
Xu Zheng's face changed slightly and he was afraid.

"Don't worry, this medicine is not a poison and has no side effects on the human body. I see you panting after running such a short distance. I think you and your team are not in good health, so I can help you improve your lower body bones!" Lin Yang couldn't cry or laugh.

"I'm relieved!" Xu Zheng breathed and smiled.

"You stay in the research room all year round, lack exercise, and some things you contact also have a certain amount of damage to the human body. This pill can help you alleviate these and enhance your physique. After you eat it, you will be as strong as a cow tomorrow!" Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Dong Lin's medicine is hard to find. Thank you, Dong Lin!"

Xu Zheng was a little excited and quickly put away the small porcelain vase. Then he said, "Dong Lin, is there anything else? If not, I'll go back."

"Wait a minute, I have something to explain to you."

"What's up?"

"Let me ask you, what can destroy the hardest thing in the world."

"The hardest thing in the world?" Xu Zheng was stunned and asked, "Dong Lin, what do you mean?"

"For example, my body."

Lin Yang picked up a fruit knife next to the conference room and stabbed it directly into his chest.


Xu Zheng shouted with fear.

But the next second, the fruit knife broke directly after hitting Lin Yang's body, and Lin Yang's body was intact.

Xu Zheng was stunned.

"I cover my whole body with Qi strength, and it is constantly superimposed and integrated with the energy in my body, so that the strength of my body has reached a very high level. In martial arts, my body is called Wushen body. My body is not afraid of bullets, but the sword you developed for me can break open, but it is very hard."

"So, Doctor Lin, do you want me to develop a weapon that can easily cut equal to your physical strength?"

"No, I want you to develop a weapon that can easily cut a hundred times stronger than my body!" Lin Yang said seriously.

Xu Zheng was stunned. Xuan Er shook his head again and again and smiled bitterly: "Dong Lin! You are embarrassing me. In fact, the sharp strength of the sword depends on the materials you gave me. Without those rare materials, I can't make such a sword!"

"I will provide you with any materials you want! You must do it." Lin Yang said seriously.

Xu Zheng looked at Lin Yang in amazement. Seeing that his eyes were focused, he thought, nodded and said, "well, I'll try."

"I'll give you two days."

"Two days?"

Xu Zheng was silly and quickly waved his hand: "Dong Lin! It's impossible. It's absolutely impossible to complete it in two days! Aren't you forcing people to be difficult?"

Lin Yang took a deep breath, remained silent for a while, and whispered, "Xu Zheng, I know two days is very tight, but there is no way! If you can't do it in two days, it doesn't matter. I'm going to die, and the whole river city will be destroyed!"

"So serious?" Xu Zheng was surprised.

"The situation will only be worse than you think!"


Xu Tian frowned and thought for a while before he said, "Dong Lin, I can only do my best!"

"Whatever you need, I can meet you. Your research these two days will cost nothing! If you need anyone to help you, just ask!" Lin Yang Ningsu said.

The future of Jiangcheng can only be bet on Xu Zheng.

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