It was boiling all around.

Everyone was surprised by Lin Yang's words.

"What? Are you not from Shangwu school? Huo Jianguo! What's going on? No one in your martial arts school? Did you even invite foreign aid? " Master Fenglie was overjoyed, but he still put on an angry appearance and yelled at Huo Jianguo.

"This... This..." Huo Jianguo looks ugly, I don't know how to answer.

Lin Yang didn't let him down completely.

"Well, I said, how could you have such a talent in Shangwu school? Huo Jianguo, you can do it Master Fenglie sneered.

"In that case, Huo Ao, come out! You are the descendant of Huo Shangwu. I think you are the strongest among these people. Come out and fight with me Li Xia said.

Huo Ao's face turned white.

Although Li Xia's strength is not as good as Chen he and Zhang long before him, he is still a master. Although Huo Ao is the descendant of Huo Shangwu, his talent is not good. It's OK to clean up some ordinary disciples. However, if we want to deal with Li Xia, I'm afraid that if we win, we will be very miserable.

"It's all you talk about!" Huo Ao was angry and swore at Lin Yang.

"Are you cursing me?"

Lin Yang raised his head and looked at Huo Ao quietly.

Huo Ao shivers all over his body. It seems that he realized that this man just took two moves to get rid of Chen he and Zhang long. What can he provoke?

But at the moment, all the people in the martial arts school stare at Lin Yang with resentment.

Even Huo Jianguo is the same.

"Xiao Lin, you let me down. We brought you here. You are a member of Shangwu school. What do you mean by drawing a clear line with us now? Do you want to cross the river and tear down the bridge? " Huo Jianguo drank in a deep voice, his face full of anger.

"Cross the river and tear down the bridge? I ask you, why didn't you say anything when your son framed me? If I don't have two sons, do you know what I'm going to end up with? " Lin Yang asked.

Huo Jianguo's face changed and he said in a low voice: "I'm ready to help you!"

"What do you want me to do? Do you want to help your martial arts school? No problem. Take care of your son first Lin Yang said: "if you can't manage it, let master Fenglie's Apprentice take care of it."

"You... Lin Yang! You are presumptuous! Are you trying to teach me a lesson? " Huo Jianguo was furious.

"I'm only polite to you for the sake of old Huo. Otherwise, what do you think you are in my eyes?" Lin Yang was not polite and snorted coldly.

He didn't like Huo Jianguo and his son.

Huoao didn't say anything. He was always against him and made a stumbling block to him.

As for Huo Jianguo, he covers up his son everywhere. In fact, Huo Jianguo doesn't punish Huo Ao. After all, he is a father and son. But at this time, Huo Jianguo doesn't want to restrain Huo Ao, which makes Lin Yang unhappy.

He didn't come here to get angry. Why should he swallow his anger.

Huo Jianguo almost didn't die of anger.

Master Fenglie also saw it. He said with a straight smile: "little brother, the Huo family is not kind. You must have been wronged! If you want to go up the mountain, if you don't dislike it, join us. You'd better not join them, or you'll get into a lot of coquetry

"The wind is strong! What do you mean? Are you going to dig my men? " Huo Jianguo's whole body was shivering, and his eyes were like beasts staring at the wind.

At present, his face has been completely lost, and Feng lie is still talking sarcastically. How can he stand it?

"I thought that other people are not disciples of your martial arts school. Why are you the only one? What's more, if you're sorry for others, you won't allow me to invite others here? " Master Fenglie shrugged.


Huo Jianguo was completely annoyed. He suddenly turned around and rolled up his sleeves.

"Oh, you really think I'm afraid of you!"

Fenglie master is not polite, a sneer, is also on the front.

All around the road, people's eyes lit up and clapped their hands in succession.

They waited for a long time, and finally it was Huo Jianguo who started with master Fenglie.

These two talents are real masters.

Their fight will certainly be expected by many.

It's just.

Just when the two sides are about to start...

"stop!! Stop

There was a roar.

Everyone was stunned and looked at the sound source.

People were shocked to find that the sound actually came from the side of the mountain wall!

This is on the hillside!

Who will be there?

"Stop! Stop it! You can't get down there! Stop it

"Do you really want to die? If you fall down from such a high place, you must break several bones! Stop it

"You can't run away. Stop and go back with us!"

The voice came out again.

On hearing the sound, people on the avenue retreated one after another and went online towards the cliff.

"There are people on it!"At this time, the cry came out.

On the right side of the road, there are four or five meters high on the craggy mountain wall, and several figures actually appear.

Then, one of the figures jumped down from here without thinking.


People screamed again.

Lin Yang was a little confused. He stepped back and looked up.

At this time, however, Lin Yang fell directly in front of him.


A murmur of pain came out.

Lin Yang's pupils suddenly contracted.

All the people around came around.

"It's a woman!"

"Her leg seems to have broken."

"What's going on? Who is she? "

"It's all like this. She still wants to stand up?"

People are talking.

But see that fall on the ground of the figure, a leg is full of blood, and also dishevelled, the body is a lot of thorns scrape out of the scar.

She was dishevelled and wanted to get up, but her leg was broken, so she could not stand up at all, so she could only use crawling, and wanted to climb forward a little bit.

"Who... Who can help me..." she looked at a bloody hand, and saw that she was even difficult to climb at the moment, so she could only cry weakly.

How miserable it is.

Many people have to go forward to help.

But at this time, several figures appeared on the mountain wall.

They are all religious people!

"All of you, can you help us arrest this person? She is a religious person. We need to take her down and punish her for her mistakes." One yelled at the guests below.

The guests turned pale.

Those who still want to help are stunned.

Feelings, this is a religious sinner!

After all the people around came back to God, they wanted to take the woman and send her to worship religion, so that they could get along with him.

But when one gets close to the woman first...


A fist suddenly hit the man's head.

See that person's body in the air a whirl, then heavily fell on the ground, no sound.

Four weeks of people breathing a tight, quickly looked at the fist of the master, only to find that it was Lin Yang.

Then he looked at his expressionless face to the woman lying on the ground and held her horizontally.

The woman opened her eyes and looked at Lin Yang with a sad smile.

"Am I... Dreaming..."

"no, you haven't..."

Lin Yang said painfully, his eyes almost blood red.


he yelled hoarsely.

How I wish all this was a dream... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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