Zhou Yu is defeated!

The defeat was too sudden and too quick.

Some people in the martial arts school were unprepared.

With this man's performance, people in Shangwu school dare not clamor any more.

They are all martial arts practitioners. Naturally, we can see that this person's strength is terrible.

Huo Jianguo was livid.

But Zhou Yu did not seem to give up.

He covered his chest, and he got up with difficulty.

"Enough! Zhou Yu, you go back! " Huo Jianguo drinks low.

It was obvious that the blow just hit Zhou Yu's pulse, which made his breath not smooth and his breathing was difficult.

In this case, there is no capital to continue fighting, so we can only choose to give up.

Zhou Yuxin is unwilling, but he knows his own situation.

It's very bad to fight.

At this time, even if it's hard, you can only choose to give up.

However, at this time, the man suddenly rushed over, and then his fists turned into claws and attacked Zhou Yu fiercely.


The scene was stunned.

"Zhou Yu, be careful!"

Huo Jianguo's face also suddenly changed, roared and rushed over.

But it's too late!

When Zhou Yu reacts, the other party has already rushed to him, and his palms are like eagles. He fiercely buckles his arms. His action is extremely cruel and overbearing.


Zhou Yu's hands were broken instantly.


The intense pain made Zhou Yu scream.

However, the man still refused to stop. His hands moved down again and buckled to Zhou Yu's knee.

This is to want to destroy all Zhou Yu's limbs!

"Get out of here!"

Huo Jianguo was furious and kicked the man in the face.


The man flew out on the spot and fell to the ground. When he got up, there was a shoe mark on his face.

"Chen he, are you ok?" Master Fenglie immediately stepped forward and helped up the disciple.

"Master, I'm fine." Chen he's man wiped his face, staring at this side and sneering.

"Huo Jianguo, what do you mean?" Master Fenglie asked with a heavy face.

"What do you mean? I have to ask you that? Didn't you say it would be over? " Huo Jianguo helped Zhou Yu to ask angrily.

"But no eyes." Master Fenglie said.

"So you let your apprentice waste my apprentice's hands?" Huo Jianguo asked.

"You can only blame your apprentice for his incompetence! You're not as good as others. Do you have to blame us for our ruthlessness? Hehe, there are so many people around. Huo Jianguo, if you feel unconvinced, we can continue. " Master Fenglie shrugged.

"You..." Huo Jianguo was so angry that he couldn't say anything.

However, with so many eyes on the scene, if we don't find the venue back, will the martial arts hall lose face?

However, he is not a fool. Judging from Chen he's performance, it may not be certain that Huo Ao will go up now.

We have to ask someone to fight with Chen he. It's better to force him to come out with something, so Huo Ao will not fall behind.

"Do you think our martial arts school people will be afraid of you?" Huo Jianguo snorted angrily and glared at a group of disciples of Shangwu school beside him and said, "who would like to go up and avenge Zhou Yu?"


The faces of the people changed.

Even Zhou Yu was defeated so miserably, how can they have confidence?

For a moment a group of people hesitated.

Even Huo Ao didn't say a word.

Huo Jianguo was disappointed.

He knew that the morale of this group of disciples had been defeated.

Even if he had to be tough, he would be no better than Zhou Yu.

"Oh, is that what the people of martial arts school advise? Tut tut... Huo Shangwu I's great reputation will be buried in the hands of you people. " Master Fenglie shook his head and said with a smile.

The popularity of the martial arts school is that his whole body will explode, but this situation, Huo Jianguo, has been unable to support.

People all around looked at Huo Jianguo one after another, some snickered, some disdained, some ridiculed, some secretly scolded, all kinds of expressions.

The people in the martial arts school have been humiliated.

But then...


Lin Yang suddenly staggered and took two steps forward.

Then he heard Huo Ao cry out: "Lin Yang, are you going to fight? That's great. I knew that our Shangwu school didn't recommend goods! "

As soon as this word falls, people from all directions brush at Lin Yang.

"Lin Yang?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Looking for death?"

"What are you doing at this time?"

Several people from the martial arts school snorted coldly."Xiao Lin, what's the matter with you?" Huo Jianguo was in a bad mood and became more agitated when he saw Lin Yang make trouble.

Lin Yang frowns tightly and looks at Huoao.

A pair of hands pushed him from behind just now, which must be Huoao's rhythm.

Huo Ao secretly revealed a smile and said with a smile, "Lin Yang, if you've counselled, you can say that it's OK. After all, you are a coward, and we all know that."

He didn't expect to let master Fenglie teach Lin Yang a lesson, as long as he embarrassed Lin Yang and gave out the evil spirit of last night.

However, at this time, Lin Yang suddenly faint smile: "who said I am a coward?"

As soon as he said this, people in the martial arts school were stunned.

"What are you doing, Xiao Lin?" Huo Jianguo's face sank.

But Lin Yang pointed to Chen he and said, "I'll practice with him!"

The people of Shang martial arts school were all dumbfounded.

Huo Ao is also confused.

He thought that Lin Yang would definitely advise him, which was also a good time for him to ridicule Lin Yang, but instead of advising him, Lin Yang accepted...

"you... You go?"

"Do you know martial arts?"

"This thin arm and thin leg... Do you want to die?"

People gaped.

Huo Jianguo was in a great hurry and was about to say something, but Chen he over there had already rushed over.

"Hum, I just haven't had an addiction just now. Since you want to die, I will help you!"

When the voice falls, Chen he flies his legs directly at Linyang's forehead.


The people around him screamed.

This foot is so cruel and cruel.

If this kicks in, Lin Yang still must on the spot shock?

"Not good!"

Huo Jianguo's face sank and rushed to stop the competition again.

If something happened to Lin Yang, he could not explain it to Huo Shangwu.

Huoao a group of people at the moment is already a look of schadenfreude.

"How can this dog die now?" Huo Ao sneers.

Don't kick him into a fool Xi Liuxiang also laughed.

"This idiot, think this is a family? Chen he didn't even dare to go up to him? Funny

"Wait for the boy to clean up."

The disciples of Shangwu school also sneered.

But at this time, Lin Yang, who was standing in his original place, suddenly opened his eyes, then his feet were a little bit, and the whole person jumped up high, and then rotated his body and kicked Chen he.

His foot is faster than Chen he, more fierce, more domineering, more powerful!

Chen he was caught off guard. He got a foot in his chest in an instant. The whole person flew backward and fell heavily on the ground. Then he spat out a mouthful of blood, his head tilted and he fainted directly.

There was no sound in the room.

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