It seems to be the call of Linyang, let Luo Qian that tight heart string to thoroughly relax.

She stares at the person in front of her, some fuzzy eyes, trying to see the man's face clearly.

But in the end, she closed her eyes.

I do not know is too tired or the will in the heart finally collapsed, she, can not hold on.

Lin Yang put his head on luoqian's forehead and found that she had not only a low fever, but also was very weak and physically exhausted. In addition, excessive fatigue led to overwork. Of course, all these were important...

he turned his attention to luoqian's hand.

Looking at the bloody and even some purulent hands, Lin Yang's head seems to be about to explode.

He is a doctor. He can see that the injury must have been trampled on!

What kind of grievance did Luo Qian have to become like this?

Lin Yang dare not think about it.

He was afraid.

But at the moment, anger is almost killing his mind.

He quickly pulled out a silver needle and pricked it on luoqian's arm to relieve her pain. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and gently rubbed her broken leg.

The breath overflows, relieves the intense pain when the bone breaks.

But in the end, this is a cure for the symptoms, not for the root causes.

"Master Huo, please drive up the mountain immediately. I will take my friend down the mountain for treatment." Lin Yang faces expressionless toward Huo Jianguo Road.

"Driving up the mountain? Hum, not to mention that ordinary cars can't get to the mountain, even if they can, what's your attitude? Is my Shangwu school your calling? This girl is a religious person. What do you mean to take her away? You want to die? It doesn't matter if you die. Don't implicate our Shangwu school. " Huo Jianguo said coldly.

Lin Yang did not speak.

Maybe it was a wrong decision to ask Huo Jianguo for help.

"Who is this, little brother?"

At this time, master Fenglie asked.

"She... She is my friend..." Lin Yang hesitated.

"Really... Well, life matters. I'll have a car arranged to take her to the hospital." Master Fenglie said.

"Master, what are you doing? She is a religious prisoner

The people nearby were in a hurry and said quickly.

"I know, but even if it's a prisoner, it has to be cured? The girl is so injured that she will die if she is not treated. Is it possible that religious people want a dead man to go back? " Master Fenglie frowned.

"But... This will offend the religious..." the disciple hesitated.

"Don't worry, I'll let people take good care of her. She's just receiving medical treatment. I'm not going to let her go. I'll explain it on the religious side." Master Fenglie waved: "let's get the car."

The disciples sighed and ran to the foot of the mountain.

There is a lot of sneer at Shang martial arts school.

Many people also secretly shake their heads, or look inexplicable or call it stupid.

Fenglie is totally interfering in the internal affairs of religious worship.

This is taboo for any big school.

Of course, the worship of religion will not extinguish Fenglie because of this. After all, in a sense, Fenglie is also considered from the perspective of worshipping religion, but... There are great doctors who worship religion. He sends people down the mountain. Isn't this to brush the face of religious worshippers?

Many people think so.

But in the eyes of some people, the wind strong move is very meaningful.

He is courting Lin Yang.

Although this will make the worship of religion very unpleasant, it can be large or small. The relationship between master Fenglie and religious worship can only be said to be OK, but he does not expect religious worship to look up to himself.

For him, a young and powerful genius has much more potential than a big power.

Of course, this matter has both advantages and disadvantages, and no one else has the right to interfere.

Soon, the wind strong land will drive the car over.

Lin Yang is not wordy, holding Luo Qian and then get into the car, the car immediately drove down the hill.

"Strong wind, what are you doing?"

The following religious disciples came running over and yelled furiously at the wind.

"What do you mean by taking that woman away? Are you with her? " A disciple's angry question.

"This little friend, the girl is seriously injured and needs to be treated in time. Today is your young master's happy day. If someone dies, it will be hard for anyone to explain." Master Fenglie said helplessly.

"I tell you, that bitch is our religious sinner. If she runs away, I'll see how you die!" The disciple pointed to Feng lie's nose and scolded.

"Don't be angry. I'll let my disciples look at the girl. When she gets better, I'll send her back to worship religion." Master Fenglie said with a smile.

Many people sighed.

Not because of the strong wind, but because of his attitude.The worship of religion is the worship of religion. Any disciple can scold this famous martial arts master.

We can see the horror of religious power.

"Since you have said that, well, go back with me and explain to Wen Shao yourself." The disciple said coldly.

"Little literature?" Master Fenglie was slightly stunned.

But the disciple seemed too lazy to say anything, and turned and left.

This is the end of a riot.

But for Lin Yang, this is just the beginning.

There is a hospital in the town at the foot of the mountain. Lin Yang immediately took luoqian into the emergency room for treatment.

"Sir, you can't come in at will." The doctor and nurse rushed to stop Lin Yang.

"Get out of my way, I'm Dr. Lin, President of Jiangcheng Medical Association!" Lin Yang took out the certificate directly.

The doctors were all shocked.

"Lin... Dr. Lin? Is it you? "

"My God, Doctor Lin is here!"

The news spread all over the hospital at once.

Even the head of the hospital was shocked.

But Lin Yang ignored, straight into the emergency room, for Luo Qian to deal with the wound.

And those Fenglie disciples who followed Lin Yang all showed an incredible look.

"Is he doctor Lin?"


"Come on, tell master!"

A few people tremble to say, a person shivers take out mobile phone from pocket.

And is worried about the mountain wind strong heard the news, a long sigh of relief.

He knew that he was right...

that young man was really not an ordinary person...

"Fenglie, you are so stupid. It seems that our martial arts school can't wait for you to challenge the school!" Walking beside Huo Jianguo said faintly.

There was a touch of pride in his eyes.

Obviously, he looked down on Feng lie's move in particular.

It's a stupid thing for a fool.

"Huo Jianguo, the real fool is you. You let go a giant Buddha! Ha ha... "Master Fenglie laughed.

Huo Jianguo frowned, obviously did not know its meaning, but also did not think much, only secretly hummed: "stupid to the top!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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