.

As soon as the words fell, everyone's heart beat.

"Lin Yang, what do you mean?" Someone asked.

"Because the police came, I was able to prove that I was innocent, wasn't I?" Lin Yang road.

"The witnesses are all standing here, and Liuxiang says in person that you want to insult her, which can be false?" Huo Ao said coldly.

Now everything is not good for Linyang. As long as Xi Liuxiang bites Linyang, even if he jumps into the Yellow River, he can't wash it.

This guy must be in disgrace today!

This is what happens to me!

Huo Ao's heart is full of ferocity.

"But Xi Liuxiang doesn't have my fingerprints." Suddenly, Lin Yang answered.

The words fell, and several people's faces changed.


Lin Yang entered the room and went straight to take a bath.

From the beginning to the end, he did not touch the seat to stay fragrant.

What part of the bed do you want me to touch? When the police arrive, let them see if you have my fingerprints on you Lin Yang said faintly, turning to Huo AO and other humanitarians: "who has a mobile phone, please report to the police for me. I want to sue the sun of the master of Shangwu school to slander and slander me! I also want to inform the martial arts association of this matter and let the whole Chinese martial arts circles have a look at Huo Ao's face! "

As soon as this remark fell, Huo Ao's face suddenly turned pale to the extreme. People all stepped back a few steps, and some of them were unstable.

Huo Jianguo is not a fool.

Seeing his son like this, he also vaguely guessed something.

"Huo Ao, what's going on here?" He stares at Huo AO and asks coldly.

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