"Let me go! Asshole! You brutes! I'll tell my aunt! "

Luo Qian struggles, painful cry, eyes are red.

But she is not Lin Yang, and she does not have the strength of Lin Yang. She can only be pushed here by her hands behind her back like a prisoner.

Ying in the pavilion raised his hand through the waves.

"Let go of her

As soon as this word falls, two women who hold Luo Qian release their hands.

Luo Qian quickly stroked his small wrist.

It's already red there.

But she did not cry, but stare at the evil man in the pavilion.

"Brother Wen, are you rude? She's your cousin anyway. She should be gentle Should break through the waves light said.

"It's just family misfortune." Wen Hai laughs.

Should break the waves did not say much, just looked at Luo Qian, light said: "I have seen you one side before, you may not have the impression, but I still remember, Miss Luo, I have a fancy to you, please sit down and have a drink with me."

"I said, I can't drink. If you want to drink, find someone else!" Luoqian air scour channel.

"Miss Luo, you have a bad temper. This is not good!"

"What do you want?" Luo Qian asked angrily.

"I'll ask you again, and for the last time, come and drink with me." Should break the waves to say.

This word falls to the ground, people all brush at Luo Qian.

There is no doubt that we should break the waves seriously.

He's not joking.

If Luo Qian also refused, no doubt in exchange for should break the waves of anger.

Many people have never seen what it would be like to break the waves and get angry, but they have heard of it. It is extremely terrible.


Everyone underestimated Luo Qian's determination.

She is still that attitude, still is that firm look.

"No drinking!" She spit out these two words coldly.

The words fell, and the air seemed to solidify.

"If you don't eat or eat, you will be punished! Luo Qian, do you want to die? " Wenhai was angry and seemed to want to do something, but was stopped by the wave.

"Brother, this kind of woman should be left to me." We should break through the waves.

Wenhai looked at the waves and nodded.

But see should break the waves again wave: "red cotton!"

"Yes, young master!"

The woman, who called the red cotton, immediately picked up the wine pot on the table and walked towards luoqian.

"What are you going to do?"

Luo Qian pupil shrinks, hastily retreats.

But behind the woman is a backhand pressed Luo Qian's shoulder, and locked her two wrists.

This woman is obviously practicing family son, the strength is strange, Luo Qian simply can't get rid of.

And that red cotton is a brisk step up, directly pinch Luo Qian's small face, the wine pot toward her mouth.

The pungent drink was poured in at once.

"Oh, mmm..."

LUO Qian made a painful voice, and the wine dampened her clothes and hair, making her look very embarrassed.

"Ha ha ha..."

the people around me are laughing.

A pot of wine, luoqian is already some of the whirlwind, some people also stand unsteadily.

"What? Miss law, are you still drinking? " We should break the waves and ask questions.

"I... I drink... I drink..."

LUO Qian seems to have succumbed, spitting out the wine in his mouth, while saying something indistinct.

"That's good." Wen Hai said with a light smile.

"It should be less than ordinary people. If you offend him, there will be no good end!"

"If you listen to your cousin, how can you suffer such a loss?"

Several people in the back also said with a smile.

Luo Qian didn't speak, just wiped off the wine from his mouth, sat down in the chair in the pavilion, and then poured a glass of wine with shaking hands...

"should... Should be less... This cup... I respect you..." Luo Qian said.


Should break the waves and nod his head, he will drink the wine in his cup.

But in the next second, luoqian suddenly threw the wine on his body.

The upper part of the body that should break the waves was wet at once.

He frowned, just put down the wine glass, but saw Luo Qian suddenly grab a fruit knife next to him, ferociously stabbed should break the wave.

"You die for me!"

Angry shouts rang out.

Qian Luo held out his wrist immediately.

But even so, the first half of the fruit knife is still not into the belly of the wave.

Blood came out.


The audience was shocked.


Red cotton is short of breath, immediately rushed over, a slap mercilessly threw in Luo Qian's face.Bang!

Luo Qian was fanned to the ground, and there was a bright red palm print on his cheek.

"It should be less!"

"Less! Are you all right? "

"Asshole, luoqian, are you crazy?"

"What's wrong with you, bitch!"

People around should break the waves, angry at Luo Qian scold.

Wenhai's face was extremely gloomy. He walked quickly to yingtoulang. Seeing the wound of yingtoulang, he was relieved that he had not stabbed any important part.

"It should be less. I'll arrange someone to treat you right away." Wen Hai said.

"It's OK. It's just skin injuries. I'll have them bandaged."

Should break through the waves and stand up.

The people all backed away.

I saw should break the waves to the Luo Qian who was lying on the ground and looked at her from a commanding position.

Luo Qian's eyes are still full of anger.

"I like the look in your eyes, but I don't like your personality very much." Should break the waves light said, suddenly raised the foot, directly stepped on Luo Qian's palm.


LUO Qian made a sad cry.

The pain was so intense that she almost fainted.

"That's my hand, isn't it?" We should break through the waves.

When he moved his feet away, Luo Qian's slender jade finger was already bloody and ugly.

"I will kill you, I will!" Luo Qian was shivering with pain, and all of them were shaking.

"It's a pity you didn't get a chance."

"Brother Wen, I'll go down and bandage first. Take this woman with you first. When I get better, you can give her to me. Is it feasible?"

"No problem!"

Wenhai immediately nodded, whirled and waved: "immediately arrange the best doctor to give less treatment. In addition, this bitch, shut up for me first!"

"Wenshao, how can you explain it to elder Qisu?" The man next to me asked carefully.

"There is no need to explain. What she dares to say is that she offends yingshao." Wenhai waved.

It should have been taken down quickly.

Luo Qian was also re locked in the small yard, no one for treatment.

Luoqian hair hair hair sitting in the room, eyes full of despair.

At this time, she has only one idea.

That's death.

She simply bandaged her little hands and went into the yard with her hair dishevelled and looked around.

Suddenly, Luo Qian's eyes were stunned, looking at the south side of the yard.

There is a mountain.

Another thought came out of luoqian's mind.

She fixed her eyes and walked towards it www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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