The treatment of luoqian didn't take Lin Yang much time.

Although she looked muddy, dishevelled and dishevelled, she was in great distress, but fortunately, it was not a major injury. The only serious injury was a broken leg and a palm was almost trampled on.

Lin Yang naturally can see what's going on.

He carefully for Luo Qian treatment, every bit of ointment daub, every silver needle fall are incomparably focused.

After a while, he was sweating profusely.

As Linyang's silver needle falls, luoqian also slowly wakes up.

Looking at the side of that dedicated man, luoqian's eyes can not help moist.

She once thought that she was dreaming, but repeatedly, she knew that it was not a dream...

"I thought... I would never see you again..." she said hoarsely, replacing her little strength with such a sentence.

"Who did it?" Lin Yang asked as he applied the needle.

Luo Qian bit the lip without blood color, did not speak.

"Who did it?" Lin Yang asked again.

"Lin Yang, you don't ask, that person... You can't provoke..." Luo Qian whispered.

"You just need to tell me who did it!" Lin Yang repeated it again and again.

Luo Qian closed his eyes and chose silence.

She knows Lin Yang's temper.

She also knows that Wenhai and the one who should break the waves can make Wenhai a guest of honor. She is not a general person. If she tells Lin Yang that Lin Yang's character will surely lead to disaster, so she won't tell Lin Yang.

But she obviously didn't understand Lin Yang's character.

He put the last needle into Luo Qian's arm, and then he said with a smile: "well, since you don't say it, we won't talk about it."

Luo Qian a Leng, looked at him suspiciously: "Lin Yang, really?"

"Of course, you can take care of yourself."

Lin Yang smile way, and then for Luo Qian to get hasty clothes, called outside two wind strong female disciples come in, change for her.

These disciples are extremely respectful, their attitude is 180 degrees, and they are obedient to Lin Yang's words.

"You two take care of her here, and I'll do you good." Lin Yang said.

"Where, where, Mr. Lin."

"You can rest assured that we will take good care of this young lady."

The two female disciples nodded and laughed in a hurry. The eyes of Lin Yang were full of worship.

Lin Yang was confused, but he didn't ask much. He turned to leave the hospital.

But when he left the ward to walk out of the door, he saw countless people in the corridor outside.

The corridor was jammed by the crowd, and there was no barrier.

Lin Yang was stunned.

"Are you Doctor Lin of Jiangcheng? Hello, I am the president of this hospital. My name is Guan Haiqing A man with gray hair and a yellow coat came over and held Lin Yang's hand excitedly.

"Hello, Dean Guan." Lin Yang nodded and looked at the corridor and asked, "what's going on?"

"Dr. Lin, they are all here for you."

"For me?"

"Yes, Dr. Lin, you don't know. Our hospital's medical conditions are limited, and we can't see many diseases well. But these patients have no money to go to a larger hospital, so they can only keep them in our hospital. But it's not a way to drag on these days. Many people have given up treatment, and even some people go back to treat themselves with earthwork, but that is undoubtedly suicide Today, when they heard that Dr. Lin was here, they came together. They heard that Dr. Lin was holding a pot to help the world. They wanted to ask Dr. Lin to treat them! " Guan said cautiously.

Lin Yang frowned as soon as he heard this: "I heard that the religious people in this mountain are also good at medical skills. Why don't you go there and treat them?"

"No use! They beat them down with sticks. "

"Religious people only look at money and power! No money, no power, no show us at all. "

Said the patients.

"We are suffering from this disease because of religious people!"

"What kind of pills and poisons they make every day, the smell of which drifts to the village at the foot of the mountain. In a few years, everyone got sick."

"We have been ruined by the worship of religion."

Everyone complained and cried.

There was a lot of mourning at the scene.

Lin Yang's face sank. He looked at the dean and said in a low voice: "didn't you react to the top?"

On hearing the sound, President Guan sighed for a long time.

"Dean Guan responded that he went more than ten times a year, but it was no use. He worshipped religion and played tricks..."

"President Guan even went to worship religion and asked them to help, but they refused. Dean Guan had a dispute with them and his leg was broken. Now his leg is not good!"There were a few more noises from the patient.

"Worshiping religion is the sect that suffers from Tiandao!"

"They are evil cults!"

"God will take care of them!"

"These white eyed wolves, blood sucking spirits, they will be punished sooner or later!"

The patients were so indignant that they wanted to rush up the mountain to fight with religious people.

But everyone knows that if they go up to make trouble, they will die miserably.

Lin Yang heard the sound, but also suddenly.

No wonder the hospital is small, but there are so many patients.

If it is true as these patients say, it is damned to worship religion.

"Dr. Lin, these are the farmers in the nearby villages. Their income is not high. Now they are seriously ill and have no money to treat them. Our hospital has been emptied. All kinds of subsidy applications can not save the fire. Dr. Lin, I heard that you are skillful. Please help them! These are human lives

Guan said excitedly, and then he was trembling to kneel down to Linyang.

Seeing this, Lin Yang immediately lifted them up.

"Dean Guan, don't do this! I promise you

"Really? Thank you, Dr. Lin! " Guan Haiqing was overjoyed.

"Thank you very much, Dr. Lin!"

"Doctor Lin, you are really a living Bodhisattva

"Thank you, Dr. Lin!"

"I kowtow to you!"

The patients fell to their knees and cried.

"Everybody, get up, get up!" Lin Yang shouts.

But it's useless.

Lin Yang took a deep breath and said to Guan Haiqing, "I'll make a phone call and ask some people to come here. These people's medical skills are very good. I'll let them sit here for three days. It's a free clinic."

"Doctor Lin, don't you do it?"

Guan Haiqing asked strangely.

"I have something urgent to do. I can't move my hand for the time being, but you can rest assured that I will cure these patients."

"Well, Doctor Lin, I believe you!" Guan Haiqing nodded.

Lin Yang took out the phone directly and called Xiong Changbai.

"Teacher!" Xiong Changbai said respectfully.

"Let Qin baisong bring a group of people to come here for consultation in the name of Xuanyi Academy."

Lin Yang explained that he hung up the phone.

He looked at the gate and suddenly said to the disciple of Fenglie.

"Go and drive for me. Let's go to chongzong mountain." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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