"I don't know." aomo shook his head.

At the moment, he was also confused about whether to launch Jingshi Bailian.

Until then, mansahong suddenly said, "Sir, in that case, why don't you attract some foreign aid?"

"Foreign aid? What do you say?"

"The second and fourth demons seem to be standing at the chief demon now. You alone may not be able to deal with it! Although the ninth and tenth demons are also standing there, I think they must be here as visitors! They don't dare to have any extravagant hopes for Jingshi white lotus and don't think they can get Jingshi white lotus. In that case, why don't you make a commitment to them, Let them help you? So, can't we just fight against them on the other side? "Mansahong smiled.

Aomo's eyes brightened, but he frowned: "then... What should I do?"

"Give it to me!"

Mansha Hong smiled gently, turned forward and drank: "Hua Bi'An, don't intimidate Lord aomo here! Who doesn't know what face you and the chief devil are? You two have been seizing our precious treasure for years. Now I Lord aomo got Jingshi white lotus, and you have a bad intention again? Oh, I tell you, you can't succeed this time!"

"Bastard! Traitor! You don't have the right to talk here!" the other shore flower snorted coldly.

Equinox flower, I am not a traitor, not you has the final say, at least I am loyal to the magic of heaven, but you and the chief prince, what is done in these years, which is worthy of the magic?

Mansahong pointed to the tenth demon king Li Yenan and sneered: "Do you remember a blood relic that Li Mojun got two years ago? It was the blood relic that Li Mojun fought with his life and took back from the outside. For this baby, Li Mojun was injured for half a year and failed to recover! But what happened! Just because of your words, Li Mojun had to give the blood relic to you! Ask! Is this what people loyal to Tianmo Dao should do?"

"And the sixth demon lord, Lord dark water! Five years ago, Lord dark water chased his father killing enemy on the beach of Qing Dynasty. He could finally kill his father for many years! But just because the murderer said he wanted to offer you the most precious treasure, you tried every means to stop and let the murderer go! So that Lord dark water can't take this blood revenge up to now! Do you deserve the devil Taoist priest ??????

"And the ninth devil soup!"

"The eighth demon king Zhenyan..."

"Don't you feel shameless and mean when you do these things?"

"If so, what right do you have to say I'm a traitor?"

Mansha Hong shouted.

He told all the charges.

The other shore flower looks very ugly.

And those demons who were named by mansha red also looked very complicated.

In fact, this kind of thing is a small thing in Tianmo Dao.

In order to obtain benefits, in order to obtain benefits, no matter who in Tianmo Dao is a means.

Don't say it's seizing something, even if it's killing people and stealing goods, it happens from time to time.

But this kind of thing can't be said.

As soon as he said, there was an unknown fire in their hearts.

Many eyes look at the flowers on the other side.

The other shore flower's face suddenly changed. How can he tolerate these guys' eyes? He was angry immediately: "what do you want to do? Do you want to fight me?"

The sound fell to the ground and the smell of terror rippled.

People bowed their heads when they heard the sound.

Mansha Hong quickly winked at aomo.

The proud devil understood and immediately shouted, "brothers, don't be afraid! The Lord of the devil's way is not her flower on the other side of the river! Why are we afraid of her?"

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