As soon as this problem came out, aomo was obviously stunned.

The other shore flower narrowed her eyes and continued to smile: "I admit that the power of Jingshi white lotus is really terrible and extremely powerful, but it is not easy to launch such a powerful killer. Proud devil, are you sure you can launch Jingshi white lotus twice at the same time in a short time?"

As soon as he said this, aomo hesitated.

The other shore flower sneered and then said, "if you can't do this, then after you launch Jingshi white lotus, the chief Lord will go out and kill you! At that time, aomo, what can you compete with the chief Lord?"

Aomo's face changed.

Others also have golden eyes.

No wonder the chief demon didn't appear, but let the chief witch come.

He kept this hand.

Any utensil has a cooling process.

Such a big killer as Jingshi Bailian must be the same.

How can Jingshi white lotus bear the continuous release of energy twice? Even if you bear it, how can the proud devil have so much strength to start again?

For a moment, aomo's face was extremely unnatural.

"How? Ao Mo, you should think clearly. In this way, you give me the Jingshi white lotus in your hand, and the chief adult and I will not investigate your previous offensive words. After all, we know your character." the other shore flower smiled faintly and looked at mansha Hong nearby: "I think you must be bewitched by this woman, right?"

"What did you say?" the proud devil frowned.

Mansha Red's breath is not tight.

"This woman has betrayed my God devil way, but now she comes to surrender with Jingshi white lotus. No one chooses you, but she chooses you because she thinks you are so bewitching! You are a straight hearted man, there is no city government, and you are the best controlled of these evil kings! That's why she chose you! I know it with the chief adult, so you just give Jingshi white lotus to us , we will let bygones be bygones, and we will not be held accountable. We just need to get rid of this woman! "The other shore flower smiled.

The proud devil was silent again.

Mansha Hong's scalp is numb.

If you fall into the hands of the other shore flower, you really can't live or die!

It is said that this vicious woman tortured her enemy for three years and kept him alive. Her enemy's skin was peeled several times and her bones were torn down until all her internal organs were taken off and died!

If mansahong is tortured by the other shore flower, I'm afraid a hair on his body will be crushed into powder by the other party

"Sir, you can't let go!"

Mansha Hong hurriedly shouted: "she's just scaring you. With your strength, how can she not launch Jingshi white lotus twice in a row? What's more, if it can't be launched, I can help you!"

"Can you help me?" the proud devil turned his head.

"If you don't have enough strength to urge Bai Lian for the second time, Sha Hong will help you and hold Bai Lian to frighten these guys!" mansha Hong said immediately.

"You're a good way, but... I'm afraid Jingshi Bailian can't start the second time! If so, no amount of strength will help." Ao Mo said.

Mansha Hong was stunned.

"Is your excellency... Do you want to compromise?"

She didn't expect things to go this way.

"Compromise? How is it possible? I still have the initiative now. If I really hand over the Jingshi white lotus, wouldn't it be a mermaid?" the proud devil snorted.

"That adult... What's your plan?" mansahong asked carefully., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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