"This... This..."

Huo Ao opened his mouth and didn't know how to answer.

"No one called the police? Then I'll go to my room and get my cell phone. "

Lin Yang said faintly that he would go to the gate.

The situation suddenly turned around.

Huo Ao obviously neglected this point!

At this time, Xi Liuxiang on the bed suddenly cried out and rushed directly to Linyang.

Look at her, is to let Lin Yang leave some fingerprints on her body.

However, as soon as she appears, she has already acquiesced to Lin Yang's statement!

Don't do it yourself!

It was a game from the beginning to the end!

A disgrace made by Huo Ao to Lin Yang!

Lin Yang's action is also fast, fast is a side flash, hide away.

Xi Liuxiang threw himself into the air and fell to the ground, looking very embarrassed.

Xi Liuxiang lost.

Huo Ao also lost!

Now I'm afraid even a fool knows what's going on.

"What kind of system! What kind of system Huo Jianguo was already red with anger.

"Master Huo, is this your Shangwu school?" Lin Yang asked.

"Lin Yang, you can rest assured that I will investigate this matter clearly! My Shangwu school will give you an account! " Huo Jianguo gnawed his teeth and said, "you two, go to the ancestral hall immediately and kneel down with me! The rest of them are scattered! "

"Yes, Dad!"

Huo AO and Xi Liuxiang hang their heads, but they are reluctant to leave.

So the farce broke up.

Lin Yang felt bored, so he was too lazy to say anything. He picked up his clothes and went back to his room to sleep.

Huo Jianguo is gloomy.

"Tell me to go on, this matter is not allowed to spread around, let alone tell the owner of the museum, understand? Don't make public the domestic ugliness! The old man has a strong temper. If he knows about this, he may have to make a big hole. "

"Yes, master."

The man next to him nodded.

"Master, how are you going to account for that Lin Yang?" The man next to me asked.

Huo Jianguo listened, hummed a voice, coldly said: "account? What account? Do you really expect me to explain to such a doctor? "

Hearing this, people around him also understand that Huo Jianguo is not cold to these traditional Chinese medicine.

"Let those two guys kneel in the ancestral hall for one night, and they will go to worship religion tomorrow! Don't think it happened, you know Huo Jianguo said coldly, then swung his sleeve and left.

Students, you look at me, I look at you, do not speak.

The next morning, Lin Yang got up and had breakfast with the Huo family.

No one talked about last night.

Huoao and Xi Liuxiang are also there, but they look gaunt and look at Lin Yang with resentment.

Lin Yang turned a blind eye.

Huo Shangwu came back after a set of punches.

He seems to know nothing about last night.

After dinner, the car has been arranged, led by Huo Jianguo, and the people will be ready to celebrate the gift on the car, then Lu continued to leave the Shangwu school.

Lin Yang sat in a car with several Huo family disciples.

No words all the way.

Lin Yang touched the needle bag on his waist, and his eyes showed a trace of harsh light.

I hope luoqian is still safe and sound.



worshiping within religion.

At the moment, it is a scene of festivity.

Luo Qian sat alone in a small courtyard.

She sighed, her face full of sorrow and helplessness.

In fact, she knew what she was brought here for.

It is said that she came to teach her medical skills, but actually she has other plans to worship religion.

Luo Beiming, who was a religious believer, asked luobeiming to make friends with the southern faction. Although he was a member of the ancient school, there was no enmity between the ancient school and the southern school. Luoqian's aunt was a religious person with a high status. Luobeiming did not want the Luo family to be controlled by this aunt, so he asked luoqian to marry situ Jing.

But it's not as good as heaven. The southern faction is gone.

Luobeiming had no choice but to submit to the worship of religion and let him bring luoqian back.

His plan now is to rely on religion.

After all, in front of this great religion, the Luo family is too fragile.

"I'm just a tool man after all..."

LUO Qian whispered to himself.

And at this time.

I'm very sincere.

There was a knock on the door.

Sitting in the yard of Luo Qian swept the door, light way: "who ah?"

"Miss law, it's me, Alan."

"What can I do for you?""Dear friends, I'd like to invite you to the banquet in advance Ah Lian's servant outside.

"Is the one who calls" breaking the waves " Luo Qian frowned.

After she entered the religion worship, she heard rumors that she was trying to arrange her with a person called Ying toulang.

"Yes." Ah Lian hesitated and said.

"Tell Wenhai I won't go." Luo Qian hummed.

"Well, Miss Wen Shao said, you must go, no matter what, or he will be very unhappy." Ah Lian quickly advised.

"I said! Not to go is not to go! " Luo Qian angry shout.

This voice scared ah Lian.

Ah Lian didn't dare to say much and left immediately.

Luo Qian is upset and plans to go out and disperse.

Although it's Wenhai's wedding day, she can't fit in here at all.

Strictly speaking, Wenhai has some relatives with her, otherwise Qisu would not have such a high status in religious worship.

It's just.

When Luo Qian is going out...


The door was kicked open.

The violent noise let Luo Qian not by a shock.

Then a few men and women came in.

Among them is Wenhai.

Luo Qian was stunned.

"Wenhai... What are you doing?" Luo Qian shivered all over, and asked carefully.

"Go right away and drink less!" Wen Hai was expressionless and said coldly.

"I can't drink! How many times do I have to say before you understand? " Luo Qian hated the way.

"If you can't, you have to drink too. You should not come here today to give me face. Since others have given me face, I will give him face too! Luo Qian, don't make it difficult for my cousin! Go Wenhai's voice is particularly deep.

"What if I say no?"

Luo Qian was angry.

She has a stubborn temper. She is a tough person. How can she give in to Wenhai?

"No? Then don't blame me, you two, and drag her to the wine stand Wenhai is also too lazy to talk nonsense, a direct big move.

He walked out of two women, directly grasp Luo Qian, then pull out.

"What are you doing? Let me go! Let me go

Luo Qian screamed.

But no one paid any attention to it...

she couldn't resist at all. She was dragged out of the small yard and headed for a small pavilion on the north slope.

At the moment, in the pavilion sat a very handsome man in a white shirt.

The man is drinking gracefully.

Hearing the movement here, he slightly side head, looking at Luo Qian, there is not much expression on his face.

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