Everyone seems to have been struck by lightning, stunned in situ, gaping, half sound can not return to God.

Chen he... Is Lin Yang kick dizzy unexpectedly?

And what happened to the kick?

Isn't that amazing?

"Is this... Am I dreaming?" Xi Liuxiang whispered.

"That... The one who fell to the ground is Chen he? Not Lin Yang? " The man next to him trembled.

Many people quickly rubbed their eyes to confirm that there was no mistake.

Chen he fell to the ground and fainted.

Lin Yang is still standing in the same place without any damage.

Huo Jianguo stopped suddenly.

As for Huoao, he was already confused and stood there like a lost soul.

I'm afraid no one would have expected that this little traditional Chinese medicine could have such a terrible strength...

the people around were in a state of uproar and discussion.

"Well, Huo Jianguo, I didn't expect that you still had one. It's interesting and interesting!" The wind fierce eye dew ferocious, spin and drink a way: "Zhang long!"

"The disciple is here!" Zhang Long's man came forward immediately.

"Let's show you a few hands. Don't let us look down upon us!" Master Fenglie sinks.

"Yes, master!"

Zhang Long's men were asked to drink heavily, and then set out to attack Lin Yang.

His moves were even sharper than Chen he. His strength and speed were extremely fierce. They were ten meters apart. He actually approached them with two strides, and then he split them with one hand, as if he could break the stone.


It makes a dull noise.

People around are breathing hard.

Fixed eyes to see, only to find that Zhang Long's strike is accurate hit on Lin Yang's body.


The disciples behind master Fenglie raised their hands and cried out with joy.

But the next second, their smile disappeared.

Because they found that Lin Yang was still motionless, and there was no pain on his face.

As if the move... Did not cause him any trouble.

Ignored by him?

The man named Zhang long was also in a daze. He was about to raise his hand again and continue to greet Lin Yang. When Lin Yang suddenly reached out, his hand was like lightning. He grabbed the man's neck in an instant, and then hit the tree next to him.


The big tree was suddenly cracked.

As for the man named Zhang long, his whole body trembled, then he fell down soft and fainted directly.


People at the scene were scared again, their faces turned white and their faces were incredible.

Another move, defeated Zhang long!

Who is this man? How could it be so powerful? When did Shangwu school have such existence?

Master Fenglie looks at Lin Yang with an incredible look.

And Huo Jianguo, Huo AO and others here are going crazy.

"How could Lin Yang be so powerful?" Xi Liuxiang asked with trembling lips.

No one could answer her confusion.

Huoao's cold sweat is wet.

He always thought that Lin Yang was a bully and wanted to get back the court, but now it seems that he was wrong...

this Lin Yang is not as simple as he thought!

If you really start with Lin Yang, I'm afraid the end will be more miserable than these people, right?

Huo Ao couldn't help shaking.

Huo Jianguo was very happy. He laughed and said to master Fenglie with a smile: "how about it? Feng lie, do you know the strength of my martial arts school now? "


Master Fenglie is very angry, and Lin Yang's performance is really unexpected. If Chen he and Zhang long can't make a move in Linyang's hands with such strength as Chen he and Zhang long, most of the other disciples will also be defeated miserably.

When did such a monster appear in Shangwu school?

"Strong wind, what's the matter? Are you empty? Didn't you just want to settle with us? Or are you going to do it yourself? " Huo Jianguo said with a faint smile, his face was full of pride.

Lin Yang really gave him a big surprise.

Master Fenglie clenched his fist, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

At this time, he can only do it by himself.

But at this time, a disciple nearby suddenly stood out.

"Master, you can't do it, or you'll only offend the worship of religion!"

"What about that?" Master Fenglie gnawed his teeth.

"Please let the disciple fight first. Although the disciple can't defeat this man, he will try his best to force some things out of this man. We still have more people than the people in Shangwu school. I don't believe that I can't kill this man!" The disciple insisted.

"Disciple... This..." master Fenglie couldn't bear to persuade him.

But the disciple had already stepped forward.

"Let's go!"

He drank loudly and rushed to Linyang."Li Xia! Come back Master Fenglie is in a hurry and is going to rush up immediately.

Li Xia's strength is not as good as Chen he's. He's looking for death!

"Hehe, I can't do more than I can!" Huo Jianguo chuckled.

People from the martial arts school are also shining.

Compared with the first two, Li Xia's method is almost unknown. He is also a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, so he dares to fight Linyang.

According to the previous situation, I am afraid he will also be Lin Yang a move Ko!

Li Xia's fist smashed over.

Lin Yang is still standing in place without moving, allowing his fist to hit.

People seem to be able to guess what happened later.

However, just then...


The fist hit Lin Yang heavily.

But see Lin Yang suddenly back two steps, then... A buttock sat on the ground.


Huo Jianguo and other people, who have vowed to do so, are dazzled.

"I lost."

Just listen to Lin Yang stand up, light said, and then all people's incredible eyes turned to Huo Jianguo's side.

Martial arts hall and the surrounding road people's brain is a blank?


How could it be!

Lose a fart!

This is clear that Lin Yang deliberately admit defeat!

He didn't want to fight at all.

"No, Lin Yang, what are you doing Huo Jianguo rushed to ask.

"Master Huo, I don't have enough strength to fight. Let other people from Shangwu school come on. I think Huo Ao is pretty good. Huo Ao, it's your turn. You are the Huo family. Shouldn't you win honor for Shangwu school?" Lin Yang said calmly.


Huo Jianguo was speechless for a moment.

Huo Ao looks pale.

But the wind strong master faintly also realized what, immediately toward the Li Xia nearby made a wink.

Li Xia immediately said to this side: "people of the martial arts school, are you all capable of this? Who else? Get out of here! Don't be a shrinking turtle

This remark made the people of Shang martial arts school pale for several times again...

"Lin Yang, you can fight clearly? Why water? You hurry up with me and clean up the Fenglie gang. Go Huo Ao is angry and shouts at Lin Yang.

"Why?" Lin Yang asked.

"You can still fight

"But I'm not from Shangwu school." Lin Yang said.

As soon as this was said, the scene was in a state of uproar www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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